When do you think it will be released
Yeah, I hope they keep it "secret" so it doesn't ruin the surprise in the movie. On a side note has anyone seen the Scarecrow figure? It looks amazing. The sculpt is real sweet.
No, do you have a link?
This is just freaking awsome, the movie masters Scarecrow:
This picture was posted in a thread under the Spoilers forum, to be exact, The Dark Knight Merchandise page 308...
I hope it works for you CaptainStacy...
At this point from what I understand, all the Movie Masters are still on recall. It wouldn't make sense for Mattel to release the Two Face figure while this **** is going on. I expect to see them re-released within the next month though. Does anyone know why they were re-called in the first place?
I know this might be a dumb question and sort of unrelated, but what stores can you "try" to buy these movie master figures or can you only get them online?
Mattel totally failed with this series while the ****ty basic figures continue to infect the pegs. I'm very disappointed with how the release of this series was handled.
Do you have a link to substantiate a Joker recall? According to posts on here, no such recall notice was issued on the Mattel website and when asked none of the stores that carried them said they were recalled nor could they offer a reason why they were pulled. If one figure is recalled, they aren't going to pull the entire line.