My two favorite comic book movies ever. Both elevate the genre and push it in new directions. Sadly, few save for Mangold seemed to take the right lessons from Dark Knight. Hopefully, Logan will not lead to a bunch of arbitrarily gory and R-rated movies, much like the "dark" superhero and spy movies that followed TDK.
Anyway, my vote is still for The Dark Knight. One of the finest films ever made.
Very much on the same page.
For me,TDK is the better film but only just:
- I have to give SirPatStew the edge over Michael Caine, and that's saying a lot, a for a really tragic and moving performance
- TDK has not just the best portrayal of the Joker, but the best villain in a cbm by a huge margin. Logan's villains are fine, but nothing special, and nowhere close to Ledger's Joker.
- Nolan creates a sense of the epic, which was probably the opposite of what Mangold was going for, in what was essentially a tragic X-Men road movie.
- The ending of TDK has both tragedy and triumph, and we walk away uplifted as well as feeling the hero's pain. Logan is a different kind of story, but I still felt they needed a little more connection between Logan and Laura, to walk away feeling good about his sacrifice. I feel like either he needed to acknowledge her earlier (before he was literally dying) or the death scene itself needed to last a bit longer, maybe even if he'd got them to Canada before expiring ? Who knows.
On that note, I feel that Logan and Xavier needed a few more moments before Xavier died too. But that's just me.
- Logan was probably the best portrayal of a broken down superhero ever, and the most nuanced and realistic portrayal of Logan as a human being (not
realistic in terms of his powers/claws/skeleon - but realistic in that he felt like a fully fleshed out 3D real person in terms of his personality, his mental state, the range of emotions he showed.
- In terms of rewatch value, TDK has massive rewatch value, I've seen it over and over (when it came out I just about rushed back to see it again) whereas Logan is quite heartbreaking, and I don't think I could see it again for a long time.
So, my vote goes for TDK, but that does not diminish Logan's greatness and
it gives TDK a serious run for its money!