Interesting "Civil War: Fallen Son" info...

Mark Millar seems to no realize what universe hes writing for civil war.
Quoted from Mark Millar

"Cap was always a kind of smiley Superman figure in the MU,...Making him a more hardcore kind of military guy is what I always thought a super-soldier would be like. He suddenly got incredibly popular. Now Cap is seen as cool as Wolverine... What's that iconic status, how does it affect people in the country and his friends, and what does it mean to him?...Whatever your reaction to Cap's new M.O. you cant argue with the numbers...I think that by the end of it Steve should be firmly established as one of Marvel's main characters again"

I agree with Millar on that much, I like the Hardcore Cap as long as he's not turned into a total prick.
Not a prick, but I think he wants to make his attitude more like Ult Caps, except he wouldn't be a government lackey like Ult Cap, he would have Ult Caps attitude, but be Ronin. See that how Punisher won, when he got his ass beat by Cap, he made Cap realize that in a way Cap is wrong in how he does things.
Quoted from Mark Millar

"Cap was always a kind of smiley Superman figure in the MU,...Making him a more hardcore kind of military guy is what I always thought a super-soldier would be like. He suddenly got incredibly popular. Now Cap is seen as cool as Wolverine... What's that iconic status, how does it affect people in the country and his friends, and what does it mean to him?...Whatever your reaction to Cap's new M.O. you cant argue with the numbers...I think that by the end of it Steve should be firmly established as one of Marvel's main characters again"

Is he talking about CW or about Bru's run on the book? 'Cause Bru doesn't write Cap like U Cap and he's still damn interesting. Are you sure you're not quoting this out of context and he's talking about U Cap?:confused:
Not a prick, but I think he wants to make his attitude more like Ult Caps, except he wouldn't be a government lackey like Ult Cap, he would have Ult Caps attitude, but be Ronin. See that how Punisher won, when he got his ass beat by Cap, he made Cap realize that in a way Cap is wrong in how he does things.

Ultimate Caps attuide is what makes him a goverment puppet and a prick.
Is he talking about CW or about Bru's run on the book? 'Cause Bru doesn't write Cap like U Cap and he's still damn interesting. Are you sure you're not quoting this out of context and he's talking about U Cap?:confused:

NO he's talking about 616 Cap, it's entitled Civil War: The Fallout
Not a prick, but I think he wants to make his attitude more like Ult Caps, except he wouldn't be a government lackey like Ult Cap, he would have Ult Caps attitude, but be Ronin. See that how Punisher won, when he got his ass beat by Cap, he made Cap realize that in a way Cap is wrong in how he does things.

I think Bru has the perfect balanced take on Cap, he's firm and soldier like, but not a meathead like ULT Cap.
I think some one said it best..

616 Cap = Army Ranger

Ult Cap = Marine
There's always the possibility of Tony Stark.
I don't see why Logan would care that much about Stark, the only people he's close to are Steve and Fury. Maybe Pete could be the one who apparently dies, then takes the black symbiote and leads everyone to believe that he's gone, relieving some heat off his family and also taking a bit of attention away from the NA. Not to mention, he'll have the black costume, so people would be more inclined to believe it isn't him under there. I'm really just talking out of my ass.
I have no idea who it will be.
I don't see why Logan would care that much about Stark, the only people he's close to are Steve and Fury. Maybe Pete could be the one who apparently dies, then takes the black symbiote and leads everyone to believe that he's gone, relieving some heat off his family and also taking a bit of attention away from the NA. Not to mention, he'll have the black costume, so people would be more inclined to believe it isn't him under there. I'm really just talking out of my ass.
I have no idea who it will be.

That is pretty much how I feel about Cap. Cap apparently "dies", then sports the Ronin guise and leads everybody to believe that he's gone/dead, relieving some heat off of the anti-reg superhumans and also taking a bit of attention away from the NA. Not to mention, he'll have the Ronin costume, so people would be more inclined to believe it isn't him under there. I dont think it matters what costume Pete wears, people will know its Pete under there, if Cap wore his Nomad costume then I think people would have to problem figuring out that Nomad was Cap, but the Ronin guise would really throw people off.
So Cap's not dying huh? Cool beans. Couldn't be Tony though, he's in Mighty Avengers...

so I'm thinking

Denial: New Avengers?

Anger: Wolverine

Depression: Spidey

What are the other two?
I feel the opposite of you. "Cap will die" Steve will live, Bucky is not ready to step up as Captain America. Stark will somehow redeem himself, I do agree that pretty much only Rogers or Fury would cause Wolverine grief. I could see Spider-Man and most of the MU greiving for Cap, because they wont be in on the fake death, they will have no clue that he is really alive, I think Steve will be Ronin, and some speculate that not even the New Avengers will know who Ronin really is, so that would add to my theory. I dont see anybody stepping up wearing the Cap uniform anytime soon, I dont think there will be an actual Captain America until Steve believes in his Country again. USAgent will be the closest thing to Captain America in the MU, for the next year or so, IMO.

"Cap" (whomever he is) is talked after the civil war. Check out the beginning of the thread.

Cap lives, Rogers might not (temporarily).
I don't see why Logan would care that much about Stark, the only people he's close to are Steve and Fury. Maybe Pete could be the one who apparently dies, then takes the black symbiote and leads everyone to believe that he's gone, relieving some heat off his family and also taking a bit of attention away from the NA. Not to mention, he'll have the black costume, so people would be more inclined to believe it isn't him under there. I'm really just talking out of my ass.
I have no idea who it will be.

Peter Parker is in the New Avenger, and he's going to written in the Fallen Son arc.
one was captain america and the other is hush hush for now..
Civil War: Fallen Son - Wolverine
How will Wolverine react to the death of one of the most beloved characters in the MU? He ain't buyin' it! Join Logan as he tries to track down the truth and he's not going to be happy when he does! The secret story that will transverse the post Civil War landscape - and stars Marvel's most popular characters - begins here! How do people with amazing powers face a force that no one can fight? Who has fallen, and is more violence coming? With Wolverine on the scene, is there any question?

That's why... Logan only reacts to the death of 2 chars other than members of the X-Men: Rogers or Fury. Marvel's one of the most popular characters is not Fury. It's Rogers.

And I think the only dude that knows Steve Rogers whereabout is Tony Stark.

I also want Tony to "die" taking the bullet for Steve, redeeming his mistakes. But it seems the big honcho of Marvel feel that the death of Rogers would make another emotionally charged tear jerker material, while the oft-forgotten, everyman-**** Tony Stark would not. Marvel, why bother continuing the Iron Man series and make a big budget movie about him if you take a dump on the character over and over again?
Millar thinks very highly of himself lol.
I still think its Tony, even though wolverine doesn't really care about Tony, they were still teamates in the New Avengers run. Plus he knows that Tony's a sneaky creative genius, so i could picture Wolverine going " Starks dead? I dont think so, somethin stinks here." I predict that in the civil war finale, Tony asks cap to kill him because he cannot handle the stress and angst of fighting his friends anymore, cap will of course refuse and tony will fake his own death... thus explaining why part 3 of Fallen Son: Barganing stars Cap.

My only uncertainty is that part four of Fallen Son: Depression stars Peter. Would Peter really be depressed at the death of Starks? After all the man used him.
I hope it's not Fury.... He's died more times than anyone in the Marvel Universe.... and they always bring him back. Maybe we'll find that the acting Nick Fury is actually an LMD
I really don't think Logan cares about Stark, just that he'd smell a rat if he supposedly "died".
I think Pete accidentally kills someone or is made to believe he has.

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