My phone's autocorrect is acting up


I got nothin'
Jul 2, 2003
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I have an HTC Sensation, and for the last day or so, the autocorrect feature has been choosing bizarre, nonexistent words whenever I type a common one.

For example, I just tried to type the word "phone," and it corrected it to "phonecrastinate.". Oh, and "dog" is actually spelled "digo" apparently.

In addition, every time I correct it to the right word, the autocorrect claims that it is misspelled.

I took the battery out and rebooted the phone to see if that would work, and it didn't. Any suggestions? I text more than I talk, and this is pissing me off.
Your autocorrect sounds hilarious. Phonecrastinate is one of the greatest things I've ever heard.
Under the Z key, do you see EN (English)? Go to your settings->Language & Keyboard-> Touch Input. Make sure to check the Bilingual Prediction. It should just be set to English only. There are other settings to mess around with in Touch Input as well. Just go through and make sure everything looks right. Hope this helps.
Your autocorrect sounds hilarious. Phonecrastinate is one of the greatest things I've ever heard.
Actually, I think phonecrastinate is a real word. It's used to describe putting off everything else to play on your phone.

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