Jackman Not Interested in Playing Wolverine anymore?


Jan 4, 2006
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Hey guys, on the X4 board, they're saying that Hugh isn't interested in playing Wolverine anymore, outside of the solo movies. Is this true? I heard in an interveiw Hugh said there comes a point when as an actor, you know when you're finished playing a character and when it is no longer fullfilling. He said he hadn't reached that point yet. This was after X3 was released and talking bout future films with Wolverine.

The interview I saw can be found on rottentomatoes.com

Thanks guys.
Well, I imagine he's going to want to move on from the character someday. If they had come up with some super amazing X4 script instead of a spinoff, he'd probably be back. It's just the direction they're going in now.
I hope he is not in another X-Men team movie. Have his spin-off and be done with it. If the spin-off does well and prompts a sequel then so be it, but in X-Men team movies I think we have seen enough of him!
I think he's done wolvy long enough. Finish up this solo run and call it a day. If they do another team x-men film make it a reboot and for the love of God keep brett ratner as far away from the x-men as possible.
Well he'll eventually have to stop, but he IS making a Wolverine movie right now, so it doesn't look like he's too sick of Wolvie yet.
Well, I think X4 - if ever there is one - should have a new male lead character. Seeing as Gambit might be in Wolverine, it would have to be someone like Havok or Cable. Gerard Butler would be perfect for either of those two characters. He's got charisma, star power, and would even have made a good Wolverine.
I'd like a Batman Begins-esque reboot of the X-Men franchise somewhere down the line so I hope this is Hugh's last outing as Wolverine. He did an amazing job in X-Men and X2 and I'm sure he'll do just the same in the solo but I think the claws should be handed over to someone else after that.
My feeling is that the last three X-Men movies were the end of a trilogy. If there's to be an X-4 it will be with newer characters. I'm not sure any of the ones from the other movies will want to come back either, not to mention their asking price. And I wouldn't be surprised if "Wolverine" is part of a trilogy also.
My feeling is that the last three X-Men movies were the end of a trilogy. If there's to be an X-4 it will be with newer characters. I'm not sure any of the ones from the other movies will want to come back either, not to mention their asking price. And I wouldn't be surprised if "Wolverine" is part of a trilogy also.

I agree, X1-3 is the end of that story, if they make X4 (As another poster said keep Brett "I suck" Rattner away) it will be all new IMHO, I also agree with the idea that if successful "Wolverine" could be the start of a new trilogy which I would be very happy about, but sooner or later HJ will move on.
I agee that he'll move on. But I'd like to see him play Wolverine in one more X-Men team movie and then move on from there.
If he was so sick of wolvie why would he be trying to get in such good shape for this role? He knows what made him, I think his only concern would be not watering down the character with a ton of movies just to make a buck.

If X4 ever came about, I am sure that it would be newer mutants as they have an unlimited supply of mutants to choose from.
If he was so sick of wolvie why would he be trying to get in such good shape for this role? He knows what made him, I think his only concern would be not watering down the character with a ton of movies just to make a buck.

If X4 ever came about, I am sure that it would be newer mutants as they have an unlimited supply of mutants to choose from.

Good point, about Hugh getting in shape. But seriously, is everyone tired of seeing Wolverine in the movies. Don't get me wrong, I want to see Gambit, maybe Havok and Banshee, but I just think one more X-Men team movie with Wolvie would be fine, with Wolvie leaving at the end of the film.
Good point, about Hugh getting in shape. But seriously, is everyone tired of seeing Wolverine in the movies. Don't get me wrong, I want to see Gambit, maybe Havok and Banshee, but I just think one more X-Men team movie with Wolvie would be fine, with Wolvie leaving at the end of the film.

Wolverine is the staple X-men character although some people on this board might not like to think so. He has been in every team roster since his introduction to the team, has the longest running solo title, has appeared in every animated series, video game and has had the most action figures made of him.

I just don't see an "X-Men" film being made without Wolverine in it at all. We saw what happpened in X3, the Phoenix story from the comic was completely changed so Wolverine could have a bigger role.

In X3 if Wolverine had died or had his adamantium ripped out and retired, I think the title "the Last Stand" would have been more believable.

It's possible that Hugh might get tired of the character and move on not wanting to get type cast. Right now though I think he still enjoys playing the character and recognizes it as his biggest role to date.

I think they will keep making movies in this continuity until he gives it up then we will finally get a reboot series.
Jackman will play Wolverine in the spin-offs and then most likely retire the role. By that time, he’ll have played Wolverine for a solid decade… what more is necessary?

There is no need for an X-Men 4 just so that Jackman can play Wolverine in another “team” movie. There isn’t much need for an X-Men 4 at all. The Last Stand served its purpose. They should just start fresh.
Hey guys, on the X4 board, they're saying that Hugh isn't interested in playing Wolverine anymore, outside of the solo movies. Is this true? I heard in an interveiw Hugh said there comes a point when as an actor, you know when you're finished playing a character and when it is no longer fullfilling. He said he hadn't reached that point yet. This was after X3 was released and talking bout future films with Wolverine.

The interview I saw can be found on rottentomatoes.com

Thanks guys.
I think I know what post you're talking about. Don't worry, that was just speculation. ;)
I just hope if Wolverine becomes a hit he will consider doing another one.
After 'Wolverine' and maybe some sequels, Hugh should definitely call it quits. He's done great justice to the character all these years, so i can understand him wanting to move on at some point.
The X-MEN movies do not need Wolverine in them, he has dominated the first three to the detriment of the other characters [Cyclops!]. Let him have his solo series and keep him out of the next X-MEN:ORIGINS series.
The X-Men movies do need Wolverine just as much as they need Cyclops, Jean Grey, Storm, and Professor Xavier. They simply need to learn to use the character in moderation.
i hope hes still interested i cant imagine anyone else as wolverine
After the Wolverine & Magneto movies there doesn't need to be anymore X-Men movies at all for a while.
Jackman will play Wolverine in the spin-offs and then most likely retire the role. By that time, he’ll have played Wolverine for a solid decade… what more is necessary?

They won't "retire" the role for good. Wolvie's a HUGE draw and they'll make Wolverine movies long after Hugh, just maybe not right away.
I never said they will retire the role of Wolverine for good. I said Jackman will most likely retire from playing Wolverine. Besides, I acknowledged that the X-Men movies do need Wolverine just 3 posts above this one.
After the Wolverine & Magneto movies there doesn't need to be anymore X-Men movies at all for a while.

I agree with this, but doesnt Fox have the rights to Xmen movies and if they dont make any for 5 years they lose the rights?? I would think they would try to continue making more just to make more money.

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