Gay Marriage?
Illegal Immigration?
Health Care?
GoldenAgeHero said:
am i the only who does'nt care for gay marriage.
Let's see....
Illegal immigration.....can take work away from legal citizens, raise terrorism risk, raise taxes, reduce amount and quality of government care, overburden our resources....
Budget.......affects taxes, affects basic everyday products pricing, affects the ability of the government to provide support in many areas.....
Terrorism........can kill me and my family, can cause disruption of everyday services and convieniences, can affect relationships between countries of the world, affects my everyday civil liberties and rights..... causing the death and mutilation of thousands of young Americans, is causing the death and mutulations of thousands of Iraqi citizens, is causing a rise is hatred toward America around the world, is contributing to the increase in terrorist groups around the world, contibuting the escalating world tensions......
Unemployment.....can directly affect my family and friends quality of life, affects crime rates accross the country, changes the priorties of government assistence abilities, can affect the economy of the world.....
Healthcare......affects everyone's quality of life, affects taxes, affects people's paycheck amounts, affects what government assistance money is spent on, is the difference between life and death for millions.....
......and you are more worried that a couple of guys may say "I do" and live together in the same house for the rest of their lives?