Sequels Making Superman 2 a Box office Success

Excel said:
superman the movie.
Superman the movie I believe originally had a summer release date when they started but they missed it early in production so they had to go for christmass, which they almost missed as well.
Excel, I'm really digging that idea... sounds plausible. :up:
I really like Spider-Daniel's idea for Richard. I thought I'd hate it because making him the villain seemed cliche but having him actually be a good guy until he finds out lois' sececret and he can't feel her lips and then want to take it out on Superman while Luthor uses this to gain power and set up for a third film....that is much better now.
Excel said:
variety says it is selling well. sequels not gonna be based JUST on domesticgross...LMAO! dvd sales???INTERNATIONAL sales???LOL.

horn has a job cause w.b.s the biggest studio in the entire world. its made over 1 billion domestically each of the past 5 years(which is saying something cause everyone of their big movies other then batman does much more overseas then u.s.) when noone else has done it more then 3 times. they also made more money-overseas and worldwide-then any studio last year.
keep telling yourself that and making more stuff up like The EXCEL THEORUM? Give me a break. Man. More pompousness. I keep waiting to hear this thing greenlit, or Warner's actively going after Singer for it like they were actively going after Nolan at this time, and even reporting it in the trades. havent heard anything yet. Doubt it will happen. And yes, if it is a failure or underperformer domestically, that is what the press goes by, and that is why the studio made that 200 mill mark. I know, you think differently. Been a lot of movies did well overseas but underperformed here and the film is considered a failure. But you keep deludinig yourself.
Excel said:
The film’s plot has to go a certain way. First and foremost, the credit sequence and score have to stay. That’s a given. In terms of changes, Superman and Lois have to get together (no not that way!) at some point in the film. There has got to be at least 1 physical villain for Superman to fight. It needs to look considerably lighter too. By this I mean traditional no more gloomy, dark cloudy sets (this isn’t Batman!) and while Superman saving things is spectacular, it isn’t that exciting anymore. But superhuman fights are.
The exact way I would have it go is have Brianiac arrive on Earth. Give him a male krptonion as his heir, and a female kryptonion as the heirs girlfriend. They come to Earth after being distracted by New Krpyton. They want power, and Superman isn’t going to let them have it. Lex Luthor weasels his way into by showing them the fortress of Solitude. Lois discovers Superman is Clark at the very end. Richard can do one of 2 things: he is still there, and at the end he breaks up with Lois because not only does he know Jason isn’t his, but he knows Lois doesn’t love him anymore and that she should be with Superman. Or he can die for Lois. I’d go with the first one.

Green light it NOW with a budget of 200 million again. W.B. know that it isn’t that large of investment, given how huge toy and merchandise sales would be during the holiday season. Worldwide gross would be enormous. D.V.D. sales and rentals would be big as usual. This is just fanboyism, but I would cast Jason Isaacs as the cold, ruthless, and enormous Brainiac. Billy Zane-get him younger looking and a cool costume and weapon-as the heir. Sophie Marceu (that chick from World is not Enough) as the female kryptonion. Those are 3 very, very good actors who would cost about 5 million combined. Start production in mid-late Summer 2007. General marketing campaign goes as follows:

Luthor again?
Brainiac with a girlfriend and an heir?
Are you in any way affiliated with Jon Peters?
Will Supes fight a giant spider in the third act?

Sorry, dude...but I hope that doesn't happen.

What WB needs to do is remove Singer and his script writers and stop 'em from ever touching a Superman movie again.
Heh heh. It was pretty funny huh. My friends say I get more funny the more tired I am. And I was really tired when I wrote it. Well I just figured if I am going to talk the talk, then I should walk the walk.
S****can the two writers who wrote this xerox copy of a film.
Kabuki_Jo said:
No replies from Jon Peters associate yet.
He's busy on the sequel to "Snakes on a Plane"
"Spiders on a Boat"
Making Superman 2 a Box office Success
Give Supes a baseball hat tilted to the side and cool shades and a skateboard and execute the two twink writers of SR
Excel said:
Making SUPERMAN 2 a success

Unlike Batman Begins, which completely, 110% revived the Batman franchise, Superman Returns has not completely revived the Superman franchise. By that I mean, Batman 2 will gross just about as much as any Batman film could (as long as quality continues, of course). Superman 2, at the moment, is not going to gross all it can if it stays on course for summer 2009. That’s the reason I concocted this theorem.


