strength - I don't think the movie has shown peter is ridiculously strong the only two times I can think of is when he holds the tram (SM1) he stops the train (SM2) and rips up the drain grill (SM3) would have been nice to see him lift a car or some thing
> 3
spider sense - nicely done in the first one, where they show all the threats in the school corridor (fly/spit ball/flash's fist) after that it was done with just a sound effort and in 3 it seemed to be ignored all together
> 5
wall crawing - no complaints they've done this quite well
> 10
web swinging - best comic to movie transfer imho. perfect. the end sequence at the end of SM1 was simply jaw dropping
speed - nicely down in spidey 1, where they show flash and the pumpkin bombs moving in slow motion but spidey moving at normal speed
agility - brilliantly shown in SM3 in the crane sequence and also when spidey creates the cage to capture venom, awesome
> 7
wise cracks - poorly handled. you can argue it would break up the flow of action but it still a big aspect of spidey's personality they seem to disregard. wise cracks against bone saw and then after that you get one line (if you're lucky) againts all the other villans
> 3
Peter Parker - love his portrail in the movies, the fact he's broke and has loads of problems, his role at the bugle my only problem is they have actually shown his genius apart from some nerdish talk. good not perfect
> 9
MJW - bears little relation to the comic character
> 5
Supporting cast - brilliant. aunt may - dead on, JJJ - dead on, harry has changes but the essense of the comic is there
villans - bears little relation to the comics characters but in some cases (doc ock) they were improved from their comic version
> 5