It's Clobbering Time! The Ben Grimm/ Thing moments we want to see in the MCU

Dark Raven

It's not about what you deserve...
Apr 2, 2010
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Like the Doom thread, here's one for the ever-lovable blue-eyed Thing.

What would you like to see him do in the MCU and how would you like him portrayed?

In the Keep Hope Alive thread I said:

They really need to get the Thing right. He needs the big eyebrow. None of this trying to show more of his human face so that you can see the actor's expressions. I don't want it to look like the actor.

His face needs to look like this


Or like this


Or like this


Not this:


And get his voice right too. I think he should sound a bit like Louis Armstrong with his gravelly voice which still had a teddy bearish quality to it. Or a cross between Louis Armstrong and Jimmy Durante:


I would also like him to say "What a revoltin' development" and talk about his Aunt Petunia.

Would people like to see Aunt Petunia on film? And should she be young like John Byrne made her, or old as Grimm used to make her sound whenever he spoke of her in the early issues and she was unseen?

And his brother needs to be someone he idolised and died young, not someone who beat and abused him, and said the phrase "it's clobbering time!" :doh: What a slap in the face to Jack Kirby after whom Ben Grimm's background was modelled.
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Four words: Super Hero Poker Party.
I agree with just about everything in the first post. :up:

As for Aunt Petunia, I don't think we should ever see her. We should wonder if she's even real or just someone he's made up for fun.

As for things I'd like to see, they're too numerous to mention.

He should definitely have a much more refined wit than we saw in the other films. He should be able to hold his own with Johnny so it's not like he's the straight-man.

Physically, I want to see him move with force and power and strength. He should take big, powerful strides and lunge when he punches. That was a huge disappointment of the Story films - the rubber suit make him slow and awkward and nothing like Kirby drew:




Obviously, I want to see him fight the Hulk:


And I want to see him not afraid to charge into things that he should be intimidated by - too stubborn to realize how outmatched he is:



And afraid of other things he shouldn't be:

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Agree with all of that Willie. They would be best to use Aunt Petunia like they did with Norm's unseen wife on Cheers or Maris, Niles's unseen wife on Frasier. Maybe people could try to meet her but just miss her, which would be part of the joke.

I also hope they don't give the Thing any lips like they did with the Chiklis version.

I hope they take a number of the designs from Mike Weiringo's art. I think he gave Grimm more of an overbite. Hard to believe it's already 10 years since he died.

I don't want Marvel to shy away from the really comic book roots here with the Thing. They can't be afraid to look ridiculous. Ben Grimm is the type of character who would probably wear slippers and a dressing gown. In the Imaginauts storyline, when drawn by Mike Weiringo, he wore pyjamas with little ducks on them.

He can't be a monstrous creature like FFINO tried to do with Jamie Bell. He really does need to be ever-lovable and a big softie inside with a heart of gold.
As Willie said, Ben will smack Galactus in his big ugly face. But the supernatural gives him the heebie jeebies.


One of my favorite Ben Grimm moments was from an early MTIO, in which he places an actual monetary value on the question "How can I ever repay you?". I was primarily a DC reader at the time and it was a shock seeing such a brutish, monstrous looking and crude hero.

Oh another thing he needs to talk about is his Sunday punch. They have to feature that.
Just have him yell “It’s Clobberin’ time” without it coming from a traumatic childhood and I’ll be happy.
I'm kinda hoping they don't go for the full motion capture/CGI for him this time around, didn't like how fake he looked in the 2015 FF & I wasn't a fan of how fake Korg looked in Ragnarok who is almost an identical sort of character.

I'd like to see them go the same sort of route that Suicide Squad went with Killer Croc with the practical effects dressed up with minor CG, lighting & angles. It would perhaps also help separate him a little from Kronans.

If they could make him look somewhere in between Thor's height & Korg's, but a thicker more hulking rock like physique, I'd like that.
I'm kinda hoping they don't go for the full motion capture/CGI for him this time around, didn't like how fake he looked in the 2015 FF & I wasn't a fan of how fake Korg looked in Ragnarok who is almost an identical sort of character.

I'd like to see them go the same sort of route that Suicide Squad went with Killer Croc with the practical effects dressed up with minor CG, lighting & angles. It would perhaps also help separate him a little from Kronans.

If they could make him look somewhere in between Thor's height & Korg's, but a thicker more hulking rock like physique, I'd like that.

I was a little disappointed with Korg, but I believe/hope they can do better.

The design of the 2015 Thing was absolutely, inexcusably terrible, but (as much as I hate to admit it) I actually think some elements of the animation were better than Korg, and he did at least have the appearance of a rocky creature.

