Marvel = No Free Speech


Dec 3, 2004
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In regards to OMD, Marvel put this up on their messege board.

"Also, for those that want to claim "free speech"... there is absolutely no free speech in the world. The lives of people are given to defend countries across the world and give each country its way of life. So please, no standing on a soapbox claiming "free speech. This is not up for discussion. All threads on this will be deleted."

Just wow.
Have you ever blocked someone on myspace or Facebook? Are you calling them on the fact that they offer that function, because people are squelching free speech every single second when they do that.
If you want to get technical, there's no free speech here either. Look what happens when I try to say ****. See? Is it ******ed? Yes. But and the Hype are not yours. Think of them as someone else's home. If you say something to piss off the homeowner, they've got every right to kick you the **** out. Look, it did it again. ****.
If it makes you feel any better, I would kick you out before you even said anything, like a pre-emptive free speech strike. *******.
You people really need to study Free Speech before you go spouting about it being taken away or whatever.
Well, you can't complain about the IS their site and all. It does, however, show that they can't handle the critique of a huge stinking bomb whenever they dump it on people.
Yes, but it is their right to not be able to handle a huge stinking bomb that they drop on people. ;)
True dat! I wonder if Bendis is doing the deleting? He has plenty of practice at Jinxworld under his belt!
Jinxworld is a weird, weird place. I can only spend a few seconds scimming posts before I have to leave.
Well, you can't complain about the IS their site and all. It does, however, show that they can't handle the critique of a huge stinking bomb whenever they dump it on people.

Except he didn't post the whole message, only the really stupid part. They say they can critique all you want but there's no need to get personal and start with the namecalling. The same thing the mods on here would say if a mod ever bothered coming into the comic book forums.
That's assuming a LOT about the mods here; one, being that they actually know how to moderate; two, being that they would.
That's assuming a LOT about the mods here; one, being that they actually know how to moderate; two, being that they would.

The mods I actually respect would. Which is like 2. Maybe.
Yeah, which is the problem, or not really.
They should make me the mod, I mean, I already get PMs from noobs complaining and asking about ****. My response "What the **** do you want me to do about it?"
Darthphere for mod (so long as I'm exempt from his mod powers).
He'd ban us just 'cause. Then he'd undo the ban and laugh at us, then ban us again.
Only on the Misc. Comics forum, really. I haven't seen him around here in a long time.

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