Is this going to be exactly like the TV series?


Jun 14, 2007
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I mean, the evidence is building- with this new picture, the title, and the director saying that the original theme will be used, is this going to be just like the 80's show?

I hope not. I mean, it makes for a damn good movie, but there is a limit. :bh:

It is just going to use the best of the TV Show, (trying to find a cure whilst on the run), and the best from the comics, (Hulk's appearance and abilities and other characters like Ross).

Then there are going to be some homages to the TV Show to please all Hulk fans: comic book and TV Show.
I'm glad that they are using elements from the show, it's a nice homage to a great TV series.
castings alone should tell you no...big NO

In the TV sereis General Ross and Betty were never included. That alone tells me this isn't like the TV sereis

This will include many comic book characters the TV sereis never touched upon.

Doc Samson, Samuel Stearns AKA the Leader and EMl Blonsky AKA abomination.

I have no problem with them useing the chair, or the lonely man theame.

Ang didn't go with a gamma bomb origin either the nanomeade concept really isn't all that different from a super soildger theory.
Considering the TV show didn't have all that much Hulk stuff to it, the less "homages" we see in the new film, the better I will feel.
I don't care since the homage will originate more from Bill Bixby as Banner than the Hulk, and that's a good thing. Bixby was brilliant.
Key word: Was.

Enough with the Homage crap, anyone else want to see fresh takes on some portrayals?
Exactly, was. He's dead now. Even though some people seems to have missed it.
He passed away in the early 90's. He was the best thing on the show, but I would like to see anyone play Banner a bit closer to the repressed, meek scientist instead of average Joe that Bixby played. I thought Eric Bana was a bit to good looking at first, but at least he played the role differently.
Yes, Its the TV Show being made into the Movie. When CB fans want the CB Hulk made into a movie!
Key word: Was.

Enough with the Homage crap, anyone else want to see fresh takes on some portrayals?

Tried a fresh take in 2003 and that sucks. I bet more people are more familiar with the tv show and the cartoons that came after it than they are with the Hulk comics.

Considering the TV show didn't have all that much Hulk stuff to it, the less "homages" we see in the new film, the better I will feel.

You’re never going to get a movie where Hulk has anywhere close to the same amount of time that Banner has on the screen.


It is just going to use the best of the TV Show, (trying to find a cure whilst on the run), and the best from the comics, (Hulk's appearance and abilities and other characters like Ross).

Then there are going to be some homages to the TV Show to please all Hulk fans: comic book and TV Show.

Exactly. Not sure what all the fuss is about.

Yes, Its the TV Show being made into the Movie. When CB fans want the CB Hulk made into a movie!

Doesn’t really matter what CB fans want. They have to make a movie that will appeal to more than just fan boys. This argument comes up with every comic movie being made.
Yes, Its the TV Show being made into the Movie. When CB fans want the CB Hulk made into a movie!

No, it's not, this is a totally new movie which is borrowing elements from the TV series. You were horribly misinformed & you really need to get your facts straight.
...I think he was being sarcastic, man.

And I like that they are including elements from the tv show. It has as much of a place in the Hulk mythos as the comics. Like someone said, more people know the character from the tv show or even the 2003 movie than the comics so it's kind of a given that they'd reference such a great show.
Tried a fresh take in 2003 and that sucks. I bet more people are more familiar with the tv show and the cartoons that came after it than they are with the Hulk comics.

Yup, so your one of the people who thought the first movie sucked, go figure. And so, a tv show from the early 80's that had all of 10 minutes of Hulk in it in a good episode. And what cartoon are you referring to, the other one from the 80's that ran with Spider-man and his Amazing Friends? Because the last cartoon that was out in the mid-90's was heavily based off the comics at the time, even including the grey Hulk.

You’re never going to get a movie where Hulk has anywhere close to the same amount of time that Banner has on the screen.

I bet if we do, it will be a big hit. the first film had about 30 minutes of Hulk scenes in it. Biggest complaint myself and other Hulk fans who liked it said after seeing it?"Needed MORe Hulk".

Doesn’t really matter what CB fans want. They have to make a movie that will appeal to more than just fan boys. This argument comes up with every comic movie being made.

And funny thing is, box office wise, the more traditional and respectful to the comic source material a film is, the bigger the success.
I believe Leterrier said in an interview some time ago this film will have 50% Hulk, 50% Banner. Fair enough.
That's definitely fair enough & it should mean we'll have more Hulk scenes than in Ang Lee's movie.
That's definitely fair enough & it should mean we'll have more Hulk scenes than in Ang Lee's movie.

Why are so many angry with you and your posts? Because rather than offer real insight, you spew redundant responses made by the person before you. Mind you, I have read amost every post you have made before writing this. I dont mean to be hurtful, just constructive.

Let me help you.....take your time before writing a post...never steal a line, never try to boast. This isnt a debate, were just trying to interesting thread...something to do before we go to bed. So, heres a pencil..go think a lil bit and write something suspensful...makes some the guys on SHH wont feel so tense....towards you. Peace.:woot:
I don't care why you all act like jackasses, it's not my job to find out or care.
I don't care why you all act like jackasses, it's not my job to find out or care.
its not us who act like anything. its your pig headed replies and comments. your contuied repettive tripe that i have no ide why you bother to right it. you came on here talking crap about an issue of hulk that had him change size, and its been a down hill ride eversince.
I don't care, most of you here just act like jackasses because you can & DAMNATION is just a stalker with no type of life. I'll come back when there are more intellectual people here who don't contradict themselves & gang up on one member.
I don't care, most of you here just act like jackasses because you can & DAMNATION is just a stalker with no type of life. I'll come back when there are more intellectual people here who don't contradict themselves & gang up on one member.
thats so funny. we contradict ourselves?? take a look in the mirror. if your going, good riddence to ya. maybe we will go back to intelligent disscusion.
So Damn, What your take on the movie?
well, this wait is killing me! so far im more excited about this movie than the first. and thats saying alot as the first was a dream come true. i like evrything im hearing about the hulk in this movie, and lets face it, it the main reason i want to see it. im a bit miffed with the tv show refferences, as im not a fan at all. i think it should purley be comic based. there was a spiderman tv show, lame as, and that was not payed any tribute. abomination sound good, really want to see him, and hope thay have not changed to much. i think the cast this time is perfect. even though eric banna is a fellow aussie, and used to live around the corner from my house, he sucked balls as bruce banner. as long as the story is good, and more fast pace movie. soemthing else that i dont think has been discussed is kids will want to see this movie to. and i dont want hulk dumbed down like ff4, but i took my daughter to see the first and sh was bored as hell. and this time ill have 2 kids to take. so i hope it a quick start, an early hulk out, and a heavy rock soundtrack when hulk is smashing heads. EB, im counting down the days!

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