Lexi Script - My Review


Master Of The Universe
Apr 15, 2004
Reaction score
Us Punisher fans aren’t getting too much info on War Zone are we? Well thankfully I managed to get Lexi’s script for War Zone and give it a read through. I love movies, and I am a huge Punisher fan so this is coming to you from someone who really wants a masterpiece of a punisher movie and really understands the character and the awesome history laid down in Punisher comics over the years. First thing I would like to give massive props to Lexi for putting in a ton of violence. Punisher is meant to be violent. There’s no way round it, and Lexi’s script tackles it straight on, piling it on for pretty much all 100 pages. And the recent news that the studio saw it and isn’t cutting anything huge is also great news.

Secondly, this script is so much stronger than Hensleigh’s War Zone script. While both have a lot of integral characters, the story is more compelling, the violence has gone through the roof, and the characters are so much more interesting. And as much as I thought Tom Jane did a good job with the ’04 version, I just can’t see him pulling off this script so I’m thinking his departure wasn’t so bad after all. Frank needs to be big in this. He needs to look worn, menacing, and have the screen presence to make you believe he does what he does. Ray has definitely proven his emotive acting ability in Rome and I think he’ll make it his own.

We’ve probably all read the other script reviews floating round the net which say they didn’t like it or whatever but as a true Punisher fan, I am really excited. Is it the PERFECT Punisher script? In my eyes, no. But how can it be? Everyone has their own specific vision. But what Lexi’s script does do, is take the elements of the Punisher which are instantly recognizable and built a story round it which feels as dark as the MAX comics and is a very competent vision of the Punisher. If this script was turned word for word into an Ennis comic, I don’t think we’d see many complaints.

Jigsaw is inherently a pretty unrealistic bad guy to take from the old comics, but works well in the script. In m opinion he’s definitely more like Nicky Cavella, but don’t be put off by that. He is involved in the action, but with Pittsy, Ink and (Lexi’s creation of a character) Looney Bin Jim at his side, he is definitely more of a leader than a warrior.

While I remember, Looney Bin Jim is a totally awesome creation on Lexi’s part. And after reading the script picturing Doug Hutchinson playing him, I can’t picture anyone else in the role at all. If he’s allowed to wreck havoc on the role like he can, he’s going to be one of the most messed up, twisted characters ever put on film. Big thumbs up for this guy.

As for the cheesey lines like “Don’t call me Billy… call me Jigsaw”, yeah its in there but it works in the context. I actually really liked the way they built up to it, and the rest of the dialogue is actually well written in my opinion. It’s very tense in some scenes and could definitely provide some great scenes on screen if acted as well as it can be.

A couple of things I didn’t really like was that there are a couple of times when Frank does something quite martial-arty, which given Lexi’s background is understandable, but makes Frank seem more nimble than a massive brawler should be. But that’s just how I saw it in my mind, it’s the way they pull it off on screen that counts the most. Also, Pittsy in my opinion isn’t used to his full potential. He’s definitely not as crude as in the comics, but he isn’t exactly dancing around reciting poetry either. It’s a point I can live with, but I thought Pittsy was a great character from the comics.

I can’t wait to see how Lexi has pulled off a script like this along with the lighting scheme she has chosen. It makes a lot more sense now and I’m really thinking that this December could bring us a great Christmas present, an awesome Punisher movie.
Good to hear. Nice read too.
Is there any other little things you can tell us about? Such as Micro's involvement? Specific comic book references? What kind of punishment we can look forward to?
Thanks for posting the review, man...

Any other tidbits you can reveal without spoiling too much?

You don't by any chance know when we'll get a trailer, do you?
Sounds good. How's Detective Soap in this?
I’m gonna try not to give too much away here!

SOAP: I was never a big fan of Soap in the comics, the idea of some inept cop running round after Frank never really appealed to me, but he doesn’t do anything too goofy in the film like he does in the comic. He could work better in the film, and has a few good lines.

MICRO: He’s not in it loads, but he does definitely work to hook up Frank with some guns, and again has a couple of good conversations with Frank that gives you an idea of how Frank sees his life mission.

As for specific comic references, there’s a bar called Kitchen Irish, but without seeing how the action plays out on screen, it’s hard to figure out if the action in the script will pan out identically to the frames of the comic.

It takes the characters out the comics but puts them in a new story
No matter what context, I can't see that "call me Jigsaw" line working. Kinda like how Joss Whedon said the delivery of Storm's "What happens to a frog, when it's hit by lighting?" line was the problem with it. But it wasn't it was a ****ty bit of dialogue, no matter how it's delivered.

I gotta disagree that Tom Jane wouldn't be able to pull off a darker, meaner Punisher (I mean that's what he was lobbying for for the last couple of years, a darker movie). After seeing him in The Mist, the man has the chops to pull off anything in my opinion.

I'm gonna put a spoiler tag over this question:

Does he still crawl across a table and stab a guy with a lobster?
No matter what context, I can't see that "call me Jigsaw" line working. Kinda like how Joss Whedon said the delivery of Storm's "What happens to a frog, when it's hit by lighting?" line was the problem with it. But it wasn't it was a ****ty bit of dialogue, no matter how it's delivered.

i don't see how those two lines are comparable... one is jigsaw telling you that he wants to be called jigsaw, the other is a terrible joke. i agree that in the context of the film the line can work.

