MovieFlash:How can it be Unique from the Tv show?

I don't remember, didn't Sin City do that to nigh on perfection too?

Sin City isn't a super hero story though, and it's a gloss on the self narrated "hard boiled" stories of certain types of literary fiction and film noir.
Sin City isn't a super hero story though, and it's a gloss on the self narrated "hard boiled" stories of certain types of literary fiction and film noir.

Yeah, I see it as a film noir on steroids. To the extent that it is almost a parody of the genre.
In my defence, the original query was regarding "CBMs". Sin City is a CBM.
How can the movie be excellent and yet be drastically different from the tv flash?How can it avoid feeling like a Rehash?Post your ideas and thoughts
Have him be a solo hero, like he is in the New 52.
I worry about the Flash movie, the TV series is fantastic and I think people are in love with that version. Why would they pay to see someone else play the same part when they're getting the guy they love doing it on TV for free?

That's my big question why pay for something you can get for free on TV?

Also I wonder villain wise what they will do, I don't see anyone topping Tom Cavanagh as Reverse Flash either. Quite possibly my favourite live action comic book villain alongside Stamp's General Zod, Ledger's Joker and Manu Bennett's Slade Wilson (Deathstroke).
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Main reason would be budget
For now at least Tv can't quite replicate big budget special effects, with Game of Thrones really pushing that boundary. Just look at this

Flash Grodd

Vs Dawn of the Planet of the Apes


Just two episodes ago the creators of the flash TV show said that a king shark of this quality would not be sustainable for an entire episode

One of the big draws for movies like Interstellar, Gravity, and Avatar where the claims that it was "theater experience"

Also while I like think the cast is pretty likable in there respective roles, you could also get bigger name actors that could fill them out, and also be a big draw to the GA.
I worry about the Flash movie, the TV series is fantastic and I think people are in love with that version. Why would they pay to see someone else play the same part when they're getting the guy they love doing it on TV for free?

That's my big question why pay for something you can get for free on TV?

Also I wonder villain wise what they will do, I don't see anyone topping Tom Cavanagh as Reverse Flash either. Quite possibly my favourite live action comic book villain alongside Stamp's General Zod, Ledger's Joker and Manu Bennett's Slade Wilson (Deathstroke).

Well along with the theater experience as someone already said, not everybody watches the Flash tv show so the movie will be their intro. And the Flash on film will be introduced in JL Part One, so there's the intrigue in how his story connects in the DCEU.

They could play Reverse Flash differently than he's been in the show. Instead of him being a mentor to Barry, he could be full on villain start to finish.
I worry about the Flash movie, the TV series is fantastic and I think people are in love with that version. Why would they pay to see someone else play the same part when they're getting the guy they love doing it on TV for free?

They did it for Superman Returns when Smallville was on the air.

I think you guys are overthinking this. If the movie looks good, people will see it.

That's my big question why pay for something you can get for free on TV?

Because movies and television are two different mediums that offer different experiences. The movie could do things the television series couldn't or wouldn't do.

Also I wonder villain wise what they will do, I don't see anyone topping Tom Cavanagh Jack Nicholson as Reverse Flash Joker either.

Is that so? :cwink:
They did it for Superman Returns when Smallville was on the air.

I think you guys are overthinking this. If the movie looks good, people will see it.

Because movies and television are two different mediums that offer different experiences. The movie could do things the television series couldn't or wouldn't do.

Is that so? :cwink:

Smallville was a prequel though and it only got kept on because Singer said they didn't have to cancel it. Only reason Gotham is still on alongside BvS is because it's a pre Batman show.

Fair points on the final two. I still think it's a risky move.
Originally Posted by BH/HHH View Post
I worry about the Flash movie, the TV series is fantastic and I think people are in love with that version. Why would they pay to see someone else play the same part when they're getting the guy they love doing it on TV for free?

They did it for Superman Returns when Smallville was on the air.

I think you guys are overthinking this. If the movie looks good, people will see it.

I have to agree with the former comment.. I mean didn't SR underperform in the BO? Plus the Flash isn't Superman. While you're quite correct that not everyone is watching the TV show, Millions are and by 2018 the ratings may be even higher so, DC can do what they want but I agree its risky... I'm primarily a Marvel guy anyway so what can I really add??
I have to agree with the former comment.. I mean didn't SR underperform in the BO? Plus the Flash isn't Superman. While you're quite correct that not everyone is watching the TV show, Millions are and by 2018 the ratings may be even higher so, DC can do what they want but I agree its risky... I'm primarily a Marvel guy anyway so what can I really add??

