Indigo Prophecy- Spoiler


Shasta McNasty
Feb 16, 2003
Reaction score
I didn’t spoiler tag anything in this thread cause its an older game and I didn’t feel like tagging, so look away if you don’t want to see.

Alright, I know I’m pretty late to the party on this one, but damn this was one of the most disappointing games I’ve ever played. It started out being great fun, covering up your murder scene then getting the chance to investigate it, running and hiding from the cops, exploring rooms for clues and so forth. Not to mention the constant sense of fear and dread that some of the situations presented (I.E. waking up in Lucas’ apartment in the middle of the night with the doors open and the T.V. all snowy or Carla’s psych ward visit and her trip into the basement). That was all great, I didn’t even mind it when it got a little supernatural and Lucas was able to beat the **** out of three cops, jump on a helicopter and do a back flip on to a train. As long as they had kept up with all the other things, they could have as many over the top matrix-y action sequences as they wanted, but they didn’t, it all just degenerated into a long ass game of Simon Says, wrapped around an increasingly bull **** story.

I mean really, how the hell did Lucas or Marcus not remember that Lucas used to have visions as a kid? I know people tend to forget things about their childhood, but how would you forget about that time your brother predicted the fire in which your fat ass friend burned to death? What the hell did Lucas see when he went to the hangar as a kid? An AI virus taking form and being able to resurrect the dead? WTF.

Carla getting it on with Lucas around a bunch of hobos on a hobo bed was pretty damn gross too. I could understand if she said “Look, we may die tomorrow and I don’t want to go out without one last screw.” But she told the guy she’s only known for about a day that she loves him and needs him. Also, he’s dead and ice cold and she wants him inside her while its -45 degrees?

Sorry just needed to rant about that…
i actually enjoyed this game. the whole simom says thing did get a little annoying at times. cause it took away from the action that was going on in the game. every time you had to focus on the simon says parts.

you couldn't focus on the action as much. cause if you took your eyes off it for a second or missed a quo. than your dead. I to found it odd, that carla had sex & fell in love with lucus.

it just didn't seem right. they where only areound each other for like a day or two.
what I found most annoying was how, in the cops' storyline, they had us do things that had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with the story, like play basketball, boxing and working out...

I know they want us to feel closer to the characters but goddamn, do it in a way that helps the story and don't force some useless s#!t like that down our throats.
JackBauer said:
what I found most annoying was how, in the cops' storyline, they had us do things that had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with the story, like play basketball, boxing and working out...

I know they want us to feel closer to the characters but goddamn, do it in a way that helps the story and don't force some useless s#!t like that down our throats.

Boxing and working out were kind of a waste, they just came out of nowhere. I did like the basketball game though, nothing like taking it to a scrawny white guy. :)
I agree the boxing & workout segments where kinda dull & pontless. what got on my nerves the most was, eveytime you could be that guy cop, this crappy generic rap crap music cames on in the background.

come to think of it, the guy cop shouldn't of been in the game at all. he contributed nothing to games story at all. his segment was a waste of time.:mad:
Yah I even rejected the girlfriend at the end in hopes of him coming out to help Carla, but he just took off on me, that bastard :(
i went back & did that to, in hopes he would come & help carla. but as you stated, he does indeed take off. some parts where really hard to do. like when your in the police basment with carla & you have to find the files.

you have keep her breathing mentally stable or she'll leave the room & her life will go down. that part was hard cause you had to do like 3 to 5 things at once. another part i found iradeemable, was lucuses flashback scene, when he was a kid.

it took me forever to figure out how to climb over the fence & not get caught by those security guards. but the best part i like that i thought was the best segment out fo the whole game, when lucus thought his apartment was falling apart.

it was nuts trying to dodge his funiture that keeps flying at you.:)
Yah the apartment scene was pretty cool along with the bugs in the office.

The hardest one for me (aside from the kid levels which were pretty annoying) was when Lucas was running on the side of the building holding on to the Indigo Kid, for some reason I just kept messing it up and dying.
i actually got through that part the first time through. i heard that thiers 3 different endings to this game. i got two of them, did you get the 3rd one.???
I only got one (I rented the game) where he's sitting in a field, thinking about his child with Carla.

What's the other one?
im going to try to epxlain it the best i can, cause it was really complexed.

but: the indigo child i think died in this portal that the Oricale put her in. but it didn't say, she just vanished. then the city was dammed & covered in icw & snow.

lucas & carla hid underground with carlas baby. lucas said he could fight the orcale & the evil entity, but it woulnd't matter if did, because the world was alreay dammed. but he said that thier could be hope for carlas baby.

cause she possess some kind of gift that can kill the oracle & the evil entity. i really have to go back & watch that part again.

im just pondering whats this 3rd ending's like. its porbably the real ending. if it is, i wonder what you have to go back & do in the previous chapters to get it.
I posted about it in the Gaming Lounge. Well, the teaser site anyway.
I completely missed that. Man this is something I totally did not expect at all
I never played it but from the reviews I read way back when (game magazines :p) I decided not to get it.
If you've played Heavy Rain, that's pretty similar to how it plays. It's more of an interactive film than a traditional video game, so YMMV on how much you enjoy that. I will say, though, that the story has be experienced to actually believe. The Wiki entry on it is so weak. I've never played anything that went so bat**** insane so quickly. It goes from being a relatively simple mystery story with supernatural undertones to being about homeless kung fu Illuminati and fighting a Mayan God with the help of a woman who is the personification of the internet.
One of my favorite games of all time. I played it on PS2 around when it game out. I bought the remastered version today from Steam for 8,99 euros and the game looks good. The difference is not huge but it looks better. You can switch between the new and old graphics during gameplay by pressing F9. I play it with PS4 controller.

Here is the official site of the remaster:

How are the controls? Have they added Xbox support? Are you using your DS4 to emulate a 360 gamepad?

ETA: I just read the FAQ and looks like there is 360 support. Doesnt mention DS4 for desktop but says its compatible with the iOS version
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How are the controls? Have they added Xbox support? Are you using your DS4 to emulate a 360 gamepad?
Yes. The game thinks I'm using Xbox 360 pad. I think the controls work well and they are just like in the original game.
Yes. The game thinks I'm using Xbox 360 pad. I think the controls work well and they are just like in the original game.

thats good to know. I remember having to use some third party program to try and map the keyboard and mouse buttons to my 360 gamepad, but it simply wasnt a good setup. I played all the way till the scene in the apartment that was QTE heavy and it was impossible to get past
This game was a great experience when I played it for the first time. It surprised me how insane it became all of a sudden and ''what the hell am I playing?'' is what crossed my mind many times.

The soundtrack was killer. I had an interesting time with this game.

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