Fast track Superman 2 for winter 2008. Summer 2009 is a 3 year wait, and that simply is too long. 2 is too short, but 2 and a half is perfect.

The “EXCEL THEORUM” is exactly this to sum up: Green light a 200 million dollar budgeted SUPERMAN 2 with EVERYBODY returning from both cast an crew. Give Superman a physical villain to FIGHT as well as keeping luthor around in a smaller role. You have to keep this at 140 minutes or under. Then on Friday December 10th 2008, release Superman Returns in United States in as many Imax screens as possible as well as conventional theaters.

What I would do for the plot

The film’s plot has to go a certain way. First and foremost, the credit sequence and score have to stay. That’s a given. In terms of changes, Superman and Lois have to get together (no not that way!) at some point in the film. There has got to be at least 1 physical villain for Superman to fight. It needs to look considerably lighter too. By this I mean traditional no more gloomy, dark cloudy sets (this isn’t Batman!) and while Superman saving things is spectacular, it isn’t that exciting anymore. But superhuman fights are.
The exact way I would have it go is have Brianiac arrive on Earth. Give him a male krptonion as his heir, and a female kryptonion as the heirs girlfriend. They come to Earth after being distracted by New Krpyton. They want power, and Superman isn’t going to let them have it. Lex Luthor weasels his way into by showing them the fortress of Solitude. Lois discovers Superman is Clark at the very end. Richard can do one of 2 things: he is still there, and at the end he breaks up with Lois because not only does he know Jason isn’t his, but he knows Lois doesn’t love him anymore and that she should be with Superman. Or he can die for Lois. I’d go with the first one.

Green light it NOW with a budget of 200 million again. W.B. know that it isn’t that large of investment, given how huge toy and merchandise sales would be during the holiday season. Worldwide gross would be enormous. D.V.D. sales and rentals would be big as usual. This is just fanboyism, but I would cast Jason Isaacs as the cold, ruthless, and enormous Brainiac. Billy Zane-get him younger looking and a cool costume and weapon-as the heir. Sophie Marceu (that chick from World is not Enough) as the female kryptonion. Those are 3 very, very good actors who would cost about 5 million combined. Start production in mid-late Summer 2007. General marketing campaign goes as follows:

-Trailer one with BATMAN 2 in summer 2008. D.C. fan boys-as well comic book fan boys in general- will be out in full force for what promises to be huge midnight screenings, so buzz among comic fans will skyrocket. The general public will be out as well, in what could be a Matrix Reloaded-sized increase over Batman Begins in the domestic department. I don’t think W.B. knows how well received Batman Begins really was or how much quality means to that franchise (please give it May 2nd or May 16th in 2008. PLEASE!). Pirates 2 has proved that word of mouth from previous films carries over to the sequels opening day. Word-Batman 2 is gonna be big.
-Theatrical trailer with looks like the biggest movie of October (not a horror movie)
-TV spot campaign hits around thanksgiving.
-Release date is December 10th for conventional theaters.

Why this will work: in today’s box office climate (and most likely 2008’s), sequels always open much bigger. Superman Returns 52.5 million opening weekend, and 84 million 5 day overall, signals what would have been roughly 75 million 3 day take has it opened on June 30th. The sequel’s opening promises to be bigger. A Friday, December 10th, 2008 release promises an opening north of 70 million due to it being a sequel. The fact that it features a physical villain would make it much more appealing to teenagers as well still keeping the kids/family audience. A 75/80 million 3 day would be expected. The thing a December release gives it that May doesn’t, is an extraordinary set up for it’s box office legs. It could open to 90 million in May, but falls horribly and not get 250 million again. If quality kept up par, a December release assures a multiplier of at least 3.5 after an 75 million opening, due to holiday legs. That right there is a basic minimum gross of 260 million. A multiplier over 4 is not out of the question at all if quality is up to standard. That’s 300 million or more. The character of Superman when done lightly like it should be, has unlimited appeal to families and the holidays are the biggest family going movie time of the year. Superman would hold extremely well in 3rd and rise on its forth weekend as well as having weekdays bigger then it would in the summer. It’s weekend would probably look like this:

