Kryptonian Tech that was cool or overlooked?


Jun 20, 2013
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Was there any Kryptonian tech in the movie that you thought was really cool, underutilized, overlooked, etc.?

For me: Kal's dream sequence on the Black Zero showed the Kryptonians have dream hijacking technology ala Inception. I thought this was really cool, though easy to overlook. They used extraction against Lois to find Clark's ship, maybe someone should have tried to pull an inception on Clark?
I loved how the robot in the "fortress" wasn't as technologically advanced as Kellor and Kellex, seen as though it was thousands of years old I really appreciated that aspect.
I thought Lois' laser gun was pretty cool.
I loved how the robot in the "fortress" wasn't as technologically advanced as Kellor and Kellex, seen as though it was thousands of years old I really appreciated that aspect.

That's a cool point, I actually didn't catch. Any idea why that robot attacked clark before he inserted Jor-El's command key? Since the fortress is actually Kara's ship, I never really understood why this happened.
That's a cool point, I actually didn't catch. Any idea why that robot attacked clark before he inserted Jor-El's command key? Since the fortress is actually Kara's ship, I never really understood why this happened.

Maybe it recognised him due to the fact he was the one that inserted the key, saying that I'm not sure it would have attacked Lois had she not taken a picture. I believe it felt the camera was a threat.
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Loved how the beads (bubbles?) would form moving pictures and video displays.
That's a cool point, I actually didn't catch. Any idea why that robot attacked clark before he inserted Jor-El's command key? Since the fortress is actually Kara's ship, I never really understood why this happened.
because by inserting the key, it will reprogram the ship; "jor-el" will be downloaded and take charge of the ship.
I loved the "liquid metal" technology.
And the servant robots were just awesome.
Little touches like that went a long way.
the armor of the Kryptonians, admittedly I did say during when JOR-EL suits up in the audience "I Am JOR-EL!!"
I loved the "liquid metal" technology.
And the servant robots were just awesome.
Little touches like that went a long way.
ya. it is like our loyalty friend, dog. :)
hope Kal will have one in the sequel.
The sequence of Kal's pod levitating towards his spaceshipe right before takeoff was epic.

I think the Jor-El bonding the codex to his infant son at a sub-atomic level may be the single greatest technological achievement in the movie. Definitely overlooked. Notice how Zod was completely surprised to find the codex where he did, bonded to the cells of Superman.

The extra-sensory masks were really cool.

I love the scene of zod and co. being taken into the Phantom zone. Very intricate. The tendrils full of electricity slowly envelop Black Zero, sending to another dimension.

Also overlooked is the way Kryptonians freeze their criminals. Good to see they still incorporated crystals into Kryptonian tech.

Love the scene of Jor-el explaining to Clark Kryptons history using that liquid alloy that composes alot of Kryptonian tech. When the key with the S symbol Was created for the first time, I nearly screamed aloud, " **** yeah!"

There are many more but I cant think of them all right now.
I like the age of space exploration they showed in the prequel comic. It was just a really cool idea, and I think it shows why Zod and co. couldn't just terraform any planet. Their predecessors tried, but not every planet can become self-sufficient, so they were eventually abandoned.
The World Engine:o
Loved the implementation of the giant tentacles as a sort of automated defense mechanism.

Also the whole terraforming thing.
Calling it "terraforming" in the movie might have been a poor choice ([...]hypothetical process of deliberately modifying [a planet's] atmosphere, temperature, surface topography or ecology[...]) but the concept of somehow gradually increasing Earth's gravity by basically shooting a massive beam of "phantom energy" through the planet from two opposite points on Earth's surface (Metropolis and Indian ocean) was presented and conveyed in a surprisingly believable manner.
Actually, I would rank that as one of the key aspects that makes MoS also a fairly good Sci-Fi flick.
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I like the age of space exploration they showed in the prequel comic. It was just a really cool idea, and I think it shows why Zod and co. couldn't just terraform any planet. Their predecessors tried, but not every planet can become self-sufficient, so they were eventually abandoned.
that should be the way. no many planets can be terraformed and sustain life.
Snyder told Empire that the Krypton opening was initially going to be even larger:

"The first draft actually had more even on Krypton. The destruction of Krypton was crazy and we linearised that because it was like the birth and then all of these flashbacks within flashbacks and the timing of Zod’s approach. There was a bigger battle that I had designed on the landing platform and we shot some of it, but for budgetary reasons it got smaller and smaller and then it got to the point where I was just like, 'Let's just have the battle inside.'"

"Jor-El has this robot called Kelex [voiced by Carla Gugino] and there is this scene where Kelex dons a robotic body and he battles it out with Zod on the landing platform. We had it so Zod had this pack of genetically-engineered war dogs that ran ahead, and Jor-El and Kelex were fighting the war dogs and finally Kelex takes these detonation explosives out of his robotic body and arms them, turning to Jor-El and saying 'Get the kid off the planet!', basically. Kelex says, 'I’m gonna try and hold them off', and then runs and dives and blows himself up. That makes Zod really mad, and then he lands and Zod goes in and the two fight."

That actually might have been a little too much.
The transport ships that they used to and from the black zero were cool. I was thinking "holy c**p, imagine the g's they're pulling taking off that damn fast"
The transport ships that they used to and from the black zero were cool. I was thinking "holy c**p, imagine the g's they're pulling taking off that damn fast"

I thought the same thing. I wonder if the harsher conditions on Krypton make Kryptonians more resilient against g-force. **not a physics guy, just wondering**
The transport ships that they used to and from the black zero were cool. I was thinking "holy c**p, imagine the g's they're pulling taking off that damn fast"
Love to see the concept art for the Kryptonian ship designs.
I mentioned it in the "little things' thread but I was thrilled to see the Byrne era Kryptonian battle suit that was in the shot when Zod was telling Superman about salvaging what they could from the other colonized planets. I would have loved to have seen it in action.
It was interesting how the stagnation of Kryptionian society was shown through their tech too. Not much seems to have changed technologically between the age of exploration shown in the prequel comic and the last days of Krypton. Their automatons were more advanced (Kelex compared to the robot that attacked Lois), and I don't think they had phantom drives in the prequel comic either, but many other things were pretty much the same: the genesis chambers, command keys used to control their ships, etc. Basically over a span of 18,000 years, they achieved very little on a scientific front.

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