Love this IMBD post about the Damage/Death Toll in MOS


Dec 19, 2004
Reaction score
"Hmm...I saw Superman stopping Zod...didn't see Superman randomly and arbitrarily going around grabbing citizens and snapping their necks...
But Zod was causing a lot of destruction that Superman tried his best to minimize..kind of hard to do that though when the guy is hitting you through buildings...I don't me crazy. I guess he was supposed to waste time escorting citizens 2 at a time out of the city while Zod just stood waiting..that would have made more sense I guess."

For the most part, IMDB is a giant cesspool of negativity and ******** but I came across this post and it made me laugh my nutz off LoL!

I did think at some points (namely the Zod and Superman crash through the gas station with the giant explosion haha) that there was a negligence to the amount of deaths being caused by all the fighting that was going on but...seriously...that above post made me really analyze the whole 'death and destruction' thing.

I just think people should take their foot off the gas and stop getting their sphincters in a knot! Who really cares if there was a huge amount of makes it more realistic if you ask me. Kal-El was pretty much just THRUST into this entire situation with ZERO training and pretty much ZERO notice. Give the guy a break LoL he didn't have the tactical, military and combat background his enemies had, not to mention his enemies weren't going to Earth to play paddycake or pick up sticks for christ sakes...they wanted to DESTROY the world! Kal must have been just a wee bit stressed I'd imagine. He did the best he could. And who gives a **** if he killed Zod. Zod was a vicious programmed warrior hellbent on destroying Earth, what was he going to do? Spank him and put him in the corner for a time out?

Just my opinion on the matter. :)

I agree with you. My only complaint would be the lack of remorse over all of the casualties that Superman showed. If there had been one scene with Lois after the final battle where the two acknowledge the devastation and lives lost, I think there would be fewer complaints. But it just jumps straight to a happy ending instead.
hmmm... not sure if this controversial issue a good thing or a bad thing to the box office result...
"Hmm...I saw Superman stopping Zod...didn't see Superman randomly and arbitrarily going around grabbing citizens and snapping their necks...
But Zod was causing a lot of destruction that Superman tried his best to minimize..kind of hard to do that though when the guy is hitting you through buildings...I don't me crazy. I guess he was supposed to waste time escorting citizens 2 at a time out of the city while Zod just stood waiting..that would have made more sense I guess."

For the most part, IMDB is a giant cesspool of negativity and ******** but I came across this post and it made me laugh my nutz off LoL!

I did think at some points (namely the Zod and Superman crash through the gas station with the giant explosion haha) that there was a negligence to the amount of deaths being caused by all the fighting that was going on but...seriously...that above post made me really analyze the whole 'death and destruction' thing.

I just think people should take their foot off the gas and stop getting their sphincters in a knot! Who really cares if there was a huge amount of makes it more realistic if you ask me. Kal-El was pretty much just THRUST into this entire situation with ZERO training and pretty much ZERO notice. Give the guy a break LoL he didn't have the tactical, military and combat background his enemies had, not to mention his enemies weren't going to Earth to play paddycake or pick up sticks for christ sakes...they wanted to DESTROY the world! Kal must have been just a wee bit stressed I'd imagine. He did the best he could. And who gives a **** if he killed Zod. Zod was a vicious programmed warrior hellbent on destroying Earth, what was he going to do? Spank him and put him in the corner for a time out?

Just my opinion on the matter. :)


And the kicker is that Zod probably would have lay waste to Metropolis anyway, if he was any more used to his heat vision the whole city would be in flames. Anyway, I liked that heat vision seems to take anger and focus. It's like the comics, when Supes gets heat vision, you KNOW he's angry. It seemed like he was just getting started to get used to heat vision at the end. If he had all this experience, he would have burnt down the buildings crushed those running out at warp speed. You know he would.
i guess people missed superman saving the entire planet from becoming this

but i guess it is more heroic to do it individually
I wish Superman would have told people to run and show more concern but hey I'm not complain it just a minor thing for me.
LoL seriously!

CHRIST almighty people!!! This is to the people who are complaining and *****ing about the movie....PLEASE lighten the **** up!


Ok, look..if you hate the movie? Ok, if it didn't 'wow' you, cool...if it's not your 'cup of tea' that's quite alright. I just think a lot of people are stopping themselves from actually enjoying a really awesome Superman movie with the 'lets put every frigging thing under a microscope and ***** and moan all day long about this, that and the other thing' instead of seeing what's RIGHT in front of us-----> Superman is on the big screen. There's big character moments, beautiful acting, gorgeous cinematography, a score that sounds like baby angels cooing, explosions, hand to hand combat, high stakes, love, sacrifice, morality, all that is good, vanquishing evil, hope &'s got everything!

