Is it just me, or..?


Goddess in Residence
May 26, 2002
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:wow: Is Hillary butt ugly? God, everytime I see her she looks like her face is cracking.

Wow that's a lot of make up. She looks bad because her look isn't modern/feminine enough. Let people know you are an actual WOMAN running for office. She thinks to be a woman president you have to wear pants always too which is odd :confused:

Sad thing is, the photographer did most of the work...
She wont be wearing a tank top anytime soon she is a woman in her 50s you cant expect her to look like jessica simpson she is a woman but a tough one thats why i admire her some of you people here are so ageist how old are you?

and remember one day that will be you.
Hilary is fugly. She isn't getting my vote or my power tool .
You look at all the fugly women Bill slept with (or got sucked on) over the years, and you wonder why a man as powerful as him would stoop so low. Then you catch a glance at Hillary. Not a looker, herself.
she looks like a cross between emperor palpatine and the joker.

That's insane hahahahaha :D:D

It reminds me of when Vader takes the mask off in Jedi!
Vader had better hair. :o
good god that is an awful picture ... if does win she should have a gorilla campaign to wipe out all photos of her nastiness.
That won't leave many photos.
good god that is an awful picture ... if does win she should have a gorilla campaign to wipe out all photos of her nastiness.

Guerilla. Although it'd be much more fun if she sent out gorillas to maul those with ugly pics of her.

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