watching blade runner last night something occured to me
in 1991 or the early 90's we have had the internet for public use and since that time we went from dial up (slow as molases) speeds to t1 and DSL these days, in another 5 years or so no one will even remember the days we didnt use the internet (or in some cases become INTERNET JUNKIES- looking at you WoW). as well as the days we used the phone lines to connect (using AOL cds and 3 1/2 floppies, who remembers these anyway).
the fact that the (current state of) internet tech is addicting to some of us and has become something we cant live without even on a base level (for news / email / etc) when it was originally intended to be a thing of privilage not neccesity (READ AS DRUG).
i guess what im saying is that in 5 years the people who grew up using the dial ups would have been the only ones to remember these days
and the kids will look at us like we are a little bonkers when we bring it up ( "back in my day...." ). we never expected it to snowball into the current state it has the world in every home has the web , and truthfully i dont think we ever saw that far ahead .
that alone makes me worry that the overdevelopment of tech might lead us into the Bladerunner-esque world, or if those who remember how Addicting TEK was depicted in the books & tvseries.
because of the easy access of the present internet , i think i visit roughly 10 sites on a weekly basis ( Shh,jab,youtube,email,google, and a few other forums) aside from that im actually bored SH**less by the convenience (de-sensythized maybe )
sorry if this sounds like a rant guys, it just worries me that we are to addicted to the Web ...
i know i cant be the only one who feels this way
in 1991 or the early 90's we have had the internet for public use and since that time we went from dial up (slow as molases) speeds to t1 and DSL these days, in another 5 years or so no one will even remember the days we didnt use the internet (or in some cases become INTERNET JUNKIES- looking at you WoW). as well as the days we used the phone lines to connect (using AOL cds and 3 1/2 floppies, who remembers these anyway).
the fact that the (current state of) internet tech is addicting to some of us and has become something we cant live without even on a base level (for news / email / etc) when it was originally intended to be a thing of privilage not neccesity (READ AS DRUG).
i guess what im saying is that in 5 years the people who grew up using the dial ups would have been the only ones to remember these days
and the kids will look at us like we are a little bonkers when we bring it up ( "back in my day...." ). we never expected it to snowball into the current state it has the world in every home has the web , and truthfully i dont think we ever saw that far ahead .
that alone makes me worry that the overdevelopment of tech might lead us into the Bladerunner-esque world, or if those who remember how Addicting TEK was depicted in the books & tvseries.
because of the easy access of the present internet , i think i visit roughly 10 sites on a weekly basis ( Shh,jab,youtube,email,google, and a few other forums) aside from that im actually bored SH**less by the convenience (de-sensythized maybe )
sorry if this sounds like a rant guys, it just worries me that we are to addicted to the Web ...
i know i cant be the only one who feels this way