It's gone. That's why that scene was so important with him flying away from Jor-El, in a sense, he was saying goodbye to his roots metaphorically.
If they went against that, to me, it would need to really be there such as Agent Coulson's death so it isn't disrupted in what happens in the first film.
Nothing is truly gone in's alien tech.....nanotech at that....self-regenerating.
It wasn't a Fortress of Solitude in the first place.
It was a ship.
He never used it as a fortress, or for solitude.
I don't think we've seen the Fortress yet. Not the real one, at least.
It wasn't a Fortress of Solitude in the first place.
It was a ship.
He never used it as a fortress, or for solitude.
I don't think we've seen the Fortress yet. Not the real one, at least.
more loose ends that needed to be tied up......I would like to see a more old school Arctic ice cavern FOS. A place where he takes the left over alien tech and wreckage from the Metropolis battle and what's left to be salvaged from the World Engine in the Indian Ocean. Make it a place not made by Kryptonian tech for Superman but made by Superman as a place for Kryptonian tech. At least that's the what it starts out as.
It wasn't a Fortress of Solitude in the first place.
It was a ship.
He never used it as a fortress, or for solitude.
I don't think we've seen the Fortress yet. Not the real one, at least.
Perhaps Superman is not the sole survivor. Not sure if this has been brought up but does anyone find it odd that the FoS ship had a sleeping chamber that was empty? One had a skeleton and the other looked like someone had awaken and left.
It could be a symbolic Fortress of Solitude. Either way it looks like by the end of the movie Superman had found another place to hang his cape.
Zack Snyder said:Instead of building his own Fortress, Clark Kent steps into the existing home market and emerges as Superman. The residents of Krypton are an advanced race, keep in mind. Their knowledge and exploration of the cosmos far surpasses our own, and when Jor-El launches his son to Earth, our planet isnt unknown to them. It is a massive craft left behind by a previous group of Kryptonian pioneers.
Now, that doesn't necessarily mean that there can't be a new one in the sequel. They can always go the classic route and have him build it in the side of a mountain in the Arctic.
i like the idea.I would like to see a more old school Arctic ice cavern FOS. A place where he takes the left over alien tech and wreckage from the Metropolis battle and what's left to be salvaged from the World Engine in the Indian Ocean. Make it a place not made by Kryptonian tech for Superman but made by Superman as a place for Kryptonian tech. At least that's the what it starts out as.
Prequel comic covered that. It was Supergirl, who was part of a team that was terraforming a new world. A murderous stowaway commandeered the ship. They fought...she stabbed him with what looked like red kryptonite...and then one of them (it didn't show which) walked out after the crash. It also showed an Eskimo family that had the S symbol painted on their little hut or whatever they are at some point they either met a living Supergirl, or at least found her body or something.
i prefer Doomsday to Supergirl.Would that mean Supergirl is Superman's great great great... grandmother?