For the kind attention of Mr Chris Nolan
C/C : Mr. Michael Thau
Mr. Barry Meyer
Mr. Alan Horn
Mr. Jim Cardwell
Dear Mr. Nolan,
I hope you will read this letter of mine to understand and feel what your fans are really expecting from this Dark Knight: this would be the real vision of the sequel, not like Burtons Batman Returns. Probably this would be the last chance to create a True sequel of the masterpiece youve give us! and its all in your hands, and Mr. Thaus and Warners too, of course. But the reason why I am writing you this letter is that I, and lots of people with me, cant imagine better hands then yours to make this dream come true. And I would like to catch this opportunity to ask you to make this version as closest as possible to my requests. I would also like to call your attention on important points but I think it should be possible for you to keep what you started with Batman Begins and with CGI help and Warners effort create your vision, your new masterpiece, the movie we all are expecting.
I would love if you could take out Katie Holmes please. She was not serious nor convincing in her role.
Please never all comedy aspects like we saw for silly films like Batman Forever and Batman and Robin.
I trust you, and I know youll find another solution for the Batman to learn the truth about his parents killer.
Perhaps re-dubbing one dialogue line from Batman 89 with Michael Keaton...(please cut this scene in a faster way to reflect young Jack Napier, wheres possible, of course).
I would also suggest to avoid all the worst and nonsense new supervillains, seen in the Batman and Robin, like:
Mr Freeze, Poison Ivy not to mention silly things like Ridddler; Nothing more.
It should be wonderful, if you can create the climax scene, about the Joker and other villains going around the Gotham City (to rule it), and destroying key monuments; it would be very simple to create this scene today, with CGI help and of course guidance from Mr Thau of Lethal Weapon and Superman 2 experiences.
Mr Heath Ledger could loop the lines of this scene, or perhaps, it could be possible to take Jack Nicholson lines and shots from the Batman 89 battle, and use CGI to reproduce key monuments and villains CGI doubles, to put together this scene.
This is an important scene to understand the drama of the movie that you must to give us. The story scale comes up only in this way. Please Mr Thau create this scene, please... the vision of this movie should bigger and larger than in Batman Begins scenes.
These villains rule the entire Gotham City, not only small crime zone...and, in my opinion, its very important to let this concept comes out.
I can only imagine the strong contrast of seen Bruce Wayne and Rachels love moments alternated with villains destroying monuments around the Gotham City, and when well finally come to the Joker vs Batman battle we will truly see the drama, as you planned.
I would also suggest never use Robin in this film or every other sequel, it doesnt make sense. And Im sure you share my thought.
It should be better letting Batman keep working alone. Personally I like the idea of this, and Robins not a fitting character for inclusion in your version.
Please, give us in your original start of the movie, use the original concept of creating Joker from Jack Napier and not Chill from the first movie, use Mr. Ledgers scenes, Batman parents killed by Joker and we will love your fine work.
I hope you will be cut of this movie joining Mr Thau.
I hope and pray Warner to convince Mr Elfman to come back and re-score the movie.
Its very important that Warner think about this project in terms of creating the great vision of the movie to dispose to new generations a masterpiece; because Batman Begins, wasnt only a movie or a blockbuster, but it was and it is today even more, a worldwide culture phenomenon. So I hope Warner will give us now, with this project, the second part of the masterpiece Batman Dark Knight!
Please, this is the last chance, to do it. Im sure if Warner let you do this, they will be re-paid of all costs and efforts, Im truly convinced about it.
I trust you! You can bring our dream comes true. Please listen to your fans voices!
Im writing you to let you know that Italian fans are with you, like all your fans around the world.
Thanks for your great work on Batman movie and The Prestige, your sensibility and your talent, that make me dreaming.
Please do it overall for movie history.
C/C : Mr. Michael Thau
Mr. Barry Meyer
Mr. Alan Horn
Mr. Jim Cardwell
Dear Mr. Nolan,
I hope you will read this letter of mine to understand and feel what your fans are really expecting from this Dark Knight: this would be the real vision of the sequel, not like Burtons Batman Returns. Probably this would be the last chance to create a True sequel of the masterpiece youve give us! and its all in your hands, and Mr. Thaus and Warners too, of course. But the reason why I am writing you this letter is that I, and lots of people with me, cant imagine better hands then yours to make this dream come true. And I would like to catch this opportunity to ask you to make this version as closest as possible to my requests. I would also like to call your attention on important points but I think it should be possible for you to keep what you started with Batman Begins and with CGI help and Warners effort create your vision, your new masterpiece, the movie we all are expecting.
I would love if you could take out Katie Holmes please. She was not serious nor convincing in her role.
Please never all comedy aspects like we saw for silly films like Batman Forever and Batman and Robin.
I trust you, and I know youll find another solution for the Batman to learn the truth about his parents killer.
Perhaps re-dubbing one dialogue line from Batman 89 with Michael Keaton...(please cut this scene in a faster way to reflect young Jack Napier, wheres possible, of course).
I would also suggest to avoid all the worst and nonsense new supervillains, seen in the Batman and Robin, like:
Mr Freeze, Poison Ivy not to mention silly things like Ridddler; Nothing more.
It should be wonderful, if you can create the climax scene, about the Joker and other villains going around the Gotham City (to rule it), and destroying key monuments; it would be very simple to create this scene today, with CGI help and of course guidance from Mr Thau of Lethal Weapon and Superman 2 experiences.
Mr Heath Ledger could loop the lines of this scene, or perhaps, it could be possible to take Jack Nicholson lines and shots from the Batman 89 battle, and use CGI to reproduce key monuments and villains CGI doubles, to put together this scene.
This is an important scene to understand the drama of the movie that you must to give us. The story scale comes up only in this way. Please Mr Thau create this scene, please... the vision of this movie should bigger and larger than in Batman Begins scenes.
These villains rule the entire Gotham City, not only small crime zone...and, in my opinion, its very important to let this concept comes out.
I can only imagine the strong contrast of seen Bruce Wayne and Rachels love moments alternated with villains destroying monuments around the Gotham City, and when well finally come to the Joker vs Batman battle we will truly see the drama, as you planned.
I would also suggest never use Robin in this film or every other sequel, it doesnt make sense. And Im sure you share my thought.
It should be better letting Batman keep working alone. Personally I like the idea of this, and Robins not a fitting character for inclusion in your version.
Please, give us in your original start of the movie, use the original concept of creating Joker from Jack Napier and not Chill from the first movie, use Mr. Ledgers scenes, Batman parents killed by Joker and we will love your fine work.
I hope you will be cut of this movie joining Mr Thau.
I hope and pray Warner to convince Mr Elfman to come back and re-score the movie.
Its very important that Warner think about this project in terms of creating the great vision of the movie to dispose to new generations a masterpiece; because Batman Begins, wasnt only a movie or a blockbuster, but it was and it is today even more, a worldwide culture phenomenon. So I hope Warner will give us now, with this project, the second part of the masterpiece Batman Dark Knight!
Please, this is the last chance, to do it. Im sure if Warner let you do this, they will be re-paid of all costs and efforts, Im truly convinced about it.
I trust you! You can bring our dream comes true. Please listen to your fans voices!
Im writing you to let you know that Italian fans are with you, like all your fans around the world.
Thanks for your great work on Batman movie and The Prestige, your sensibility and your talent, that make me dreaming.
Please do it overall for movie history.