Immigrant Civil Rights Movement

Honey Vibe

Pardon, Mr. Hyde?
Dec 12, 2000
Reaction score
I am completely in support of what citizens and illegal immigrants alike are doing across America today. Their actions show how integral their presence is in American business and culture. :up:

Et toi?

If a moderator is willing to edit the poll, option 2 should read NO, illegal immigrants are not Americans, hence have no right to our benefits/opportunities.
it was suprisingly organized, normally people blow those off, but this time, even though it was a holiday in Mexico (labor day) almost no one crossed the border, there where about 10 to 15 cars in line throughtout the day, normally it's about 300 or 400 during holidays.
I actually supported the bill that was made in Congress before it went dead. Illegals who been here for 5+ years were granted citizenship, those who have been here for 2-4 years were given first priority for the citizenship process, and those who been here for less than 2 years were deported. I'm all for immigration and I do beleive that the quotas should be expanded, but please immigrants, do it legally.
hippie_hunter said:
I actually supported the bill that was made in Congress before it went dead. Illegals who been here for 5+ years were granted citizenship, those who have been here for 2-4 years were given first priority for the citizenship process, and those who been here for less than 2 years were deported. I'm all for immigration and I do beleive that the quotas should be expanded, but please immigrants, do it legally.

you have to understand that they do it illegaly because they can't afford it any other way, unless the process was free, they don't have enough money to live in Mexico and immigration is an expensive process.
you think if they had the 3,000 to 10,000 dlls it costs to get into the the US legally they'd be "thrifty" enough to rather die of thirst in the desert?
but I applaud your even-handed if somewhat uninformed stance on the issue, you're the 20% that I think will make a difference when they learn the truth of the relationship between the US and Mexico.
Please don't call this the Immigrant Civil Rights Movement. The Civil Rights Movement was about gaining rights that were due to U.S. citizens. These Immigrants aren't U.S. citizens and they have no rights.
Blade_fan1911 said:
Please don't call this the Immigrant Civil Rights Movement. The Civil Rights Movement was about gaining rights that were due to U.S. citizens. These Immigrants aren't U.S. citizens and they have no rights.

ha! yeah! screw them all, rights are for citizens all others can be trampled upon and exploited because , well, they're not citizens.:up:

I would admonish you, but you like blade and that's punishment enough.
Mr Sparkle said:
you have to understand that they do it illegaly because they can't afford it any other way, unless the process was free, they don't have enough money to live in Mexico and immigration is an expensive process.
you think if they had the 3,000 to 10,000 dlls it costs to get into the the US legally they'd be "thrifty" enough to rather die of thirst in the desert?
but I applaud your even-handed if somewhat uninformed stance on the issue, you're the 20% that I think will make a difference when they learn the truth of the relationship between the US and Mexico.

I didn't know that immigration cost that much. Why the hell does it cost that much? It shouldn't be like that.
Blade_fan1911 said:
Please don't call this the Immigrant Civil Rights Movement. The Civil Rights Movement was about gaining rights that were due to U.S. citizens. These Immigrants aren't U.S. citizens and they have no rights.

What the f**k. These are people, not animals. They deserve every right that a normal human being does.
Mr Sparkle said:
ha! yeah! screw them all, rights are for citizens all others can be trampled upon and exploited because , well, they're not citizens.:up:

I would admonish you, but you like blade and that's punishment enough.

Am i supposed to argue against your point.:confused: They aren't citizens they don't have the rights U.S. citizens have it's that simply. And to refer to this as a civil rights movement is down right idiotic.
hippie_hunter said:
What the f**k. These are people, not animals. They deserve every right that a normal human being does.

I agree with you, as long as it's done legally.
Blade_fan1911 said:
Am i supposed to argue against your point.:confused: They aren't citizens they don't have the rights U.S. citizens have it's that simply. And to refer to this as a civil rights movement is down right idiotic.

I don't see this as a civil rights movement, I see it as more of a movement for citizenship, but they do deserve f**king rights jackass.
Illegal immigrants have no say in how our government should be run. They are not citizens. The Border Patrol should drive around the protests, ask for documentation, and round them all up. Illegal immigrants protesting is the stupidest thing I have ever heard of. That is like me going to China and wanting them to change their foreign policeis...ridiculous. They should spend time trying to become a legal citizen instead of picketing in the streets. But legal immigrants are citizens and have every right to do as they please.
hippie_hunter said:
I don't see this as a civil rights movement, I see it as more of a movement for citizenship, but they do deserve f**king rights jackass.