Opening weekend:75 million
2nd weeknd-40 million
3rd weekend-25 million
4th weekend-25 million

no that isn’t a typo. It would stay the same if not rise from its 3rd weekend to 4th weekend due to the way the weekends line up for the holidays. Look Narnia. 63 million opening, 290 million total all from HOLIDAY LEGS while going up against juggernaut King Kong in the process. Superman could do this.


And that’s just the box office. It’s the holiday. Christmas time. A new superman movies out, and can you remember the last time there was a big super hero movie out then for kids to go see? Nope. Its merchandise sales-by that I mean the boards game toys action figures, the whole works-would be selling out the ASS for Christmas presents. You don’t understand how much money would lie in this.

The only Negative

This isn’t even really a negative, cause there isn’t a way to test it. But rumor among us box office followers is the first big superhero movie of the summer does better then second. See x3>superman returns (maybe not), batman > fantastic four, x2 >Hulk, spidey 3>fantastic four 2(yeah that hasn’t happened yet but that’s a given). So no one knows whether it translates for the whole year, and if Batman 2 already having been huge would effect Superman 2’s box office. I tend to doubt, no trends show it.


W.B., you’ve gotta keep the budget big if you want the franchise to continue growing. You’ve gotta add a physical villain and make it lighter while still keeping it’s crowd pleasing abilities from humor and drama, and having the fighting to make the teenagers come this time. Then give it the trailer with Batman 2 and holidays 2008 release date, and the franchise will be set. Because this one would make so much money, and be well received by so many (assuming qualities on par!), you could go back to the summer for say 2011, and by that time it would be anticipated by many. Routh and Bosworth would have grown into their roles. And it would have a great shot at a 300 million+ domestic take.

if you agree, say so! ;)

I completly 100percently agree with you, good job!
Kabuki_Jo said:
What WB needs to do is remove Singer and his script writers and stop 'em from ever touching a Superman movie again.

No, I like Bryan Singer, Deffinetly keep Bryan!
now all we have todo is get this to w.b. :D
My version of making the next supes movie a success :

1 Setting a new VFX facility on the WB lot :
If there is one thing that the superman movies need , it's their own VFX studio. Preliminary VFX tests as well as animatics could be done here as well as the bulk , if not all the VFX.
There needs to be a coordination between this facility and the writers of the next movie.
As well as providing technical support and VFX to the studio , it should also be a place where they try and get creative minds to solve the difficult VFX.
ANY VFX can be done the hard way : Just going for pure animation.
But why waste lots of money on these animators , when you can shoot something in real time and get the same quality ?
There are always ways to doing these things. And the VFX studio should look out for such talented people.

2 Writing the script :
With SR now well into the release , iSinger shouldn't wait till Superman has hit 400 million worldwide. He should start working on the script right now and actually look at the criticisms that fanboys and comic book writers have said upon viewing SR. And especially use the comic book writers to work out a good story. It would be great to bring a bunch of comic book writers and just for a month or so brainstorm about various ideas and which comic stories they can take or change slightly to fit within the "now created storyline of SR".
Also they should be thinking about certain restrictions , such as the budget and the time of the movie. IMO , they should be done late 2006 or early 2007 .
And then , one of the most important aspects of all , give the script to all major comic book writers and artists and get their seal of approval. Next come the movie sites siuch as JOBLO , LATINOREVIEW , SHH , CHUD and others where they can also review the script ( without spoiling it of course ;) ) and post their reviews online. This helps to create a huge , huge advantage as people know that they will get a good movie. There's nothing better then advanced hype.

