Is a Republic type of government working?
Is Federalism working?
I think it will work if the last question is answered by Washington.
It seems to me that this administration has an agenda, and it does not give a damn what the people want or say...So, what we have RIGHT AT THIS MOMENT, is none of the above, Republic, or Federalism....BUT, I am also not ready to call it Socialism, but I do believe that our President is a Social Democrat to the extreme that ran as a moderate/left Democrat, but is looking to "change" our government to fit his ideology even though it is obvious that the American citizen does not adhere to that ideology.
I think Obama's thinking falls into this Norman Thomas quote...
"The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism, but under the name of liberalism they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program until one day America will be a socialist nation without ever knowing how it happened."
BUT, I think this administration underestimated the amount of Americans that "maybe just recently..." but are now watching this government very closely. IMO, THIS IS THE BEST THING TO HAVE HAPPENED OUT OF THE LAST 3 YEARS....including the last year of the Bush only regret is that people were not as WATCHFUL, during Bush's Administration.....I wish our media had done their job...
Do I think that this Social Democracy pseudo Socialism in the future will work in this country? No, I think Europe is an example of that...
Do I have the answer?...well, I can say this....the answer was not Bush, and it is not Obama..... I think we are about to see an upheaval in our government, and I don't think it is going to go as smoothly as Great Britain's upheaval. It will be interesting to watch none the less, and a Political Geography teacher's dream....