Goddessreicho said:They also noticed that the only two core characters to suffer from NEGLECT were Scott and Storm.
Aeon said:The most neglected character BY FAR was Angel. As one of the original five, he should have been given a much more prominent part, instead of his scenes just serving as bookends for the third film.
I understand why those were not reviewed, as they said, there isn't much to talk about them. But Mystique was a part of all three movies and, like it or not, became a very memorable and genuine character from this franchise.gap5ewl said:yeah mystique was amazing in the films. they actually changed her character in the comics to match the movie version she was that damn good. Nightcrawler was also amazingly done. They forgot to review kitty, jubilee, toad, sabretooth, juggernaut, callisto, arclight, quill, mystique, angel..ect and pyro
I agree to some extent the difference is that storm role got stronger as the franchise went along.....and Cyclops role decreased as the series went along...X2 Storm role was stronger than in the first movie....I disagree with storm in X3 she had more to do and the writers paid attention to her and gave her two important plots to the movie.....dealing with the cure and being headmaster....Between the first two movies Cyclops and Storm had the about the same amout of screen time....X3 was the big difference.....BoBByJoMo said:I don't get why everyone says that Storm was so neglected. Yes, she had a small role in X1, but then again, so did Jean.
In X2, Storm had an amazing scene with Nightcrawler about faith and what not. Plus, she had two great action scenes in which she saved the team (X-Jet, Dark Cerebro). In X2, her and Nightcrawler had their own subplot.
In X3, she has loads of stuff. She's in almost every scene.
Cyclops was neglected, yes, but not Storm.
I shudder to think....Goddessreicho said:See the thing is that Scott died, so of course he got the short end of anything. Yes, he winds the battle of Who Got Crapped On the Most.
But if the tables were turned and Storm died for no apparent reason, this conversation would be very different, if it would be had at all.
But yes, both characters have been neglected and ignored from the main plot. Look at it this way, if both characters hadn't survived, the story would not have changed one bit. That's how useless and unimportant they were.
gap5ewl said:storm was not card board like they said. We did get to see her feeling towards mutant rights are and such. We did get to see she had some sort of a deep relationship with the Professor. I just hate it when people come on here and just bash Halle for not doing good just because their pissed that she is the main black actress right now in hollywood. If she were giving better direction, she would be amazing as Storm she did pretty well in X1.
JustABill said:I shudder to think....
Wolverine as Headmaster.
gambitfire said:I just threw up a little bit.
Of course if a character died with no apparent people wouldn't be happy,that goes for every X-character....every character has to die for a reason.......Cyclops and X ,jean died for a reason....its superficial but it there....Goddessreicho said:But if the tables were turned and Storm died for no apparent reason, this conversation would be very different, if it would be had at all.
gambitfire said:Who's pissed about that?
Are you making bad assumptions about ppl?
What really bugs me is when ppl claim that's the reason anyone has a problem with her. Just get over it, Is it so hard to believe someone doesn't like her for her potrayal of the character and not because she's black? what a horrible card to call out on someone.
From someone who has alot of black female friends (as if that was a big deal), Stop playing that game please, it's ridiculous this day in age.
It's even more sad when it's true, but i asssure this isn't the case nor have i seen one on here where it has been.
the most famous was rattlerbrat..who was obssessed with nona gaye and wished halle was dead. i dont remember the others it was during the peak of x3.gambitfire said:ok so who are these noobs that are over here saying such things? where are they huh?
personally i'm not a big Halle fan, but it's not cuz she's black.
After all i'm a huge Queen Latifah fan.
I love the Queen she rocks!