But I have a hard time imagining a practical version that wouldn't have its own issues and limitations, so I think that primarily CGI is the way to go - but I do think it needs to be better than Korg and the Fant4stic version.

And I believe for a character of that importance, they'll put the effort in and do it right.
These images make me feel like it can be done - just make him look like the thing instead of this mess:

I loved the 2015 design. I thought it looked great for the most part.

If you enjoy seeing what comes out of Trank's ass and into the toilet. He looked like a turd.

I want to see Ben Grimm interact with as many heroes as possible in the MCU. He needs to be highly regarded and respected and seen as a friend by everyone just as he was in the comics.

They really need to stop giving him lips. There are no lips on the bust below:

If you enjoy seeing what comes out of Trank's ass and into the toilet. He looked like a turd.

I want to see Ben Grimm interact with as many heroes as possible in the MCU. He needs to be highly regarded and respected and seen as a friend by everyone just as he was in the comics.

They really need to stop giving him lips. There are no lips on the bust below:



Fox gives him lips, makes his mouth too small, his nose too big and his brow nearly non-existent.

Plus they gave him too many fingers, rocks sticking out everywhere at odd angles, an oddly shaped body and no pants.

Fortunately, that enables Marvel to just make him look like the Thing and he'll look much better and different than anything we've seen before.

Fox gives him lips, makes his mouth too small, his nose too big and his brow nearly non-existent.

Plus they gave him too many fingers, rocks sticking out everywhere at odd angles, an oddly shaped body and no pants.

Fortunately, that enables Marvel to just make him look like the Thing and he'll look much better and different than anything we've seen before.

He looked reminiscent of this mutated version of the Thing:

Fortunately Marvel didn't stay with that design for too long and went back to the classic look.

He needs the smooth rocks which are interlocked, kind of a bit like this:


The 2015 one had rocks sticking out everywhere, while the 2005 one looked like someone with a severe skin condition or 4th degree burns. The proper appearance is more like cracked ground.

It's like Fox weren't able to suspend disbelief enough. He's covered in rocks and has no ears, but they still felt that it would be too farfetched to give him a giant brow, no lips, fewer fingers and that he needed a human nose. He's a comic character. It would be like making Bugs Bunny a random generic rabbit instead of one that looks a very particular way.
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If you enjoy seeing what comes out of Trank's ass and into the toilet. He looked like a turd.

I want to see Ben Grimm interact with as many heroes as possible in the MCU. He needs to be highly regarded and respected and seen as a friend by everyone just as he was in the comics.

They really need to stop giving him lips. There are no lips on the bust below:


hahahaha! He's gonna look like a rock hard turd no matter what cuz that's what he looks like. Its what makes him ugly. It's not like he's designed to be a beautiful statue hahahaaha! Get real man.
Trank's design was dope and making Thing look more comic book-y is only gonna make him look more fake.

The Thing looks like a rock hard yellowish/orange piece of diseased Doo Doo and you think the lack of lips is gonna make him look better?....bahahahahahahahahahaha! Hook me up with your weed brah!
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hahahaha! He's gonna look like a rock hard turd no matter what cuz that's what he looks like. Its what makes him ugly. It's not like he's designed to be a beautiful statue hahahaaha! Get real man.
Trank's design was dope and making Thing look more comic book-y is only gonna make him look more fake.
The Thing looks like a rock hard yellowish/orange piece of diseased Doo Doo and you think the lack of lips is gonna make him look better?....bahahahahahahahahahaha! Hook me up with your weed brah!

There's so much wrong with this sentence...
Did you just wanna complain about my grammar or discuss?
I'm cool with whatever
Thing giving a short runt of a Wolverine the old "Fastball Special"...


really, anyone an everyone doing a "Fastball Special" with Wolverine would be great lol
hahahaha! He's gonna look like a rock hard turd no matter what cuz that's what he looks like. Its what makes him ugly. It's not like he's designed to be a beautiful statue hahahaaha! Get real man.
Trank's design was dope and making Thing look more comic book-y is only gonna make him look more fake.

The Thing looks like a rock hard yellowish/orange piece of diseased Doo Doo and you think the lack of lips is gonna make him look better?....bahahahahahahahahahaha! Hook me up with your weed brah!

This whole post demonstrates a complete lack of understanding of the Thing.

Trank's design was a piece of crap, just like his trash bag Doom.

But hey, at least in you we have a FFINO defender in here to entertain the rest of us. It was getting kind of boring. :pal:
ya, ya. I need to smoke what you smoke to understand what a walking piece of doo doo "LOOKS" like so where the weed at brah?
The Thing looks like this:





Not this:


To call the Trank design terrible is an understatement. It's not even close.

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