If this movie came out like 15 years ago (I know it'd probably be impossible with the effects and whatnot but I'm just saying...indulge me here folks) when people weren't such cynical *******s maybe they'd stand up and be proud of what Zack Snyder and everyone accomplished, maybe they'd cheer and clap as soon as the credits rolled and that beautiful Superman 'Hope' glyph appeared.

I wish Superman would have told people to run and show more concern but hey I'm not complain it just a minor thing for me.

This! If he saved the people from one building, Zod would throw cars through other buildings. I think he was a little too reckless, but he's had to hold back his entire life. Punching in moderation is something he's probably not used to. Also, the more I think about it, the more it makes sense that if he throws Zod higher in the air, the more likely he could cause devastation in other parts of the world, faster than Superman could keep track and stop him. So in order to "control the damage" he just bear him on the ground.
LoL seriously!

CHRIST almighty people!!! This is to the people who are complaining and *****ing about the movie....PLEASE lighten the **** up!


Ok, look..if you hate the movie? Ok, if it didn't 'wow' you, cool...if it's not your 'cup of tea' that's quite alright. I just think a lot of people are stopping themselves from actually enjoying a really awesome Superman movie with the 'lets put every frigging thing under a microscope and ***** and moan all day long about this, that and the other thing' instead of seeing what's RIGHT in front of us-----> Superman is on the big screen. There's big character moments, beautiful acting, gorgeous cinematography, a score that sounds like baby angels cooing, explosions, hand to hand combat, high stakes, love, sacrifice, morality, all that is good, vanquishing evil, hope &'s got everything!

If this movie came out like 15 years ago (I know it'd probably be impossible with the effects and whatnot but I'm just saying...indulge me here folks) when people weren't such cynical *******s maybe they'd stand up and be proud of what Zack Snyder and everyone accomplished, maybe they'd cheer and clap as soon as the credits rolled and that beautiful Superman 'Hope' glyph appeared.


If the movie came out 15 years ago, people would be even MORE critical. There's this stigma of "Superman is campy, so he shouldn't be serious"

If critics weren't ready for a reboot of an origin 35 years later, what makes you think they won't get mad on the 20th anniversary? Also it'd be a little over decade since Reeve made his last appearance. All we can hope on is for the film to make bank so that it can get more money in the sequel.
this is why i love the comic the boys it realistically portrays how wreckless a super hero would be:o
Well, at least when he went through the buildings Superman had the decency to fall on the empty corridors as we see him doing in one scene.
this is why i love the comic the boys it realistically portrays how wreckless a super hero would be:o

This stuff happens all the time in comics , but I guess seeing it on film gives them a new perspective.
I don't understand the complaints about the destruction & death toll in MOS. It's not like huge destruction scenes haven't happened in animated versions of Superman either (DCAU) and no one ever complains about those! Is it seriously just because MOS looks more real than a cartoon? :whatever:

And it's just a movie, geez. It's not like anyone actually died. They were CGI buildings full of CGI people. :oldrazz:

I swear some people must have the dumbest brains on the planet to be complaining about the apparent irresponsibility of Supes indirectly causing destruction when he's having to fight Zod.
When Kryptonians attack...cities are reduced to rubble and tens of thousands of innocents perish. It happens. I don't know why people have a problem with the scale of destruction.

I do think that the movie would have been improved by Superman trying to save people, and Zod using that as a way of defeating Superman. Supes gets the upper hand? Throw a few people out of a building, then unload on Supes as he catches them. It plays closer to both characters...Superman's compassion being shown AND the General's intelligence and tactics over trying to match punch for punch. In the end, Superman would just have to outsmart the smarter man. But still, thousands should have died in a battle like that...and since its a movie...I'm okay with that.
When Kryptonians attack...cities are reduced to rubble and tens of thousands of innocents perish. It happens. I don't know why people have a problem with the scale of destruction.

I do think that the movie would have been improved by Superman trying to save people, and Zod using that as a way of defeating Superman. Supes gets the upper hand? Throw a few people out of a building, then unload on Supes as he catches them. It plays closer to both characters...Superman's compassion being shown AND the General's intelligence and tactics over trying to match punch for punch. In the end, Superman would just have to outsmart the smarter man. But still, thousands should have died in a battle like that...and since its a movie...I'm okay with that.

I'll give you that. Would have been awesome if Superman would have told everyone to get out of that dinner when he was fighting Faora. When I first saw it I though everyone ran out but they where still in there seats.
I don't understand the complaints about the destruction & death toll in MOS. It's not like huge destruction scenes haven't happened in animated versions of Superman either (DCAU) and no one ever complains about those! Is it seriously just because MOS looks more real than a cartoon? :whatever:

And it's just a movie, geez. It's not like anyone actually died. They were CGI buildings full of CGI people. :oldrazz:

I swear some people must have the dumbest brains on the planet to be complaining about the apparent irresponsibility of Supes indirectly causing destruction when he's having to fight Zod.

