Days of Future Past Legion (Charle's son) focus of DOFP and Wolverine time frame is setting of the film

Mr. Dent

Aug 8, 2012
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So I was thinking over how they would adapt this to film, so I started looking around. First of all, as we all know, Wolverine takes place after all of the previous films. What I haven't seen people really mention or catch on to is that we don't know how much time has past since those previous films. I think when they said that everyone just assumed it would only be a little while after the end of Last Stand, but what if it's a pretty significant jump into the future? We know Wolvering doesn't age, or at least ages very slowly, so even if the movie takes place 10 or 20 years after Last Stand it wouldn't matter, and being a standalone film unrelated to the outside mutant world we'd never know the difference. Now, keeping that in mind, Mark Millar has said that they want Wolverine to act as a launching pad for their future films similar to what Iron Man did for Marvel Studios.

Millar: But the thing is, I felt like ’Iron Man’ was really the beginning of something for the Marvel Studios movies, and ‘The Wolverine’ will be a similar starting point to build a lot off of for the Fox movies.
That's a very peculiar way to describe the film. If you don't know, there's certain phrases and lines that companies use to describe their products, and Millar stating that Wolvering will be for Fox what IM was to Marvel is very telling. I don't think he's talking about in terms of BO success, but actual setting up of the plot. That of course got me thinking how could Wolverine, a film they've described as standalone before and by all accounts should be given what we know about it, set up a new Fox Marvel Universe? That's when I thought about that time gap, if Wolverine were to take place 10-20 years after Last Stand, that would put it in the perfect position to be the setting timeline wise for the future of DOFP. I can see Fox setting it up where Wolverine finds a group of mutants at the end of the film in a post-credit sequence which sets up DOFP for the next year.

As a little side note, I also find it rather interesting that both The Wolverine and DOFP are both based on stories by Chris Claremont that were written in within the same timeframe of 1981-82.

Now, onto Legion. We know that there has to be a time travler for DOFP to work. It wouldn't make sense for someone from FC to travel through time since, well, how would they know about the dystopian future? Furthermore, it wouldn't make sense for either of the two main characters of FC to be the time travelers since Charles is in a wheelchair and why would you have the villain be the protagonist? So the time travler has to come from the future. So who would it be is the question? Would they stick with Kitty Pride like the comics? My answer on that is no because she's just not that relevant to the movie series. Sure, she's been in all the previous films, but most people won't know who the hell she is and she just wouldn't have a big impact on the film as a character. She'd be a weak protag for this film series. So, that got me thinking Wolverine. I also ruled that out because why would they make Wolverine the protagonist of one of the main X-Men films again after proving with FC they can make a successful X-Men film without him being the focus, and he just had his own standalone film the year prior?

So, with those two candidates out, I suddenly remembered Legion, and he makes a lot of sense on several different levels. First of all, unlike Kitty Pride, he'd be relevant to the film series as Charle's son. Professor X has been sort of the anchor to this entire film series behind Wolverine, so having his son as the time travler would fit the film quite nicely from the perspective of how to stay true to the themes of the series. Also as a result of that, Legion would involve the rest of the cast from FC on a personel level that neither Wolverine nor Kitty could match.

Basically, Legion provides a character from the future that can act as an emotional anchor to the characters from the past and is relevant to the overall story arcs of the films while not seeming redundant or being dead, like Jean, Cyclops, and Professor X. Finally, it would explain why Legion got his own comic in the form of X-Men Legacy last month. I was wondering why Marvel would randomly give Legion his own title out of nowhere, but this explain perfectly.

And also, keeping with that Chris Claremont theme I mentioned earlier, Legion was also created by Chris Claremont!

So, what do you guys think?
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I love theories and I would looooove to see Legion in this movie. I just don't see FOX (especially Bryan) bringing in too many characters that complicate the plot. Plus, Xavier seems to be childless in the trilogy no mention of him at all.

Even Juggarnaut wasn't related to Charles. Those believing Singer & Co. will venture anywhere near Comicbook storylines will be once again proven wrong. Singer & Fox have ventured pretty far away from any Comicbooky scenarios in these films.

They take plot points and elements then twist them until they are bled dry and are only shells. Alan Ball does the exactly the same thing with True Blood as does Showtime's Dexter.
I love theories and I would looooove to see Legion in this movie. I just don't see FOX (especially Bryan) bringing in too many characters that complicate the plot. Plus, Xavier seems to be childless in the trilogy no mention of him at all.

Even Juggarnaut wasn't related to Charles. Those believing Singer & Co. will venture anywhere near Comicbook storylines will be once again proven wrong. Singer & Fox have ventured pretty far away from any Comicbooky scenarios in these films.

They take plot points and elements then twist them until they are bled dry and are only shells. Alan Ball does the exactly the same thing with True Blood as does Showtime's Dexter.
Having Legion be the time travler would actually perfectly match what they've done with the stories in the past and even more in line with what they've done with FC and are doing with The Wolverine. With FC they took the idea of the first group of X-Men from the comics and applied it to their film series to great effect. It wasn't a direct adaptation but it was still in the spirit of X-Men, dealing with the first Brotherhood (in the form of the Hellfire Club!, how's that for an adaptation) and the beginning of the government/society vs mutants dynamic. They take the baseline story elements from a comic arc, and threw different elements from the mythos to create their own product. Call it the David Goyer model of adaptation if you will lol. With The Wolverine they appear to be doing the same thing. So like I said, Legion as the time travler would be almost too perfect. And Charles, as we saw, was a wild man back in the day it wouldn't surprising if he had a son and didn't know about it...

OH. Another possibility is that they could use Quicksilver, Magneto's son. This could possibly make even more sense as Singer has said in the past he really wants to use Quicksilver and Magneto's libido would have been active far longer than Charles'. Hell, maybe they'll introduce both as the time travelers and they'll have a relationship similar to Charles and Magneto's from FC.
Legion is a possibility, especially when you consider the comic book story where he travels back in time to kill Magneto.

It's just the fact that Xavier has a son that would need dealing with, as it's never been addressed in the trilogy before.
Legion is someone that I don't imagine being in the movies even though Bryan Singer has mentioned the character in the past.

The new characters for this movie are definitely the most intriguing part of this movie.
Legion would be neat.
I think a great opening would be begin with the DNA sequence like in X1 and two only we slowly discover this isn't a DNA strand but a strand of time which unfolds by showing us different "X" realities as the opening credits roll.

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