Mentok said:I should note this is advertising from Asia. Its not ment for America.
With no finger tips its just not practicalheypapajinx said:i just think it's a bad ad.
i mean, who cares WHAT that kid is standing in front of... that gives him no right to wear just ONE white glove.
absolutely.black_dust said:With no finger tips its just not practical
Don't you belive?LadyVader said:"I belive, music makes hope"?
Nothing in that sentence makes sense, nevermind the mispelling of "believe".
Any building that looks just like the WTC ruin? okTyrinus said:I'm not seeing why people think this is related to 9/11. That could be any demolished building.
black_dust said:Any building that looks just like the WTC ruin? ok
LOL No kidding!tzarinna said:I just wish Mentok would fix his sig.