Also, the fact is that like 4m people a week watch Flash vs 15 million or so that watch ****** procedural shows like NCIS. So it's not like that many people are watching the show.

Plus, if the DCCU is actually successful than that will draw people to watch the connected movies. Just like with Marvel. Are people really going to watch Antman for Antman, or are they going to see the next Marvel film?

The Flash is my favourite comic book character, but the show does a lot of things I don't like, and I'm eagerly awaiting for a more polished version of the Flash.
Just two episodes ago the creators of the flash TV show said that a king shark of this quality would not be sustainable for an entire episode


Well I think the latest episode, King Shark, proved that wrong. He featured even more than Gorilla Grodd did.
Crazy idea but they could give the Justice League movie a more global film by setting central city in Europe? After all, that's where the large hadron collider is and that has played such a huge role in the tv series.

Ezra can easily do a British accent
Crazy idea but they could give the Justice League movie a more global film by setting central city in Europe? After all, that's where the large hadron collider is and that has played such a huge role in the tv series.

Ezra can easily do a British accent

I think you might be forgetting that Barry has already appeared in the DCEU speaking in his natural American accent.

But I'm all for setting Central City in another country (China would be my pick). Same goes for Coast City.
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It's already pretty different from TV Flash...
-Blue lightning
-Technology nerd
-Awkward/antisocial and is trying to make friends
-Sense of humor/uses comedy to hide his pain
-Doesn't need a team to take on villains
-Wears the labcoat
-Crafted his own suit from scratch
-The suit is very different from the leather one used in CW
-Part of an actual JL
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I think you might be forgetting that Barry has already appeared in the DCEU speaking in his natural American accent.

But I'm all for setting Central City in another country (China would be my pick). Same goes for Coast City.

Oh boo I had forgotten about that.

Still, China would definitely be interesting. Obviously they would need to recast the lead though (and they won't do that at this stage). Plus I like Ezra.
It's already pretty different from TV Flash...
-Technology nerd
-Awkward/antisocial and is trying to make friends
-Sense of humor/uses comedy to hide his pain
-Crafted his own suit from scratch
So, he is.....Spider-Man?!?!
I worry about the Flash movie, the TV series is fantastic and I think people are in love with that version. Why would they pay to see someone else play the same part when they're getting the guy they love doing it on TV for free?

That's my big question why pay for something you can get for free on TV?

Also I wonder villain wise what they will do, I don't see anyone topping Tom Cavanagh as Reverse Flash either. Quite possibly my favourite live action comic book villain alongside Stamp's General Zod, Ledger's Joker and Manu Bennett's Slade Wilson (Deathstroke).

Better effects, better actors (for the most part), better writing.
Isildur´s Heir;34758063 said:
So, he is.....Spider-Man?!?!
Pretty much.

The show also essentially started out as a live-action Spidey show.
Pretty much.

The show also essentially started out as a live-action Spidey show.
I still haven't watch the tv show, but what i quoted was parts of UltimateMarvel's comment about the movie Flash.

By that logic, the movie Flash seems to be Spider-Man
Isildur´s Heir;34763615 said:
I still haven't watch the tv show, but what i quoted was parts of UltimateMarvel's comment about the movie Flash.

By that logic, the movie Flash seems to be Spider-Man

What if I told you the Flash has been DC's Spider-Man for a while now?
What if I told you the Flash has been DC's Spider-Man for a while now?
Honestly, i haven't read comics in almost a decade....sad, but true.
So, i have nothing to say.

Even so, i've been trying to catch up with the comic book universes seems that all hell broke lose.
Marvel seems to be a giant mess, and DC...i've read the same; that both universes are falling apart at the seams.

You tell me if that is true or not....
Isildur´s Heir;34763661 said:
Honestly, i haven't read comics in almost a decade....sad, but true.
So, i have nothing to say.
I'm no expert since I read whatever whenever.
Just judging based on all I've seen from the adaptations.

Even so, i've been trying to catch up with the comic book universes seems that all hell broke lose.
Marvel seems to be a giant mess, and DC...i've read the same; that both universes are falling apart at the seams.

You tell me if that is true or not....
Might be due to more frequent universe-impacting events and changes for the sake of headlining. Those comic sales must be plummeting.

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