Independent Horror

Holly Goodhead

Jan 6, 2005
Reaction score
Lately, I've been enjoying B-horror films a lot more than regular highly commercialized horror films.
Big studios obviously care more about ticket sales than actually entertaining the audience. :down
Or crapping out remake after remake of classics (Hills Have Eyes was good though).

What "independent" horror films do you like/hate/recommend?

I recommend:

2001 Maniacs
Dead And Breakfast (America's "Shaun of the Dead")
Toolbox Murders
Venom (O-K)
High Tension
I know I'm forgetting some...

My friend was really drunk during Wolf Creek so we had to leave. Is it good? And I want to see The Man With The Screaming Brain and The Woods.
Do you like older movies? If so, basketcase 1-3 and goulies 2 and 3 are B-horror films. And not so much B-hororr, but the old hellraiser movies, well the first couple of them anyway, were pretty good.
Is dead and breakfest really good? I think i saw it on DVD saying it was america's anser to shuan of the dead. But this was a couple months ago i think. So is it out on dvd or am i mixing it up with something else?
I saw Basket Case when I was like 11. :(
All I remember is a naked man running with lots of pubic hair.

And Ghoulies made me not want to use the toilet, ever again.

Another awesome old B-horror movie is The Gate, with Stephen Dorff? Jesus Christ that movie scared the **** out of me when I was little.

Or Cat's Eye, I used to check the walls around my room for any little hole in the walls. :down
SpiderHulkThing said:
Is dead and breakfest really good? I think i saw it on DVD saying it was america's anser to shuan of the dead. But this was a couple months ago i think. So is it out on dvd or am i mixing it up with something else?

I just watched it. I'm glad I bought it. :up:
David Carradine has a small role and Portia de Rossi, my lesbian crush is in it.

Best part of the movie:
Holly Goodhead said:
I saw Basketcase when I was like 11. :(
All I remember is a naked man running with lots of pubic hair.

And Ghoulies made me not want to use the toilet, ever again.

Another awesome old B-horror movie is The Gate, with Stephen Dorff? Jesus Christ that movie scared the **** out of me when I was little.

Or Cat's Eye, I used to check the walls around my room for any little hole in the walls. :down

i feel ya on the goulies toilet thing. I saw the movie the first time when i was like 4 or 5. my parents didn't monitor anything i watched on tv. The gate was good, i remember that. I havent seen Cat's eye. I think i'll have to check it out.
SpiderHulkThing said:
i feel ya on the goulies toilet thing. I saw the movie the first time when i was like 4 or 5. my parents didn't monitor anything i watched on tv. The gate was good, i remember that. I havent seen Cat's eye. I think i'll have to check it out.

Cat's Eye had Drew Barrymore in it, and the little troll thing with the bells and crooked dagger.
SpiderHulkThing said:
do you know if its on dvd?

It is, not sure if it's categorized as horror though, but it's by Stephen King. I think it was 3 different stories in 1 movie, all linked together by a cat. And the only horror-ish part was the 3rd part with the troll.
Is Toxic Avenger considered horror? I wanna see that movie again
Dead Alive is another awesome B-horror film.
you know, i think i may have seen it. It's hard to tell. I watched so much horror stuff when i was younger that i can't remember all of what i've seen. I know that i've desensitized myself from horror unfortunatly. I just don't budge anymore. if you know of anything really good and scary, let me know.
i wouldnt say toxic avenger is really horror. i know that troma, the people who did toxic avenger, did a lot of weird horror movies though. i never saw it, but i know they made a penis monster movie. I saw a preview of it and it looked pretty ****ed up.
I bought the toxic avenger trilogy at bestbuy a few years back. I love the first one, but the other two were kind of a let down, at least comparativly.
From the yesteryears, House starring William Katt is one of my favourites. Grossly underrated.
is dead alive the movie where they guys were the glasses that show them what billboards etc. really say? by john carpenter?
Holly Goodhead said:
Lately, I've been enjoying B-horror films a lot more than regular highly commercialized horror films.
Big studios obviously care more about ticket sales than actually entertaining the audience. :down
Or crapping out remake after remake of classics (Hills Have Eyes was good though).

What "independent" horror films do you like/hate/recommend?

I recommend:

2001 Maniacs
Dead And Breakfast (America's "Shaun of the Dead")
Toolbox Murders
Venom (O-K)
High Tension
I know I'm forgetting some...

My friend was really drunk during Wolf Creek so we had to leave. Is it good? And I want to see The Man With The Screaming Brain and The Woods.

A Most of the those movies were released from big studios. High Tension- Lions Gate, I think Slither was LGF too, but I might be mistaken. although HT was just released by LGF. Venom was a Dimension film written by Kevin Williamson.

So the topic should be B-Horror not Independent. Just being picky.
What about the CLASSIC B-movies?

"The Brain From Planet Arous"? "The Brain That Wouldn't Die"? "They Saved Hitler's Brain"? "The Day the Earth Stood Still"? "This Island Earth"? "Bride of the Atom"?
punishermax said:
A Most of the those movies were released from big studios. High Tension- Lions Gate, I think Slither was LGF too, but I might be mistaken. although HT was just released by LGF. Venom was a Dimension film written by Kevin Williamson.

So the topic should be B-Horror not Independent. Just being picky.

Theyre labeled independent, but theyre not really independent, for the reason you stated. Thats why I put it in QUOTATIONS
Has anyone else seen Malevolence? It pays a pretty nice homage to some of the 80's horror flics.

Black Christmas is also one of my all time favorites and is still downright creepy. I'm not sure how the remake is going to be though.
Never seen one, lol. I 'aint big into horror, so I only see the commercialized one's.
I say "Cube".

I ALSO say: just check the original one, forget about the sequels/prequels.
Has anybody seen Def by temptation. It is about a pretty woman who has sex with men and then turns into a demon and kill them.
punishermax said:
A Most of the those movies were released from big studios. High Tension- Lions Gate, I think Slither was LGF too, but I might be mistaken. although HT was just released by LGF. Venom was a Dimension film written by Kevin Williamson.

So the topic should be B-Horror not Independent. Just being picky.
Yeah, I was about to say the same.

Holly Goodhead said:
Theyre labeled independent, bu theyre not really independent, for the reason you stated. Thats why I put it in parenthesis.

Except, those were quotation marks.
Holly Goodhead said:
Lately, I've been enjoying B-horror films a lot more than regular highly commercialized horror films.
Big studios obviously care more about ticket sales than actually entertaining the audience. :down
Or crapping out remake after remake of classics (Hills Have Eyes was good though).

What "independent" horror films do you like/hate/recommend?

I recommend:

2001 Maniacs
Dead And Breakfast (America's "Shaun of the Dead")
Toolbox Murders
Venom (O-K)
High Tension
I know I'm forgetting some...

My friend was really drunk during Wolf Creek so we had to leave. Is it good? And I want to see The Man With The Screaming Brain and The Woods.

I liked the Toolbox Murders. I got that on a recomendation. High Tension was great until the ending. My friend and I get together every other Friday and rent B horror. This week, we're getting the Toxic Avenger and we're going to see them all.

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