I thought Margot looked terrific and was terrific in Donner cut. The Lester cut--esp the orange juice scene, she looks too thin and seems ditzy. (Maybe her meds, who knows.)
But there's no uniformity to her look because the scenes were filmed months apart.
I always thought she looked absolutely the best in the scene where the 3 take over the Planet offices.
As to her performance, it was dead on. Perfect Lois Lane. Kate B. was dull as dishwater. No drive, no spunk. Even when she went after lex (with jason in the car), she could have been taking a walk in the part for all the ambition portrayed.
I sure hope there's a new Lois in the next movie and a better script. Really, when it comes down to it, the script of SR was pretty poor. (I didnt believe most of the dialogue. Like when White is comparing Clark's height, weight etc. to Superman,. You'd think Lois would have said "I used to think Clark was Superman all the time back then."
But it played like this was the first time. And we all KNOW better.
PS Teri was super as Lois until the last year or so. She is my favorite Lois because she physically looks like I always pictured Lois to look. (Until she cut her hair and also, looked too thin.)