THERE'S a novel, helping to register anonymous love for a piece of art?Geo7877 said:Why not go pay for it?
Wilhelm-Scream said:THERE'S a novel, helping to register anonymous love for a piece of art?
Actually, taking steps to encourage artistic creators (and their benefactors) to, keep GOING?
F***ing pirates will eventually ruin the world.
Wilhelm-Scream said:My favorite thing about Heat is that I worked at a theater when it came out and it's 3 hour length meant less sweeping for me.
JTStarkiller said:Seen the movie three times. Easily Mann's best. The coffee shop scene is easily worth the price of admission, but I had heard somewhere that they never met for that scene (that it was shot separately). If this is true, it's still a cool scene, but please tell me the person who told me this is full of it.
maxwell's demon said:the film has two of the most embarassing editing/cross-cutting errors i've ever seen in an "auteur" type film.