I cant decide between DJ and Armie, one's too tall the other is too short
DJ Cotrona definitely. He is not superman material.
Hammer. Doesnt have the look or the acting experience...
Cotrona. He's No Superman.
As much as I would hate Fratman Begins, I would hate DJ Cotrona as Supes more.
And Megan Gale is 31.
cotrona all wrong for superman. And gale is actually 32 now she just recently had birthday.
so hard to pick just one there all terriable but armie hammer guy is just an awful choice for batman and i also cant understand how people want common for gl he's an awful choice to.
IMHO, Common, Brody, and Gale are all fine for their roles. Common looks and acts like John Stewart and Brody could easily play Flash, Barry Allen or Wally West, and i think Gale looks like WW, personally.
It's the Superman and Batman actors I have problems with. If they're gonna recast Bale and Routh they should at least get guys that are good.
I thought she was turning 32 this year in August?cotrona all wrong for superman. And gale is actually 32 now she just recently had birthday.
I guess DJ just based purely on looks though. When fan boys get up and arms about height I can only sit back and lmao.