is your computer fan loud????

Super Flight

Jan 17, 2006
Reaction score
I have a dell xps. and the fan inside is SO Loud!! I can hear it on down stairs! its so annoying why does it have to be so noisy! i've been on many other dell computers and you cant even hear it in those!! whats up with the xps?!? is the fan for the dell xps supposed to be like this??? and the computer produces So Much Heat!! :mad:

if anyone has the same computer with the same problem, or a computer with the same problem, OR you know anything about how to fix it, i'd like to know what you have to say, thanks

Get one of them then :p silent, but deadly if it leaks :)
what does that do?? and how is it deadly if it leaks????
It's a liquid-cooling system. If it leaks your components are fried.
Kritic has one. I remember his friend was refilling the coolant, some spilled and f**ked up his audio card. Regardless, yes, coolant systems like that are not only kickass but look nice.
A guy I know built a great cooling system out of an aquarium pump and tubing. He also welded the case's frame himself. Ugliest rig I've ever seen, but absolutely sick performance.
Leto Atrides said:
A guy I know built a great cooling system out of an aquarium pump and tubing. He also welded the case's frame himself. Ugliest rig I've ever seen, but absolutely sick performance.
A guy i knew did it from a fish tank as well, he drew air in from out side to cool the water, and had it all mounted on a glass table for extra cooling :)
Super Flight said:
I have a dell xps. and the fan inside is SO Loud!! I can hear it on down stairs! its so annoying why does it have to be so noisy! i've been on many other dell computers and you cant even hear it in those!! whats up with the xps?!? is the fan for the dell xps supposed to be like this??? and the computer produces So Much Heat!! :mad:

if anyone has the same computer with the same problem, or a computer with the same problem, OR you know anything about how to fix it, i'd like to know what you have to say, thanks

since no one answered your question.. your fan should NOT be that loud, something wrong with it. If it were an old computer, all it would probably take is cleaning the fan and tightening it up. If it's a fairly new computer, I would call Dell and make them replace their defective crap.
Yeah, I'd say clean it up. It could very well just be blocked if you have it in a dusty area.
Sometimes my fan gets loud, but I just tilt the whole thing and it stops.

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