John Travolta Defends Battlefield Earth


Mar 25, 2013
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John Travolta defends the much-maligned Battlefield Earth

It has been labelled as one of the worst movies ever made and has been made fun of by everyone under the sun including How Did This Get Made? and Nostalgia Critic, but that hasn’t stopped its star John Travolta defending Battlefield Earth.

In an interview with The Daily Beast, when asked if Travolta regretted the movie he answered, “no way, are you kidding? Why would I ever regret that? I had the power to do whatever I wanted, and I chose to do a book that I thought was worthy of making into a movie. It’s a beautiful film. It’s a good movie.”

Travolta goes on to talk about about the media confused the movie with Scientology, “they did that with Phenomenon, too, and Phenomenon is really the story of Jesus Christ. It’s not Scientology! So, I have no regrets at all. And if we had to do it over again, I would still do it.”

“It was a moment where I could say, ‘I had all the power in the world and could do whatever I wanted,'” Travolta concluded. “Not a lot of people get that opportunity, and I did what I wanted to do.”

Do you agree with Travolta? Is Battlefield Earth a misunderstood movie?
I think Travolta misunderstands the definition of a "good movie".
Eh, I respect his conviction, it was something he cared about and he enjoyed making it. If he's satisfied with how it came out good for him.
This is going to not be pretty, but Zod-damnit... I got to get this off my chest.

I'm a fan of the book. No, I am not a Scientologist, or have any respect for Scientology as a religion or institution in the least. L. Ron Hubbard was most likely, a friggin' loon with good intentions that none the less, let ego, an over active creative mind, and self aggrandizement help shape his "philosphy". If you've ever read his sci fi, you'll understand why as a founder of a religion, Hubbard makes a good sci fi author. That being put out there... BATTLEFIELD EARTH, the book is actually really fun, readable and just a great throwback, Buck Rogers/Flash Gordon type of old school Sci Fi and it's a shame that the film reaches for none of that type of adventure and gee whiz spirit. The film is dismal in getting across the fun, epic and adventurous tone the book has. It's just a great page turner of a read. I was actually very disappointed with the actual product put out. Mark my words: Just by dint of the level of penetration Scientologists have in the film industry, some day a brilliant adaptation of BATTLEFIELD EARTH will be done as either a mini-series or as feature film series.
John should just come to gripe with the fact that Battlefield Earth is a lousy movie, and leave it at that. By trying to argue that it is actually a good movie many years after the movie came out just makes him seemed like a tool.
Scientologist's are known to be liars, to outside world and to themselves. Phenomenon is obviously more about scientology then "jesus christ". And John can try to convince himself that Battlefield earth is a good movie, but that only makes it true for him, as scientologist's say. Sorry that he is a tool for that *****ed up cult.
Hey why the hell not? Travolta was clearly having lots of fun during the film, and I was having lots of fun watching it, maybe not in the intended way, but I was still having fun.
BATTLEFIELD EARTH, the book is actually really fun, readable and just a great throwback, Buck Rogers/Flash Gordon type of old school Sci Fi and it's a shame that the film reaches for none of that type of adventure and gee whiz spirit.

I'm going to read it some day. Probably buy it used/check the library. Don't want my money to end up in the hands of the scary scientologists.
"While you were still learning how to SPELL YOUR NAME!!!!! I....was being trained......TO CONQUER GALAXIES!!!!"

the movie is still a guilty pleasure of mine :D
I liked "Phenomenon" but the less said about "Battlefield Earth" the better.
I wonder when Travolta will direct "The Greatest Man In the Entire Universe: The L. Ron Hubbard Story", written by John Travolta, starring John Travolta as L. Ron Hubbard.
Won't he and Tom Cruise have to fight to the death for that honor though?
Yes, a duel to the death with lightsabers. Tom Cruise will probably win, just watch the documentaries called "Mission Impossible 1-4"
Why would I have a problem with this. I think that Battlefield Earth sucked. But Travolta clearly enjoyed making it and he likes it. Good for him, he's entitled to that opinion. Honestly the people who are insulting/mocking him are the ones that end up looking bad here, not him.
Travolta also said that Stallone is one of the best directors he's ever worked with, with the masterpiece..'Staying Alive'. (Which freaks me out that it's a Saturday Night Fever sequel)
Why would I have a problem with this. I think that Battlefield Earth sucked. But Travolta clearly enjoyed making it and he likes it. Good for him, he's entitled to that opinion. Honestly the people who are insulting/mocking him are the ones that end up looking bad here, not him.


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