Have any of you digitized your movie collections?


Medianoche de Sol
Mar 13, 2006
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Because 4K video is coming out and blu rays are a dying format, I'd like to digitize my entire DVD and BD movie collection. I'm getting sick of upgrading video players, and buying new versions of the same movie.

iTunes, and other companies are not giving us that option to rip our movies , so I was wondering if any of you have attempted it, and what programs are you using to do it.

Also, is there a universal format like mp3 was for audio? Is it easy to add subtitle and commentary tracks?
Nope and I'll stick with Blu-Ray. I'm not upgrading my tv/player or movies just because of 4k. I don't see BD going anywhere anytime soon.
I've never really been a big fan of "digital copies" that come with the movies I buy, anyway. I usually forget to redeem the code before it expires.
Hell, I still haven't got any blu rays yet. I'm not opposed to them, but it's cheaper to get DVDs and they're still easy to find, so I don't feel the need to go out and re-buy all of my films and TV shows just to get them on blu ray.
4k Is even a bigger gimmick than 3D TVs

Unless you are buying a 100 inch TV or projector its a waste of money for a home.
The thought has never crossed my mind. Not a bad idea though. Wouldn't mind ripping all of my DVDs, putting them on an external HD and packing the DVDs away somewhere..
I've got Beta-Max, top that!! :o Just kidding, I have dvds & blu rays, & as of now I'm perfectly fine with them.

I only have a radio in my home! It only gets 2 channels and has a big ole dial. TOP THAT! :o
Hell, I still haven't got any blu rays yet. I'm not opposed to them, but it's cheaper to get DVDs and they're still easy to find, so I don't feel the need to go out and re-buy all of my films and TV shows just to get them on blu ray.

I buy some movies on blu-ray (been building/upgrading a lot of our Disney collection, and I prefer that for stuff like Avengers and Star Trek, where I feel the HD upgrade is worth it), but I still get most comedies and stuff on dvd when I buy them.
What model or make is your time machine? :oldrazz:

What time machine? I have no idea what you're talking about..........:ninja:

I don't care for this whole 4K upgrade, as of now I've already upgraded to Bluray on my essential favorite movies that are worth it, some others I still have on DVD.
DO NOT upgrade to 4k

Unless you have a gigantic screen its worthless. A normal 42-70 inch TV is fine at 1080p at 120hz for anyones viewing pleasure.
If you're going to do that the best thing to do is just get movies from torrents. It's far far FAR faster and less of a hassle than digitizing them. You can then save the files onto a large external hard drive and play them through whatever computer or digital video player you choose (such as WD Hub) and onto your tv screen.
There's no universal format, but a good player or computer (again, like the WD Hub) will play all formats. The subs can be a bit of a hassle but Google will answer any other questions you have.
I have my whole collection digital and it is much much nicer. I no longer have a bunch of shelves full of dvds etc. Now it's all on 2 little black boxes. And I don't have to take discs in or out of the machine or worry about them getting scratched.

You could get the same effect by ripping the videos from each of you dvds but I can't even imagine how many extra hours of work that would be.
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I have my whole collection digital and it is much much nicer. I no longer have a bunch of shelves full of dvds etc. Now it's all on 2 little black boxes. And I don't have to take discs in or out of the machine or worry about them getting scratched.

Doesnt it suck though not physically having stuff though anymore? I have torrented a ton of movies but I buy the ones I love.

Got the Aliens Blu Ray set, Avengers, etc. I love having physical copies because it just feels good to see them and be able to display them.
Nope and I'll stick with Blu-Ray. I'm not upgrading my tv/player or movies just because of 4k. I don't see BD going anywhere anytime soon.

Doesnt it suck though not physically having stuff though anymore? I have torrented a ton of movies but I buy the ones I love.

Got the Aliens Blu Ray set, Avengers, etc. I love having physical copies because it just feels good to see them and be able to display them.

It's the same thing as not having CDs anymore. I'm just glad to be rid of the clutter. If I want to show off my movie collection I can just scan through the pages of movie covers that are displayed through my digital player on my big screen tv. I can't say there's anything I miss
Nope and I'll stick with Blu-Ray. I'm not upgrading my tv/player or movies just because of 4k. I don't see BD going anywhere anytime soon.

same :highfive:

i dont ever redeem the digital copies of my movies. considering i have 400+ blu rays, maybe i should sell my digital copies
4K only has two meaningful purposes. One, for computer (monitor) use, and two, you'll finally be able to take high-quality screencaps that look like actual stills for wallpaper use or whatever.

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