Joker Goon Masks


Are You Watching Closely?
Jun 23, 2007
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Let's see if anyone can help me out on this one.

I have seen many pictures on the net and at of people wearing exact replicas of the clown masks used during the bank heist sequence in TDK. Where the heck are people getting these!?!?! If anyone has any info, it would be much appreciated...

I think they were given away at Comic Con.

yeah. i'm almost positive that they were given to the first group of WSS people, along with a joker card.
I was there, it was one of the prizes for people on the ground. I got the 'happy' mask!:yay:

Some people managed to get two, which still confuses me though.
Oh, and they aren't exact replicas, they don't have the ears, which would have been awesome, but y'know, still very cool anyway. I remember about three varieties; red eyes, happy, blue cross eyes.
yeah they were prizes at SDCC...lucky bastards that attended got em
yea got three different ones. and four different joker cards



the fourth one my cousin has. That one is the most badass. i think its the one from the teaser
I didn't give a pciture to Joker. But in July when hearing about them, I went on Ebay and got mine. I got 'Red Eyes' as Spidey-Sean said. I like the 'Happy' one best, but I lost to get that one. :csad: Though this one is good too. :D Even though it fits well, the eyes are a bit too far apart, so it make my eyes look strange. But it's for the best to make me seem crazy. :joker: I hope the sell props like they did for Spider-Man 3. That way some of us could maybe get the real masks. Joker said talk a lot about puppy dog eyes, for some reason in the clues. :ninja: Hmm?
Awesome!! Thanks for the info guys (I am very jealous... though I suppose I shouldn't be after the summer I had in Chicago :whatever: ).
I guess I never realized that was the prize for SDCC. Very cool anyway.... I am hopoing that we get something cool from (they did ask for an address, so I am hoping they send something along in the mail... like a poster :woot: ).
yea got three different ones. and four different joker cards



the fourth one my cousin has. That one is the most badass. i think its the one from the teaser

Awesome... thanks for the scans!

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