This stuff happens in the comics and it gets a free pass, yet it happens in live-action and everyone is up in arms about it haha. Can't please everybody. People gotta complain about the most insignificant things. Oh well, my heart is still beating and life is going great for me so I'm not gonna waste my breath arguing over a FICTIONAL MOVIE. :oldrazz::o

I'll give you that. Would have been awesome if Superman would have told everyone to get out of that dinner when he was fighting Faora. When I first saw it I though everyone ran out but they where still in there seats.

I like it as is, it's not like he was EXPECTING to crash through the diner. Seeing all those defenseless people made me want him to lay the smackdown on Faora.
At first I thought the crash through the gas station was careless, but then I realized he was blindly furious at that point. Cemented by "You think you can threaten my MOTHER?!"
Well I guess the chaos n disaster can put in orderly n neatly.
All I need is a line or two in the next one about the "destruction last time you rumbled" or something.

I don't need to see mass mourning or grief....
Who really cares if there was a huge amount of makes it more realistic if you ask me.

Have you considered seeing anyone about this disregard for life in favour of entertainment? Oh wait, it's entertainment. Right...but realism!

At first I thought the crash through the gas station was careless, but then I realized he was blindly furious at that point. Cemented by "You think you can threaten my MOTHER?!"

I agree with that sentiment and what was going through Clark's head at the time. Having said that, a little common sense regarding putting other people's lives in danger wouldn't have gone amiss.

But it's fine. That scene showed his protective nature but it would've been nice to see that when innocent civilians were also put in harm's way.

However, most people are just using hyperbole to mock people who've asked for a more protective Superman to have been visible in the film.

The fanaticism in defending a very visible flaw in the film's portrayal of the character is probably worse than those asking for the presence of compassion.

No one's asking to see Clark to drop everything and escort individuals out of a building, but it would've certainly been nice to see him intervening a bit more and doing so in a way that's representative of him being mankind's greatest protector.

But as mentioned, maybe it's a developmental curve. We'll see it in the sequel. I'm fine with that. I hope they address it or the absence of it will be even more glaring.

Oh well, my heart is still beating and life is going great for me so I'm not gonna waste my breath arguing over a FICTIONAL MOVIE. :oldrazz::o:hehe:

You've come to that conclusion after 3,858 posts? Impressive.
I wish Superman would have told people to run and show more concern but hey I'm not complain it just a minor thing for me.
What people!!!!!! The last battle took place in the AFTERMATH of the World Engine. THERE WERE NO PEOPLE AROUND FOR SUPERMAN TO SAVE/TELL TO RUN! DO PEOPLE NOT SEE THIS!?

F-king hell! It's like people saw a totally different movie....where Supes decimates skyscrapers and people by hurling his opponents into them and smiling about it...where Supes fights in a crowded street filled with people getting squashed left and right. He flew threw a gas station and got his ***** handed to him in an IHOP. Big freakin' deal! Its. A. Movie. Where is every *****ing about Batman killing innocents by blowing up their cars in TDK? Or probably killing the driver of the garbage truck? Or the possible death that could have occurred while he was flipping over cop cars in BB? What about The Avengers? Sure, Cap, Hawkeye and Black Widow are shown helping people, but Hulk, Iron Man, and Thor show no concern over the destruction. Iron Man is blasting beasts and aliens out of the sky, possibly crushing people. Hulk is rampaging through building with no regard for the people around him...have some perspective people.
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too me,
This was world war. There were going to be causalities. No issues with it.
I wish Superman would have told people to run and show more concern but hey I'm not complain it just a minor thing for me.

He does that in Smallville when walking down the street just before hell breakes loose. He tells people to get inside, as it is not safe for them out on the street.
What people!!!!!! The last battle took place in the AFTERMATH of the World Engine. THERE WERE NO PEOPLE AROUND FOR SUPERMAN TO SAVE/TELL TO RUN! DO PEOPLE NOT SEE THIS!?

F-king hell! It's like people saw a totally different movie....where Supes decimates skyscrapers and people by hurling his opponents into them and smiling about it...where Supes fights in a crowded street filled with people getting squashed left and right. He flew threw a gas station and got his ***** handed to him in an IHOP. Big freakin' deal! Its. A. Movie. Where is every *****ing about Batman killing innocents by blowing up their cars in TDK? Or probably killing the driver of the garbage truck? Or the possible death that could have occurred while he was flipping over cop cars in BB? What about The Avengers? Sure, Cap, Hawkeye and Black Widow are shown helping people, but Hulk, Iron Man, and Thor show no concern over the destruction. Iron Man is blasting beasts and aliens out of the sky, possibly crushing people. Hulk is rampaging through building with no regard for the people around him...have some perspective people.

Y'know until you calm down and write legible posts it's all going to look like this.


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