I've always had a hard time dealing with mortality, whether it be my own, or that of loved ones like my mother or father.
It's a tough thing to deal with, but like my brother and my father have recently been telling me - it's not about when you go, it's about what you do with the time that you do have.
Something my brother told me - if he were to die tomorrow, his 2 sons know that he loves them. His wife knows that he loves her. I know that he loves me. That's the stuff that's important, because that's the stuff that is going to stick around after he's gone. Or like my dad told me today, in regards to my grandmother who passed away in 2007 - the values that she lived by still live to this day in him, and his 2 brothers, and have been passed on to myself, my brother, and my cousins, and my brother is passing on to my 2 nephews. For that, she may be gone physically, but what she stood for and what was really important will never die.
Personally, I fully intend to pass on the legacy of my grandmother to my own children. When I have children, I want them to know where they came from, and the family bloodlines that they come from. Sure, in the grand scheme of things, my family line is irrelevant. There's no world history or anything in my family tree. But within our own family, there is something truly special there, something truly worth carrying on, and passing down to future generations.
Mortality is something that is truly hard for me to come to grips with, but for my life to have never existed, for my loved ones to have never existed, for my memories to have never existed, that would be worse. At least with mortality, even if it is for a limited time, I still have a chance to enjoy these blessings. I still enjoy the love of my mother and father, and the relationships that I share with them, the relationships I share with my brother, my sister in law, my friends, my aunts and uncles, my grandparents.
My grandmother may be gone, but she will forever be remembered and cherished in my mind and heart. I will always value the time I did have with her.