OK, since Black Panther hit, I have seen tons of articles, videos and whatnot about how Shuri is the new brains of the MCU. But does that really hold water? Just for arguments sake,where as you take Tony, he built a mobile arc reactor and the first Iron-Man suit, in a cave using scraps and spare parts, and then, with the help of his deceased father, even created a new element all on his own.most of her inventions surround the vibranium technology. Take that away from her, would she have been just as successful in her inventions,
I also wonder if any of this is going to come into play in the movie. There are so many unanswered questions. Like, how did Howard Stark get the vibranium to make Cap's shield? Howard Stark was a pretty famous figure back in his prime, someone that even T'Challa would probably be aware of, so I wonder if Howard did knowreasons T'Challa was so quick to be on Tony's side during Civil War.about Wakanda and was well respected by the leaders of Wakanda at the time (all speculation here of course), and that might be one of the
And heck, what about Thor. Him being a God of some sorts, you think he will be aware of Wakanda? I mean, the whole BP film was built up that they kept hidden all of this time, but then you got Loki and Thor being able to go in and out of highly secured and secret areas without a problem. Then let's not mention Vision..... Like I said, so many questions. Heck, what about the fact that Wakanda is supposed to be the most technically advanced nation in the world, but yet, they had to have CIA agent Ross explain to them who exactly Kilmonger is. You would think with all of their spies around the globe, they would have known exactly who he was. So, could we be seeing some plot holes with upcoming films regarding this secret country?
Well the arc reactor wasn't Tony's invention either. he just miniaturized it. Whiplashes father and Tony's father came up with the idea, remember IM2? so while vibranium was given to Shuri she found new and creative things to do with it just like tony was given the concept of the arc reactor