James Holmes to Plead Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity

Let me tell you where you're going wrong. You were so preoccupied with whether you could create threads, you never stopped to think if you should.
Let me tell you where you're going wrong. You were so preoccupied with whether you could create threads, you never stopped to think if you should.

Why shouldn't I?
I was about to say.... I thought we had a thread about this.
Well you have 4 threads on the top of the page posted in rapid succession. Just, you know, try to space them out because it looks like you're spamming the forum with each random article you find.
I'm not trying to spam and I'm posting them cause they are interesting to me and not cause they are random But whatever!

So are you getting on topic or just posted to be a buzz kill??
Let me tell you where you're going wrong. You were so preoccupied with whether you could create threads, you never stopped to think if you should.

A little harsh, aren't we? I can't recall the number of times I started a thread and then six months or a year after it dies someone makes a new thread about an identical topic. It happens. A link to the old thread would have been enough.

As for the pile of excrement known as Jason Holmes, I don't care what happens to the puke as long as he never sees natural sunlight again for the rest of his life.

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