Last Temptation of Christ

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No Limits
Jul 18, 2004
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I just saw this movie for the first time and thought it was wonderful. Even as someone who's not particularly religious I found the movie and presentation fascinating. Scorsese actually takes one of the oldest, most well-known stories in western society and makes it feel fresh and alive. Plus...ya know...Bowie.
Thoughts, critcisms, what ever else, post' em here.
Controversy aside, I think THE LAST TEMPTATION OF THE CHRIST is just an bad movie. One of Scorcese's worst. Awkwardly written, directed, and acted.
I just saw this movie for the first time and thought it was wonderful. Even as someone who's not particularly religious I found the movie and presentation fascinating. Scorsese actually takes one of the oldest, most well-known stories in western society and makes it feel fresh and alive. Plus...ya know...Bowie.
Thoughts, critcisms, what ever else, post' em here.

It's probably because you weren't religious you were able to enjoy it. My dad as well as other religious people did not like that movie to put it nicely.
im religious, some what but if its a good movie then i would watch it, i know its old and i had been wanting to watch it for some time but always forget too
It's probably because you weren't religious you were able to enjoy it. My dad as well as other religious people did not like that movie to put it nicely.

i know a lot of christians feel the movie is blasphemous, but i don't know, i grew up in a christian home and all that. the only thing the movie says is that Christ's biggest temptation was to live as a human, to grow old, have children, and to love. i don't see what's so horrible about that. he is supposed to be fully human as well as fully divine, so why wouldn't he want those things?
I loved it. Scorsese did a great job of showing a Christ who struggled with his human and God side.
i know a lot of christians feel the movie is blasphemous, but i don't know, i grew up in a christian home and all that. the only thing the movie says is that Christ's biggest temptation was to live as a human, to grow old, have children, and to love. i don't see what's so horrible about that. he is supposed to be fully human as well as fully divine, so why wouldn't he want those things?
The most problematic thing for Christians about LAST TEMPTATION's view of Jesus is that this Jesus is able to sin, rather than the sinless, perfect Jesus that the Bible and historical Christianity has upheld. The Biblical Jesus was indeed tempted, but he was not sinful, and Scorcese's Jesus actually demonstrates sin. That's very problematic.

But the movie doesn't claim to be portraying the Biblical Jesus (it claims to be fictional with an opening text), I don't know that levying that against it is necessarily the right way to go. My problem with the movie is that it simply doesn't work very well.
The most problematic thing for Christians about LAST TEMPTATION's view of Jesus is that this Jesus is able to sin, rather than the sinless, perfect Jesus that the Bible and historical Christianity has upheld. The Biblical Jesus was indeed tempted, but he was not sinful, and Scorcese's Jesus actually demonstrates sin. That's very problematic.

But the movie doesn't claim to be portraying the Biblical Jesus (it claims to be fictional with an opening text), I don't know that levying that against it is necessarily the right way to go. My problem with the movie is that it simply doesn't work very well.

i can understand your point, Agentsands, the movie was made for a super low budget and on a very quick schedule, so it's not the most keenly crafted piece. i really like Dafoe's performance, though, i think he did a great job with it.
I've only heard about this movie from when chris farrelly interviewed Scorcese

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