3: Production and Shooting
Now with the script finished and early VFX tests done to see what can be done and what can't be done , they should begin with production working early 2007 and begin shooting from mid 2007 all the way to the end of 2007.
Again give a budget of 200 million MAX. Not higher. At least you know that you can break even on a 200 million budget with cinema income , dvd income , television rights and of coursethe comics and merchandise.
Spend 100 million on the VFX alone and the other on the movie. Salaries such as 10 million to the director , should be kept to a minumum . Instead go for the back-end deals .
Shoot the most difficult scenes first. And i'm not talking about dramatic scenes , but VFX scenes. These things take a long long time to animate and the sooner you start on them , the better.
Once the movie is finished shooting , let the animation department create some cool money shots for the teaser trailer and then release it . This is the advantage of owning you're VFX studio since you can "force" them do deliver certain shots. The end of 2007 or early 2008 is the period when lots of family movies are planning in the cinemas. Since this is the audience that you need ( after all , Superman is for ALL AGES ;) ) , it's the perfect oppurtunity to get their attention.
With advanced buzz of the script being excellent ( see my writing point above) , combined with what you can expect upon viewing the first teaser trailer , then the hype will begin. And the hype will start in 2008 . A full year before release. How great is that !

4 : Post Production , Comic Conventions , Marketing
As post production goes into full gear , it would mean that the movie has 2008 as their post. prod year. This is great since it would mean that everything can go along as planned without being rushed. It also helps greatly because as shots are delivered , you can assemble them and release them with new trailers. Of course, The Dark Knight is THE movie to release you're next trailer . Why :
1 Unlike SR , BB is loved by critics and fans alike. That fanbase has been growing since 2005 and you'll get an immense positive reaction when you release the first big trailer . The buzz keeps growing and growing.
Comic conventions also help , with cast and crew coming there and talking. Earn the respect of the comic fans by being honest about certain decisions and anknowledging that things on SR did go wrong ( such as for example not being action flick or being waay to much like the donner films) but still defend you're decisions in a mature way. What also would help is if you got the comic book writers who had worked on the script on the stage along with cast and director. THis would show to the fans that movie is beingt taken seriously and it has the blessing of these writers.
And release brand new footage , which is available online !
It here that editing plays a big role . IMO keep the audience entertained. DOn't take too much time with scenes that tend to drag. But don't throw in action scenes as soon as the momentum slows down. Don't be like SPiderman 2 where you have a solid opening , really boring mid section and then action packed last half. And also keep an eye on the running time. 2 hrs max !

Set a release date where you know that you won't get any problems. SR was hurt alot with POTC 2 and the world cup.
Events like the World Cup of the European Championships may seem small to the americans , but they are big here. Luckily they won't have the World Cup in 2009 but they will have the European Cup. So at all costs , avoid mid-late summer period .
Instead go for the coveted May release date . Studios will be a bit wary when they hear just how much positive buzz is building. And play release the movie simultaneously in all markets. Not with a month of sometomes two months apart. Piracy kills you're BO .
One of the more interesting aspects here is also that you can't please everyone. There will be some who will diss on the movie ( either for legitimate reason or for really lame reasons). These people can be either just you're ordinary audience member or a very respected person(critic...). What these people do is creating bad Word-Of-Mouth. In this day and age , WOM makes or breakes a movie and by limiting the time of WOM , you can ensure that more people will see Superman.
I mean face it , bad press will be bigger when a movie opens a month after it's US release date right. But if the movie opens on the same day or even earlier then the US release date , you honestly think that bad press has a chance ?

I won't do any major predictions , but i expect at least that the movie opens with a 80 million opening going all the way to at least 300 million domestic and 500-600 million worldwide.
if WB wants bit BO then they need a good story and scenes like this :



we need to see an epic battle between two of the strongest guys in the universe. we need to see superman fighting hes biggest battle for all people on the world. just like neo.

if they want to make a good movie and also a lot of money then they need a good story and of course a fight.
matrix_ghost said:
My version of making the next supes movie a success :

1 Setting a new VFX facility on the WB lot :
If there is one thing that the superman movies need , it's their own VFX studio. Preliminary VFX tests as well as animatics could be done here as well as the bulk , if not all the VFX.
There needs to be a coordination between this facility and the writers of the next movie.
As well as providing technical support and VFX to the studio , it should also be a place where they try and get creative minds to solve the difficult VFX.
ANY VFX can be done the hard way : Just going for pure animation.
But why waste lots of money on these animators , when you can shoot something in real time and get the same quality ?
There are always ways to doing these things. And the VFX studio should look out for such talented people.

