Comics I'm CONFUSED!!!


Nov 28, 2003
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Can someone explain this to me!?

So, everything that ever happend after the Spider-Man / Mary Jane marriage in the comics has been erased???

That great Death of Harry Osborn story with Sal Buscema gone because Harry Osborn is back?

The clone saga never happened??

Every other marvel title Spider-Man has hopped into and out of and his interactions with those Marvel characters gone????

Can someone give me "explain-it-to-a-four-year-old" easy version??

It doesn't make sense. None of it does at all. Trust me, try not to rack your brain with figuring it out.

About your Harry question...Yes he's back so he never died in the first place I guess. I'm pissed off with SSM #200 meaning absolutely nothing now. The last page of that issue is (or was) one of the most touching moments in a Spider-man comic. The fact that there were no words made it that much more powerful.
Can someone explain this to me!?

So, everything that ever happend after the Spider-Man / Mary Jane marriage in the comics has been erased???

That great Death of Harry Osborn story with Sal Buscema gone because Harry Osborn is back?

The clone saga never happened??

Every other marvel title Spider-Man has hopped into and out of and his interactions with those Marvel characters gone????

Can someone give me "explain-it-to-a-four-year-old" easy version??

Well... I heard (cause there's no WAY I'm supporting this crapfest)... that the marriage never happened, but apparently some or most of the stories DID... only sans marriage license.

Yeah... seems that in this NEW reality Peter is fairly irresponsible. He and MJ have remained self-absorbed, immature, and unable to make a committment... They never married, but apparently they shacked-up (i.e. lived in sin) for years...

From hero to zero.


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