I think Bane beating Batman in his cave was an awesomely ballsy move for the character, and I loved just how much it demonstrated that Bane had completely defeated his opponent. The trap in TDKR makes sense as an approach to a canny and tech reliant older Batman, since he's mostly just outfought in that version.
The comic where Bane drags the crippled Batman out, announces his win, then drops Batman into the crowd was a pretty memorable moment. I'd love to see something like that moment, perhaps with Batman's allies desperately racing to secure him before anyone else and maybe being caught by Bane before they can, only for him to release them because he wants a challenge.
That is one big thing I think they could refocus on in the next retelling: Bane's motivation and reasons for not killing Batman. TDKR supplied reason for their version, so let's see something different. Perhaps they can just exaggerate Bane's drive to be the best into a hyper competitiveness to explain both why Bane seeks guys like Batman and Ra's out, and why he doesn't just immediately kill them. He hears about Batman from inside Pena Duro, maybe even from a prisoner who's still more scared of the Bat then of him, and decides that Batman is the best possible "champion" to target, and leaves him alive afterward just to see if he could, somehow, come back as a challenge.
So if you're a worthy opponent, Bane might not kill you. If you don't meet his standards, you're dead meat.