Men and Abortion


Sep 10, 2003
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Men should have no business whatsoever in the debate on abortion. If there are votes regarding abortion laws, only women should be allowed to vote. That's just what I think. Any thoughts?
Abortion isn't my business, since men cannot give birth.
If a black person is on trial, should the jury be all black??

If a white person is on trial, should the jury be all white??

Of course not...... These "babies" are both "male and female" . They are human. Since this is a "human" issue, men should be involved...especially the father.
Yeah, i'm a guy too. I don't think we should have anything to do with it. Thats like women being allowed to vote on whether or not to make circumcision mandatory. well not really but you know, its just something that really pertains to the one sex.
It's the baby's body that is being violated and destroyed not the woman.
Well then again, No women can give birth to a child ALONE.. I mean, someone needed to stuff her like Thanksgiving day's Turkey
Corinthian&#8482 said:
Well then again, No women can give birth to a child ALONE.. I mean, someone needed to stuff her like Thanksgiving day's Turkey

Well...I would not have put it that way, but you're right.

And as a human being, doesn't that baby have rights too??
celldog said:
It's the baby's body that is being violated and destroyed not the woman.

can you even call it a baby?
celldog said:
Well...I would not have put it that way, but you're right.
Well, how about Filling the Hotbox?
Drilling the Cave?
Spitting the Hole?
Dancing the Forviden dance of "Penetrada"?

He's got everything you and I have. He's just not as developed yet. But guess what??? If "development" is the criteria for being human, then my 6 year old under-developed daugter is not as "human" as my fully developed wife.
Addendum said:
But it doesn't take 2 people to push a fetus out of a woman's c***
No it takes 6, 5 to hold the ***** down and one to catch it
black_dust said:
No it takes 6, 5 to hold the ***** down and one to catch it
...starts humming "Tie your mother down" by Queen
Abaddon said:
can you even call it a baby?

Of course. Does it's location dictate otherwise??? That's just the natural order of things. That's how we get here. That's how you got here.

celldog said:

He's got everything you and I have. He's just not as developed yet. But guess what??? If "development" is the criteria for being human, then my 6 year old under-developed daugter is not as "human" as my fully developed wife.

i'm not disagreeing with you. i'm not saying i'm pro choice either. but it's a fetus until it is born. and abortions are done b4 the 24th week of pregnancy. some tests prove that a baby doesn't feel until around the 28th or 29th week. just thought i'd share that.
Most men usually have abortions by themselves anyways. You can find the babies on their sheets.
celldog said:
Of course. Does it's location dictate otherwise??? That's just the natural order of things. That's how we get here. That's how you got here.

GROSS!! That's ugly! Kill it!!
I just really don't like it when men get all anti-abortion. They have not no idea what it's like for the woman. It should be the woman's choice. Sure the guy plays a part in it, a big part, but he's not the one having the baby.

I think every woman should have the right to have an abortion.
celldog said:
Of course. Does it's location dictate otherwise??? That's just the natural order of things. That's how we get here. That's how you got here.

your mom tried to abort you but she couldn't because Jesus told her not too... then she gave you to your current "parents"

you live in a lie filled with dungeon porn and Doritos:(
celldog said:
These "babies" are both "male and female" . They are human. Since this is a "human" issue, men should be involved...especially the father.

Fantastic post.Since it takes a man and a woman to make a child,a man should have some say on the matter.No matter how small.
JoLiE_MeNdEz said:
i'm not disagreeing with you. i'm not saying i'm pro choice either. but it's a fetus until it is born. and abortions are done b4 the 24th week of pregnancy. some tests prove that a baby doesn't feel until around the 28th or 29th week. just thought i'd share that.
Its 12 weeks in the Uk
E. Bison said:
Most men usually have abortions by themselves anyways. You can find the babies on their sheets.

I have this one sock. It's like this dead baby holocaust inside.

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