Man of Steel Is Officially PG-13

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Jan 21, 2013
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Hi all,
I came across this Man of Steel news this morning, and thought I’d share it here.

Man of Steel has officially received a PG-13 rating. While not totally uncommon, this rating was handed down thanks to violent language, violence, destruction, and (gasp!) action. In short, the film will be just gritty enough to appease fans...but docile enough to make moms happy.

Warner Brothers really needs to make sure Man of Steel rocks, or rumour has it that a Justice League film will not be debuting anytime soon. I'm not too worried, though, since Zack Synder is at the helm (and backed by Russell Crow, Amy Adams, and Henry Cavill).

If Man of Steel is anything like his former films, it will be a move that you’ll want to see on opening day wearing the most original Superman t-shirt you’ve got (I'm a fan of these**oops, it seems your spam link has been removed and you have been banned for only coming here to spam your stuff...too bad you really didn't want to talk to any of us....bummer** ).

Thoughts on the upcoming film or trailer?
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There's already a Man of Steel section and this is been discussed in the all things Superman thread.
There's already a Man of Steel section and this is been discussed in the all things Superman thread.

Re-read his post...very closely.....
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