Lexi Script - My Review

Agreed - the script is by the same guys who worked on Iron man which was very good so shouldn't be too bad but we really need a teaser or something just to show us ray as the character. There has got to be a trailer by the hulk so hopefully in the next month... please!

But they weren't alone...(They're not here either, but Y'know what I mean) The guys who wrote Children of Men also worked on it.
Agreed - the script is by the same guys who worked on Iron man which was very good so shouldn't be too bad

Yeah, but David Goyer who wrote Batman Begins also wrote Blade Trinity, Nick Fury Agent of SHIELD and of course the great Puppet Master vs. Demonic Toys.
Jane walked out because of that scene?! What?! url or something to back this up?

I mean... why? It's a good scene.

I was referring to the entire script.
Agreed - the script is by the same guys who worked on Iron man which was very good so shouldn't be too bad but we really need a teaser or something just to show us ray as the character. There has got to be a trailer by the hulk so hopefully in the next month... please!

Really the only reason Iron Man wasn't just a so-so movie was because of Robert Downey Jr.

I was referring to the entire script.

Henseilgh's draft is dated June 13, 2005, it was all the different rewrites that he left on.
Yeah, but David Goyer who wrote Batman Begins also wrote Blade Trinity, Nick Fury Agent of SHIELD and of course the great Puppet Master vs. Demonic Toys.

He's been quoted as saying that he did most of those for money (before Blade). I don't think he ever took those seriously.
That's not a good sign. I mean, if you're going to do something professionally, even for money, you should take it seriously. I don't have a lot of respect for him as a screenwriter if that's his attitude. I tend to believe that that's just more along the lines of what he was offered, because that was his talent level at the time.
That's not a good sign. I mean, if you're going to do something professionally, even for money, you should take it seriously. I don't have a lot of respect for him as a screenwriter if that's his attitude. I tend to believe that that's just more along the lines of what he was offered, because that was his talent level at the time.

He did it for the money, and I completely understand his angle. He's a starving kid offered a low-budget film that paid him 60,000 dollars for three weeks worth of work. Doing something he loves. It doesn't make him any less of a Screenwriter. Even Scott Frank's done it.
He did it for the money, and I completely understand his angle. He's a starving kid offered a low-budget film that paid him 60,000 dollars for three weeks worth of work. Doing something he loves. It doesn't make him any less of a Screenwriter. Even Scott Frank's done it.

100% agreed
David S. Goyer is a pretty good writer, but a horrible director.
I'm not gonna hate on him. I'd be more than happy to be in his shoes and doing his job. I'd just go about it in a whole different way.

And regarding him being thought of as a good writer thanks to Batman Begins, that movie might be looked at in a whole different light minus Christopher Nolan and with Goyer by himself.
Blade 1 was so righteously bad ass because Norrington was there to keep Goyer in check. Thats why you have that laughable film (Trinity) with Preparation HHH, arguing about penises while holding the vampire dog. Just dumb.
Just while we are talking about Jane walking away - Im not sure that is exactly what happened. I have no proof but it feels to me more like he was informed that they would be recasting the part and he was given the oppertunity to quit to save his blushes...
Blade 1 was so righteously bad ass because Norrington was there to keep Goyer in check. Thats why you have that laughable film (Trinity) with Preparation HHH, arguing about penises while holding the vampire dog. Just dumb.

Keep him in check about what? Goyer just wrote the film, Norrington directed...so, what are you even talking about?
Im talking about all the stupid **** that made it into Blade Trinity. I surmised that when Goyer is paired with a competent director such as Norrington or Del Toro, they would make sure Goyer doesnt muck up their film with his dumb ideals. I consider Goyer a rabid dog that can do more harm then good if off a leash.
Im talking about all the stupid **** that made it into Blade Trinity. I surmised that when Goyer is paired with a competent director such as Norrington or Del Toro, they would make sure Goyer doesnt muck up their film with his dumb ideals. I consider Goyer a rabid dog that can do more harm then good if off a leash.

Have you read Goyer's first draft of Batman Begins? (It's available on Simply Scripts). It's dangerously close to the final product, and proves he doesn't need a director to keep him in check.
He definitely doesn't. One bad script doesn't make someone a bad writer; especially in the case of something like Blade 3 which had insane amounts of studio pressure.
I think Goyer is hit or miss with his scripts. he can put out something like Batman Begins one second and then crap out Blade Trinity the next. Any writer can have an off script. My point was that just because 2 of the writers of Iron Man helped write the Punisher doesn't mean the Punisher movie is going to be as great as Iron Man
Just while we are talking about Jane walking away - Im not sure that is exactly what happened. I have no proof but it feels to me more like he was informed that they would be recasting the part and he was given the oppertunity to quit to save his blushes...

Yeah, they wanted to replace an actor who was becoming more and more well known, for a guy from an canceled HBO series.

He had an option to walk in his contract and after 3-4 years of getting nowhere with the movie, to took the option.
i really like the WAR ZONE script, not great, not bad though... like i knew this film would never win any oscars. all i want is a bloody, violent, shoot em up punisher movie w/good actors... and we have good actors and the script tells us its bloody, gory and lots of physical action and shoot ups... as a punisher fan thats all i want and im getting it
where can i get a copy of the war zone script?
Yeah, they wanted to replace an actor who was becoming more and more well known, for a guy from an canceled HBO series.

thats opposed to an actor who's the star of a number of flops - Jane was good and all but stephenson is an excellent replacement...

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