I certainly won't try to speak for every writer however Dan Slott is very much in the category of "pissing off" fans.
Slott is notorious for not only using Twitter to insult, provoke and/or berate fans he also spends quite a bit of time taking to forums to do the exact same behavior. Often talking down to fans that have opposing views to the point of assuming that it's basically only a few people using multiple sock puppet accounts. People who are only there to try and harass poor Dan who by his own admission is just an innocent victim. A victim who lies btw, on multiple occasions. Dan's problem is that he is too much of the wrong kind of fan, one who can't even listen to other people's opinions, cause of course they are wrong, but also can't take any criticism either because he is so very insecure. It's not difficult to see this when examining his posts which have gone to some pretty awful places such as making a point that most people who criticize his work suffer from some type of mental illness. It's also interesting that as often as Dan shows up on the CBR forums he also claims he just doesn't have the time to do so. So little time in fact that he can't even finish his own stories and needs Gage to come in and help
If it wasn't enough that he does belittle fans, the arguments he gets into with fans will rub him so sour he'll put that bitterness into his work. Look at the Power Play story for a great example of this. That's not the actions of a professional writer rather it's the actions of an insecure fan. It's no wonder ASM is barely selling 50k copies a month. Crappy writing, plots and characters along with an unprofessional attitude and insulting fans are not a good combo. I think it's worth pointing out that just prior to OMD, the book was selling around 70-80k copies and management used that 'low' amount of sales to help justify the dissolution of the Spider marriage. The book wasn't selling well according to the creative teams and it was all because of the marriage. So, what's the excuse now? The only reason ASM is still the best selling title is because all the rest are doing so incredibly bad.
While I do like some of the stories he's done, by far his best work is well in the past and I'll be happy once he's gone. Imo minus Ock he cares nothing for these characters and really only cares about his own legacy.
Marvel needs some serious help and getting rid of Slott is another stepping stone to positive change.