Misleading Trailers.

Cyrusbales said:
X-Men 3 is defintely the worst of the lot. When I saw the trailer for X-Men 3, I saw a movie that was epic in scope and looked abundant with strong character moments.

Epic? The film barely left New York.

Strong character moments? Characters were written out sloppily and new characters barely had lines.

It was a huge misdirection.
x-men 3 trailer, the trialer was better then the movie itself....
The Phantom Menace...has there ever been a bigger let down in the history of Cinema...i mean c'mon, Jar Jar, Mitichlorians?!?!?!?!
X-Men 3. I still love the trailer BTW, it's excellent (Hell, Cyclops, Colossus and Rogue are in it more than the actual movie):D.

It's disallusioning really. It made you think the dialogue was going to rival a James Cameron film, it was worse than Mortal Kombat dialogue. It made you think it was going to be epic battle after epic battle, it managed to be 93 minutes of fast paced disjointed scenes.

Worst of all it made you think it would correct the problems with Singer's X-verse...it only worsened them.
X3 has two of the most misleading trailers ever. It makes the movie come off as an epic with awesome performances and deliverys, characters stepping up and becoming new things, all the while having good action sequences.

All we got? A fun popcorn flick with good action sequences.
SpeedballLives said:
I remember that scene right at the end. When Ivy arrives and the music begins. It didn't have a bad ending, but it was very predictable, which is probably why people don't like it.

I think people don't like it because it's not what people expected. People expected a horror movie. It's not a horror. It has suspense, but it really can't be called a suspense either.

I love the Village. I think romance would more accurately describe The Village. The whole film's appeal for me is the love between Ivy and Lucious. Great characters. The film has a quiet charm to it.
I'd have to say Superman returns, it seemed like it captured the genuine feeling of Donner's but I was disappointed.
ShadowBoxing said:
X-Men 3. I still love the trailer BTW, it's excellent (Hell, Cyclops, Colossus and Rogue are in it more than the actual movie):D.

It's disallusioning really. It made you think the dialogue was going to rival a James Cameron film, it was worse than Mortal Kombat dialogue. It made you think it was going to be epic battle after epic battle, it managed to be 93 minutes of fast paced disjointed scenes.

Worst of all it made you think it would correct the problems with Singer's X-verse...it only worsened them.

You are completely 100% correct. 93 minutes of fast paced disjointed scenes describes X-Men 3 very well. I was hoping for an action epic, just like yourself. I thought to myself, for the longest time I thought "this movie is finally gonna do what Singer didn't, it's gonna rip loose and not hold back!". Now I wish Singer didn't do SR so he could have done X3.
The Village. I expected a war...a fight between monsters and people. Noooooooooo...got a alright movie...slow paced movie...but not the movie that was advertised.
Movies sometimes do this.They dont normally do,but when the story is questionable..things can be exagerated or edited slightly.Example?Superman Returns..
The trailers for Hulk were INCREDIBLY misleading.

Most trailers for Hulk featured pulse pounding rock music, smart quips from Bruce Banner, and destruction from the Hulk. This would all lead a person to thinking Hulk was a fast paced action movie.

The movie was actually slow paced, had NO rock music in the entire thing, hardly any "smart quips" from Bruce Banner.

I think when trailers are THAT misleading, it harms the film. People go to see it expecting one thing, and it turns out to be another. I think that's were about half of the hatred for the Hulk movie stems from.

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