I gotta disagree that Tom Jane wouldn't be able to pull off a darker, meaner Punisher (I mean that's what he was lobbying for for the last couple of years, a darker movie). After seeing him in The Mist, the man has the chops to pull off anything in my opinion.

i think what he meant is that tom jane isn't as physically imposing as ray stevenson, which is true...
i don't see how those two lines are comparable... one is jigsaw telling you that he wants to be called jigsaw, the other is a terrible joke. i agree that in the context of the film the line can work.

I'm saying if Halle Berry delivered the line differently, like how Whedon would have wanted it. It wouldn't have change the fact that it's a horrible line.

And no matter how the Jigsaw line is delivered it's still gonna be bad and cheesy. Plus here's what th context of the scene probably is, Russo just got his faced ****ed up and tells a goon he wants to be called Jigsaw.
I'm saying if Halle Berry delivered the line differently, like how Whedon would have wanted it. It wouldn't have change the fact that it's a horrible line.

And no matter how the Jigsaw line is delivered it's still gonna be bad and cheesy. Plus here's what th context of the scene probably is, Russo just got his faced ****ed up and tells a goon he wants to be called Jigsaw.

I'm not sure he'd say that right after... maybe he'd be screaming bloody murder.

Maybe he says it after he's seen his own stitched up jigsaw puzzle like face. I could see it working... kind of.
I'm not sure he'd say that right after... maybe he'd be screaming bloody murder.

Maybe he says it after he's seen his own stitched up jigsaw puzzle like face. I could see it working... kind of.
Well, that's what I meant, I probably should have said "sometime after he gets his face ****ed up." But still that is most likely what the context of the scene will be.

I just can't see it working not even coming from Dominic West.
It sounds like a typical comic book character line to me. They all love to announce their aliases to the world.

"Who are you?"
"I'm Batman"

"No. Scarecrow."

"Who am I? I'm Spider-Man."

"I'm the Juggernaut *****!"
It sounds like a typical comic book character line to me. They all love to announce their aliases to the world.

"Who are you?"
"I'm Batman"

"No. Scarecrow."

"Who am I? I'm Spider-Man."

"I'm the Juggernaut *****!"

Exactly :up:

There hasn't been a comic book movie yet that hasn't had atleast some cheesey lines, as long as its not Mr Freeze in Batman & Robin it should be ok.
The Juggernaut line was from those redubs though.
I mean I would've preferred if say someone mentioned to him his face looked like a jigsaw puzzle and the name just stuck to him even though he hates it.

Something along those lines would've been fine, other than getting a "Hey my face is all ****ed up, I'm gonna give myself a new nickname [dramatic pause] Jigsaw."
Thanks for the review, I enjoyed reading it. If only the studio would actually release more stuff for this movie then we'd be really set.

And I also am in the group who thinks the "Call me Jigsaw" line is a bad idea no matter how Dominic West manages to deliver it.
That's cool, i fully understand why people are skeptical of it, the line is cheesey as hell on its own. Thankfully it's not just blurted out of nowhere by Billy, there is a build up to it which is going to help it out. So i'm not saying its definitely gonna be a great line, but if they turn the crazy up on the delivery, it could come off pretty cool. In context it has to be delivered with some sort of anger. I'd have to argue that delivery of the line could make it or break it.
Maybe Heath Ledger should have played Jigsaw instead of The Joker.
I'm gonna put a spoiler tag over this question:

Does he still crawl across a table and stab a guy with a lobster?

ive heard that bit is in the opening sequence; post loading all his weapons up in a montage... and it sounds laughingly awesome
How is the cornyness factor in this script, comparable to the last movie, for example, "God's gunna sit this one out" or the various other lines Frank spewed out? Also are the action scenes believable or are they outlandish and unrealistic, this movie should be very realistic and avoid the superhero standard of a movie, it should be like batman begins.
How is the cornyness factor in this script, comparable to the last movie, for example, "God's gunna sit this one out" or the various other lines Frank spewed out? Also are the action scenes believable or are they outlandish and unrealistic, this movie should be very realistic and avoid the superhero standard of a movie, it should be like batman begins.

i think it should be outrageous but not cheesy, like the flick SHOOT EM UP or something
i think it should be outrageous but not cheesy, like the flick SHOOT EM UP or something
Yea this is where i will disagree with you. I actually had that movie in mind when i said i didn't want it to be outragious action/violence. I think this should be taken seriously and make it seem like this could actually happen, thats what separates a great movie from a popcorn flick. The Punisher is not an outlandish character, his methods are very real, and calculating, and (in the MAX series) not outlandish, and by outlandish i mean hooking up guns with strings in a wearhouse, or hitting a filing cabinate with a bullet and having it fly out and hit someone. The Punisher has the potential to be a great film if taken seriously.
I think he was better off as the Joker. West looks more like a gangster than Heath does.

You're right. I was just kidding anyways. He'll do a great job as the Joker, and West will do great with Jigsaw I'm sure. He has a natural creepiness, or just an unsettling presence about him that will work for his character.

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