Alright, it's time for my second thread. Let's hope that the feedback is more receptive. So, after a little forum reading, I realized that the biggest complaint among fans is that the movie and comics timelines don't agree. Now, one possible way around this is to say that Professor Xavier erased the memories of Angel, Iceman, and the rest of the X-Men, thus explaining the previous events. As a bonus, this could also allow the story to explore Xavier's dark side, as this memory-wiping would serve some purpose- to be explained by the film. Alternatively, the discrepancy could be explained as the work of a villainous memory-wiper or time manipulator. The way that I see it is that we don't have very many options on the matter. What is an easier "pill to swallow": dealing with the mangled continuity, or accepting something that- admittedly- requires a great deal of suspension of disbelief?