Movies that are like french cheese.


Fountainhead of culture.
Jul 9, 2004
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So what classic movies would you guys say have aged particularly well over the years?

It seems like people will always mention all of those instances of antoquated sci-fi or unintentional campiness, but what movies, despite their original release date, still hold up for today's modern and 3D-addled audiences?
Maybe not old enough, but The Godfather (also Part II) have a timeless quality to them. They've aged very, VERY well.
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French cheese?

How pretentious. :o
Well, most civilized people prefer not to let cheese sit out until mold appears and then eat it.

The French disagree.
Wine would have been more appropriate, as an analogy.
Take it from a French.
How old are we going for here? Because I'd say Silence of The Lambs holds up just fine 22 years on.
I have Wizard of Oz on blu ray. It is still one o the best looking movies ever. The movie is still amazing in every other way, as well, but I would honestly say that the only movie that has impressed me more, visually, than a high def Wizard of Oz is when I saw Avatar for the first time, which was in 3d at a true IMAX theater.
Wine would have been more appropriate, as an analogy.
Take it from a French.
Actually, I was going to do that, but I already had a thread titled "fine like wine" so I opted to go a different route.
I would honestly say that another one is Wayne's World. Yes, it is VERY dated, but that's the charm. It's like this perfect, hilarious early 90s time capsule.
Jurrasic Park, 2001, Alien and Aliens all held up fantastically in terms of visuals. A lot of other films that had good practical effects instead of an overabundance of CG (or crappy practical effects, obviously) still look good too.
I disasgree on Alien. That looks VERY dated now.

I'd say Star Wars has held up better than any other sci-fi movie...for the most part, it still looks like it could have been made just a few years ago.
I disasgree on Alien. That looks VERY dated now.

I'd say Star Wars has held up better than any other sci-fi movie...for the most part, it still looks like it could have been made just a few years ago.

What about Aliens? That definitely still looks great to me.
Blade Runner. In today's CGI-addled world, those old-school miniature and practical effects look better than ever, imo. Especially on a big screen, which I finally got to see it on recently. The world in that movie honestly looked more real to me than that of the Total Recall remake from just a few months ago, lol.

I also agree with Jurassic Park.
Casablanca (Absolute Classic)
Blade Runner
Jurassic Park
Terminator 2
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Blade Runner still holds up incredibly for me in just about every area of filmmaking.
Blade Runner
The Shining
A Clockwork Orange
2001: A Space Odyssey
The Silence of the Lambs
The Original Star Wars Trilogy
Alien and Terminator 2 hold up. You could convince someone T2 was made in the 00's.

It grew lots of mold.....and that mold was ****ing delicious.

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