Umm maybe you're not getting what i was trying to say.

Illegal Immigrants = not citizens
Legal Immigrants = citizens

I wasn't trying to say legal immigrants don't deserve rights, they do they are citizens.
hippie_hunter said:
I don't see this as a civil rights movement, I see it as more of a movement for citizenship, but they do deserve f**king rights jackass.
They do...but they can take the time and effort to gain those rights just like everyone else. Illegal aliens shouldn't be treated special. They are not paying income tax and using 20 billion more dollars in federal spending than they actually give through taxation.
hippie_hunter said:
I didn't know that immigration cost that much. Why the hell does it cost that much? It shouldn't be like that.

plus, ad to that the fact that Mexico and other latin-maerican countries have much tighter quotas that the rest of the world, (except for argentina) so, when you think about the fact that about 6 million of the 12 million illegals have gone to the US on student Visas and bought airplane tickets, not quite as desperate, I'm in no way taking away from their struggle, some come from really bad situations, but I have noticed that for the most part people are against Illegal immigration from Latin-americans more than Illegal immigration as a whole (Lou Dobbs, I'm looking at you)
Blade_fan1911 said:
Umm maybe you're not getting what i was trying to say.

Illegal Immigrants = not citizens
Legal Immigrants = citizens

I wasn't trying to say legal immigrants don't deserve rights, they do they are citizens.

I'm saying that illegal immigrants at the least deserve basic human rights.
hippie_hunter said:
I'm saying that illegal immigrants at the least deserve basic human rights.
Nobody is beating them and kicking them back across the border? They are detained in a jail because they are criminals and then sent back to their native country.
chaseter said:
Illegal immigrants have no say in how our government should be run. They are not citizens. The Border Patrol should drive around the protests, ask for documentation, and round them all up. Illegal immigrants protesting is the stupidest thing I have ever heard of. That is like me going to China and wanting them to change their foreign policeis...ridiculous. They should spend time trying to become a legal citizen instead of picketing in the streets. But legal immigrants are citizens and have every right to do as they please.

LOL, legal Immigrants are protesting.
it's called a day without immigrants, not a day without illegal immigrants.
and I find your comments interesting, 2 days ago, the San Diego authorities and the Guvehna of Ka-lee-fonia, voiced their disaprooval of Mexico's proposal to make drug possesion legal.

see, Americans where complaining how kids would go to Mexico and use drugs and how dangerous that was.
they where planning protests.

oh, sweet irony!
Why do non-citizens deserve the benefits citizens pay for?
chaseter said:
Nobody is beating them and kicking them back across the border? They are detained in a jail because they are criminals and then sent back to their native country.

hmmm, I have a question.

who here knows, i mean really knows what the protests are about?
Mr Sparkle said:
LOL, legal Immigrants are protesting.
it's called a day without immigrants, not a day without illegal immigrants.
and I find your comments interesting, 2 days ago, the San Diego authorities and the Guvehna of Ka-lee-fonia, voiced their disaprooval of Mexico's proposal to make drug possesion legal.

see, Americans where complaining how kids would go to Mexico and use drugs and how dangerous that was.
they where planning protests.

oh, sweet irony!
Are they sneaking over there to protest it? No, Mexican officials and other foreign nations are mad about our current immigration my posts further and deeper...they aren't shallow like some comments in here. Plus nearly all the illegal immigrants have hardly any high school education and know nothing about foreign governments. And yes...illegal immigrants are protesting as well.
Those that oppose an open door policy are usually racist. I assure you if these immigrants were German and Swedish most of these rednecks would be welcoming them in.
Mr Sparkle said:
hmmm, I have a question.

who here knows, i mean really knows what the protests are about?
Immigrants are currently protesting the way we handle and deal with immigrants and our qouta policy. They think it is difficult to get into this country and they want reform. They think that they can drop everything and protest and get their employers to shut down. It is what all protests stem from...they are pissed.

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