2 Writing the script :
With SR now well into the release , iSinger shouldn't wait till Superman has hit 400 million worldwide. He should start working on the script right now and actually look at the criticisms that fanboys and comic book writers have said upon viewing SR. And especially use the comic book writers to work out a good story. It would be great to bring a bunch of comic book writers and just for a month or so brainstorm about various ideas and which comic stories they can take or change slightly to fit within the "now created storyline of SR".
Also they should be thinking about certain restrictions , such as the budget and the time of the movie. IMO , they should be done late 2006 or early 2007 .
And then , one of the most important aspects of all , give the script to all major comic book writers and artists and get their seal of approval. Next come the movie sites siuch as JOBLO , LATINOREVIEW , SHH , CHUD and others where they can also review the script ( without spoiling it of course ;) ) and post their reviews online. This helps to create a huge , huge advantage as people know that they will get a good movie. There's nothing better then advanced hype.

3: Production and Shooting
Now with the script finished and early VFX tests done to see what can be done and what can't be done , they should begin with production working early 2007 and begin shooting from mid 2007 all the way to the end of 2007.
Again give a budget of 200 million MAX. Not higher. At least you know that you can break even on a 200 million budget with cinema income , dvd income , television rights and of coursethe comics and merchandise.
Spend 100 million on the VFX alone and the other on the movie. Salaries such as 10 million to the director , should be kept to a minumum . Instead go for the back-end deals .
Shoot the most difficult scenes first. And i'm not talking about dramatic scenes , but VFX scenes. These things take a long long time to animate and the sooner you start on them , the better.
Once the movie is finished shooting , let the animation department create some cool money shots for the teaser trailer and then release it . This is the advantage of owning you're VFX studio since you can "force" them do deliver certain shots. The end of 2007 or early 2008 is the period when lots of family movies are planning in the cinemas. Since this is the audience that you need ( after all , Superman is for ALL AGES ;) ) , it's the perfect oppurtunity to get their attention.
With advanced buzz of the script being excellent ( see my writing point above) , combined with what you can expect upon viewing the first teaser trailer , then the hype will begin. And the hype will start in 2008 . A full year before release. How great is that !

4 : Post Production , Comic Conventions , Marketing
As post production goes into full gear , it would mean that the movie has 2008 as their post. prod year. This is great since it would mean that everything can go along as planned without being rushed. It also helps greatly because as shots are delivered , you can assemble them and release them with new trailers. Of course, The Dark Knight is THE movie to release you're next trailer . Why :
1 Unlike SR , BB is loved by critics and fans alike. That fanbase has been growing since 2005 and you'll get an immense positive reaction when you release the first big trailer . The buzz keeps growing and growing.
Comic conventions also help , with cast and crew coming there and talking. Earn the respect of the comic fans by being honest about certain decisions and anknowledging that things on SR did go wrong ( such as for example not being action flick or being waay to much like the donner films) but still defend you're decisions in a mature way. What also would help is if you got the comic book writers who had worked on the script on the stage along with cast and director. THis would show to the fans that movie is beingt taken seriously and it has the blessing of these writers.
And release brand new footage , which is available online !
It here that editing plays a big role . IMO keep the audience entertained. DOn't take too much time with scenes that tend to drag. But don't throw in action scenes as soon as the momentum slows down. Don't be like SPiderman 2 where you have a solid opening , really boring mid section and then action packed last half. And also keep an eye on the running time. 2 hrs max !

