Well, I think I'm in total disagreement with everything you said.
Speaking of the ones you mentionned :
Kirsten Dunst's acting is good but the role is "blah". It suits me fine because I think MJ is "blah" in the comicbook as well. Can't say she is entertaining. So I wasn't shocked to discover she was treated the same in the movies.
Katie holmes was good, IMO, youth isn't a factor of good or bad for me, and I think she was good accoding to the lines she had. No prob for me.
And finally (the most important) Lois Lane :
I found M.Kidder caricatural and laughable throughout the the S. movies. Even scary sometimes, this is L.Lane ? Come on . I hated the character for year because I thought of her each time I read Superman (back in the 80es), until I saw Teri Hatcher (who stand for me as the perfect L.Lane).
Kate bosworth ? I think the lines were not good and didn't allow her to shine as I would have liked but her acting was good, and I like her a lot as L.L. . I don't see Lois Lane that way but I'm waiting for the sequel to be sure.
Until then, Teri will be Lois Lane for me.