Kathryn Bigelow’s 'Zero Dark Thirty'

Whiskey Tango

Jun 29, 2007
Reaction score
Starting another thread because something weird happened to the old one.

Release Date: December 19th, 2012

Zero Dark Thirty is an upcoming 2012 American action thriller directed and co-produced by Kathryn Bigelow with screenplay by Mark Boal, both associated with The Hurt Locker, another military action thriller that won the Academy Award for Best Picture and five other Oscars in 2009. Billed as "the story of history's greatest manhunt for the world's most dangerous man," the film chronicles American efforts to capture or kill Osama bin Laden. It stars Jessica Chastain, Jason Clarke, Chris Pratt, Kyle Chandler, Édgar Ramírez, Joel Edgerton, Ricky Sekhon and Mark Strong.


trailer #2:

So far it seems to be generating a fair amount of critical acclaim

In recent days, numerous organizations — including the New York Film Critics Circle, the National Board of Review, the Boston Society of Film Critics and, Monday, the Washington Area Film Critics Association (of which this writer is a member) — have all selected Kathryn Bigelow’s follow-up to “The Hurt Locker” as the best film of 2012. So did David Edelstein at New York Magazine, Ann Hornaday of The Washington Post and Lisa Schwarzbaum of Entertainment Weekly.

it's also at 100% Fresh at Rotten Tomatoes with 26 reviews in at the moment.

Who's planning to see this?
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Thanks to these reviews I certainly am. The trailers were pretty bland especially the teaser.
Being a huge Metallica fan, that rendition of Nothing Else Matters was haunting as hell. Great trailer.
After 35 reviews its sitting at 97% on RT. But that 8.9 score certainly pops out at you.
Yeah its only rotten review so far comes from the Christian Science Monitor. The reviewer was uncomfortable with what they felt was an amoral presentation of the torture, not immoral but amoral. They felt the film should have taken more of a stance on the methods' acceptability. I've heard other praise the film for basically that same aspect. To each their own I guess.
Am I the only one who's kind of uncomfortable with the fact that this film has a videogame tie in?
Am I the only one who's kind of uncomfortable with the fact that this film has a videogame tie in?

It doesn't really. It just has a few maps based on the movie. Huge huge difference
That's still just weird to me for a film like this to have ancillary marketing like that.
It is wierd but its for a terrible game that noone plays so

You heard it!

i saw the movie in NY twice last night...Seriously, this film blew my mind. It's CIA heavy and the investigative aspect and the obsessive manhunt is so compelling. The story and acting you can tell had so much effort and dedication put behind it. The directing is top notch and deserves another oscar for Kathryn and is def up there with Ang Lee.

I have not seen a better film in 2012...I was blown away. It had a feel like Homeland and a mixture of other CIA films...The interrogation scenes are hard to watch, but the last 30 minutes are like straight out of a Call of Duty Map on hardcore level.

So intense, left people in the audience in overwhelming mood when it ended

My video review! Warning...I interrogate the bee from Bee Movie at the beginning...

It's a superb film. I don't think it condones torture, but it shows it as part of the War on Terror. It also does not show the detainee breaking until they use other tactics.

I do not know if it is historically accurate, but it encapsulates the War on Terror in a very powerful way.
It's a superb film. I don't think it condones torture, but it shows it as part of the War on Terror. It also does not show the detainee breaking until they use other tactics.

I do not know if it is historically accurate, but it encapsulates the War on Terror in a very powerful way.

exactly...[blackout] a little bit of food and kindness after the torture made them talk[/blackout]
I oppose torture. It is morally repugnant, but if as it was used during this era the movie is so methodically chronicling, I see why it is in the movie. Though, if it wasn't used on this particular detainee, I can see why some are in an uproar. I just do not know.
Best quote of the year in a film:

[blackout] I'm the mother****er that found the house [/blackout]
Loved Hurt Locker, can't wait to see this. I've been hearing great things about it.
Too bad its only getting a minimal release to qualify for the Oscars. I hope they expand a bit more before going wide next year.
Best quote of the year in a film:

[blackout] I'm the mother****er that found the house [/blackout]

Has to be in the top 5 for 2012. Executed with subtlety but conviction but equally hilarious.
Ramirez was fine but didn't have all that much to work with...same goes for Edgerton but he definitely sold his role! If you hadn't known him before, you'd think he was a legit NAVY SEAL.
Ramirez was fine but didn't have all that much to work with...same goes for Edgerton but he definitely sold his role! If you hadn't known him before, you'd think he was a legit NAVY SEAL.

Yeah, I figured Ramirez got a minor role. Shame, I really wanted to see him shine in this. I heard he got a few minutes worth of material. Glad to hear Edgerton got his opportunity though. :up:
Ramirez was fine but didn't have all that much to work with...same goes for Edgerton but he definitely sold his role! If you hadn't known him before, you'd think he was a legit NAVY SEAL.

Whered you see the film? Times Square?

And yes the biggest actors had the smaller roles....But a guy like Jason Clarke got a big role.

Btw, Michael from LOST is the film...Apparently still looking for Walt at the CIA

You heard it!

i saw the movie in NY twice last night...Seriously, this film blew my mind. It's CIA heavy and the investigative aspect and the obsessive manhunt is so compelling. The story and acting you can tell had so much effort and dedication put behind it. The directing is top notch and deserves another oscar for Kathryn and is def up there with Ang Lee.

I have not seen a better film in 2012...I was blown away. It had a feel like Homeland and a mixture of other CIA films...The interrogation scenes are hard to watch, but the last 30 minutes are like straight out of a Call of Duty Map on hardcore level.

So intense, left people in the audience in overwhelming mood when it ended


I don't think Zero Dark Thirty gets a wide U.S. release until mid January. I'm ready for it now!

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