Set a release date where you know that you won't get any problems. SR was hurt alot with POTC 2 and the world cup.
Events like the World Cup of the European Championships may seem small to the americans , but they are big here. Luckily they won't have the World Cup in 2009 but they will have the European Cup. So at all costs , avoid mid-late summer period .
Instead go for the coveted May release date . Studios will be a bit wary when they hear just how much positive buzz is building. And play release the movie simultaneously in all markets. Not with a month of sometomes two months apart. Piracy kills you're BO .
One of the more interesting aspects here is also that you can't please everyone. There will be some who will diss on the movie ( either for legitimate reason or for really lame reasons). These people can be either just you're ordinary audience member or a very respected person(critic...). What these people do is creating bad Word-Of-Mouth. In this day and age , WOM makes or breakes a movie and by limiting the time of WOM , you can ensure that more people will see Superman.
I mean face it , bad press will be bigger when a movie opens a month after it's US release date right. But if the movie opens on the same day or even earlier then the US release date , you honestly think that bad press has a chance ?

I won't do any major predictions , but i expect at least that the movie opens with a 80 million opening going all the way to at least 300 million domestic and 500-600 million worldwide.

Wow, Awsome:up: .
matrix_ghost said:
My version of making the next supes movie a success :

1 Setting a new VFX facility on the WB lot :
If there is one thing that the superman movies need , it's their own VFX studio. Preliminary VFX tests as well as animatics could be done here as well as the bulk , if not all the VFX.
There needs to be a coordination between this facility and the writers of the next movie.
As well as providing technical support and VFX to the studio , it should also be a place where they try and get creative minds to solve the difficult VFX.
ANY VFX can be done the hard way : Just going for pure animation.
But why waste lots of money on these animators , when you can shoot something in real time and get the same quality ?
There are always ways to doing these things. And the VFX studio should look out for such talented people.

2 Writing the script :
With SR now well into the release , iSinger shouldn't wait till Superman has hit 400 million worldwide. He should start working on the script right now and actually look at the criticisms that fanboys and comic book writers have said upon viewing SR. And especially use the comic book writers to work out a good story. It would be great to bring a bunch of comic book writers and just for a month or so brainstorm about various ideas and which comic stories they can take or change slightly to fit within the "now created storyline of SR".
Also they should be thinking about certain restrictions , such as the budget and the time of the movie. IMO , they should be done late 2006 or early 2007 .
And then , one of the most important aspects of all , give the script to all major comic book writers and artists and get their seal of approval. Next come the movie sites siuch as JOBLO , LATINOREVIEW , SHH , CHUD and others where they can also review the script ( without spoiling it of course ;) ) and post their reviews online. This helps to create a huge , huge advantage as people know that they will get a good movie. There's nothing better then advanced hype.

3: Production and Shooting
Now with the script finished and early VFX tests done to see what can be done and what can't be done , they should begin with production working early 2007 and begin shooting from mid 2007 all the way to the end of 2007.
Again give a budget of 200 million MAX. Not higher. At least you know that you can break even on a 200 million budget with cinema income , dvd income , television rights and of coursethe comics and merchandise.
Spend 100 million on the VFX alone and the other on the movie. Salaries such as 10 million to the director , should be kept to a minumum . Instead go for the back-end deals .
Shoot the most difficult scenes first. And i'm not talking about dramatic scenes , but VFX scenes. These things take a long long time to animate and the sooner you start on them , the better.
Once the movie is finished shooting , let the animation department create some cool money shots for the teaser trailer and then release it . This is the advantage of owning you're VFX studio since you can "force" them do deliver certain shots. The end of 2007 or early 2008 is the period when lots of family movies are planning in the cinemas. Since this is the audience that you need ( after all , Superman is for ALL AGES ;) ) , it's the perfect oppurtunity to get their attention.
With advanced buzz of the script being excellent ( see my writing point above) , combined with what you can expect upon viewing the first teaser trailer , then the hype will begin. And the hype will start in 2008 . A full year before release. How great is that !

