Superman Returns More on the Score (new Article)

damn, I all thought for sure I had something new to share. I feel like I've let the rest of the newbs down with my inadaquacy haha. Thanks for pointing that out, dude.
Zakk Sabbath said:
damn, I all thought for sure I had something new to share. I feel like I've let the rest of the newbs down with my inadaquacy haha. Thanks for pointing that out, dude.

No worries, I do it frequently..
I just wanted to tell you good luck, and we're all counting on you.
Zakk Sabbath said:
damn, I all thought for sure I had something new to share. I feel like I've let the rest of the newbs down with my inadaquacy haha. Thanks for pointing that out, dude.
you were not late. this news is still very fresh.
Don't punish yourself for your feelings of excitement. Only learn to control it.
If I can harness this excitement, and use it for good, and not evil-- then we're getting somewhere
It is an affliction common to all, even here on SHH. Our excitement could have been abated but for the vanity of some who considered us negligible.

Were it not for this very moment... we could be watching the trailer.
SolidSnakeMGS said:
It is an affliction common to all, even here on SHH. Our excitement could have been abated but for the vanity of some who considered us negligible.

Were it not for this very moment... we could be watching the trailer.
:D Great STM plug!
im worried about ¨a major scene was cut out of the theatrical version¨

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