4 : Post Production , Comic Conventions , Marketing
As post production goes into full gear , it would mean that the movie has 2008 as their post. prod year. This is great since it would mean that everything can go along as planned without being rushed. It also helps greatly because as shots are delivered , you can assemble them and release them with new trailers. Of course, The Dark Knight is THE movie to release you're next trailer . Why :
1 Unlike SR , BB is loved by critics and fans alike. That fanbase has been growing since 2005 and you'll get an immense positive reaction when you release the first big trailer . The buzz keeps growing and growing.
Comic conventions also help , with cast and crew coming there and talking. Earn the respect of the comic fans by being honest about certain decisions and anknowledging that things on SR did go wrong ( such as for example not being action flick or being waay to much like the donner films) but still defend you're decisions in a mature way. What also would help is if you got the comic book writers who had worked on the script on the stage along with cast and director. THis would show to the fans that movie is beingt taken seriously and it has the blessing of these writers.
And release brand new footage , which is available online !
It here that editing plays a big role . IMO keep the audience entertained. DOn't take too much time with scenes that tend to drag. But don't throw in action scenes as soon as the momentum slows down. Don't be like SPiderman 2 where you have a solid opening , really boring mid section and then action packed last half. And also keep an eye on the running time. 2 hrs max !

Set a release date where you know that you won't get any problems. SR was hurt alot with POTC 2 and the world cup.
Events like the World Cup of the European Championships may seem small to the americans , but they are big here. Luckily they won't have the World Cup in 2009 but they will have the European Cup. So at all costs , avoid mid-late summer period .
Instead go for the coveted May release date . Studios will be a bit wary when they hear just how much positive buzz is building. And play release the movie simultaneously in all markets. Not with a month of sometomes two months apart. Piracy kills you're BO .
One of the more interesting aspects here is also that you can't please everyone. There will be some who will diss on the movie ( either for legitimate reason or for really lame reasons). These people can be either just you're ordinary audience member or a very respected person(critic...). What these people do is creating bad Word-Of-Mouth. In this day and age , WOM makes or breakes a movie and by limiting the time of WOM , you can ensure that more people will see Superman.
I mean face it , bad press will be bigger when a movie opens a month after it's US release date right. But if the movie opens on the same day or even earlier then the US release date , you honestly think that bad press has a chance ?

I won't do any major predictions , but i expect at least that the movie opens with a 80 million opening going all the way to at least 300 million domestic and 500-600 million worldwide.

summer 2009=big dissappointment. no way it would do anything over 250 million let alone 300 million. also do oyu know how much money a new visual effects studio would cost?

im saying it now. superman 2 will be another box office dissappointment if they keep it in summer.
Hey it worked for Matrix Reloaded and Revolutions. Their 100 million dollar VFX budget was also spent on creating their own VFx studio , called ESC FX.
Sadly they aren't there anymore since they lost the VFX contract of SR.
But apart from that , they still delivered some 1600 VFX shots as well as the more difficult virtual human stuff for the matrix movies. So it can be done.

And if Summer doesn't work , winter can do miracles since the more family oriented flicks are also shown during this period.
HOWEVER....given the size and action in a superman movie , they could better do with the summer schedule.

Edit : Care to explain how exactly Summer 2009 is a big disappointment apart from the "long wait " which you brought up.
Why i also think summer of 2009 would be better , is because there's isn't any major competition for now. Nothing. Given the fact that movies like spiderman and POTC and even X-men all are reaching their end of their respective trilogies , i think we can safely assume that unless studios are willing to spend ENORMOUS amounts of cash on their actors ( 20 million deals plus a percentage of the gross) , which i doubt they'll do, there isn't going to be a movie of these franchises any time soon.

Maybe an Transformers sequel or a Fantastic FOur sequel might prove some challenge , but i'll reserve that opinion till i actually see just how these 2 movies perform.
Here's what I would suggest

I would return to the elements that people love about Superman. Superman fighting Lex AND a Superpowered villian or villians, A post crisis Lex i.e the one from Lois and Clark /SV, A tough wisecracking Lois minus the kid and boyfriend, A normal Clark Kent , Fun and adventure . They should go to the comic book source material and use that as a base as opposed to the Donner 78 film . Get some good writers who can incorparate Drama , Action and humor. Bring in Braniac or Metallo as villians .

I'd Keep Routh and Huntington. I'd suggest they bring in a new Lois who has spark and can really have some eletric chemistry with Routh. Maybe Ashley Judd , Rachel McAdams, or Jordana Brewster . For Perry White I'd get Tommy Lee Jones .

I would suggest they release it in the fall or winter as opposed to trying to compete with the Next Pirates or Spiderman film during the summer months . Maybe place it in the Harry Potter slot of November or December.

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