semi-Worrying last text

Odin's Lapdog

Jun 17, 2003
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about three weeks ago a friend of mine was supposed to come and spend the weekend with me

he arranged it with me on a thursday and said he would be spending some time in Derby with an uncle or so first of all and he would then come and spend a couple of nights wih me in sheffield.


I spoke to him on the saturday morning to find out exactly when on the sunday he would be coming to see me, he said he'd let me know

so sunday come and he never showed up, no big deal, people's plans change all the time

but then i heard no word of him since.

i'm a lazy person and my hearts not really with anyone so i'm not worried about his health as such or whether he might have been mauled to death by a badger while at a service station. so taking this into consideration, i'm not the type to call and ask about him.

so there's still no word up till last week and i send him a test asking him

'So dude, are you dead or what?'

and alas still no word.

so now i'm wondering if he is indeed dead, how can i get to his phone and erase his last text he's received from me so i don't look like an arse if he's in the morgue and his parents pick up his belongings?

(true this whole dillemma could be solved by a simple phone call but i'm just too lazy)

Odin's Lapdog said:
this whole dillemma could be solved by a simple phone call but i'm just too lazy

You're hopeless.
(true this whole dillemma could be solved by a simple phone call but i'm just too lazy)

Well you just answered you question right there. Close Thread.
Just call, i send texts like that as well then think "Eeek what if he is dead!"
Well he already sounded distant, so I think you might be jumping to there is absolutely no way to erase the message save from breaking into his house and erasing it from the machine. If it was through voicemail you could have put on receipt to say they received their message in that case.
Just call him and make sure he's okay, you wanker. Friends look out for each other, so be a friend.

Odin's Lapdog said:
about three weeks ago a friend of mine was supposed to come and spend the weekend with me

he arranged it with me on a thursday and said he would be spending some time in Derby with an uncle or so first of all and he would then come and spend a couple of nights wih me in sheffield.


I spoke to him on the saturday morning to find out exactly when on the sunday he would be coming to see me, he said he'd let me know

so sunday come and he never showed up, no big deal, people's plans change all the time

but then i heard no word of him since.

i'm a lazy person and my hearts not really with anyone so i'm not worried about his health as such or whether he might have been mauled to death by a badger while at a service station. so taking this into consideration, i'm not the type to call and ask about him.

so there's still no word up till last week and i send him a test asking him

'So dude, are you dead or what?'

and alas still no word.

so now i'm wondering if he is indeed dead, how can i get to his phone and erase his last text he's received from me so i don't look like an arse if he's in the morgue and his parents pick up his belongings?

(true this whole dillemma could be solved by a simple phone call but i'm just too lazy)


huskerwebhead said:
(true this whole dillemma could be solved by a simple phone call but i'm just too lazy)

Well you just answered you question right there. Close Thread.
i'm looking for the answer of erasing sensitive information before i get banned from any free food at his funeral.
THWIP* said:

Odin's Lapdog's official new nickname is "George".

black_dust said:
Just call, i send texts like that as well then think "Eeek what if he is dead!"
yeah but if he doesn't answer i'm likely to make the situation worse by adding more 'edgy material' on his answering machine and taht certainly won't help things

what one would hope is that one of our friends would have informed me by now if he had indeed kicked the bucket but it then comes down to how would they get to know the information since none of his friends at uni know us and neither really do his family (or at least know us enough to get into contact with one of us to tell us he's in the cheap pizza hut in hell).

on the internet you always think that if you pass away no one will be any of the wiser but to be fair, it's quite easy to happen int he real world especially with a friend that's going on being 12 years old (not a twelve year old friend, that would be creepy (you know what i mean DAMMIT))

Odin's Lapdog said:
isn't leaving a message on the internet a form of sending a message via text?
you know what I mean
Odin's Lapdog said:
(you know what i mean DAMMIT))


"No, I don't know what you mean."
THWIP* said:

Thank God I wasn't the only one who thought so. Honestly, who thinks "Oh my God, my friend might be dead, and because of that text message, I will look like an *******!"

Odin's Lapdog said:
yeah but if he doesn't answer i'm likely to make the situation worse by adding more 'edgy material' on his answering machine and taht certainly won't help things

what one would hope is that one of our friends would have informed me by now if he had indeed kicked the bucket but it then comes down to how would they get to know the information since none of his friends at uni know us and neither really do his family (or at least know us enough to get into contact with one of us to tell us he's in the cheap pizza hut in hell).

on the internet you always think that if you pass away no one will be any of the wiser but to be fair, it's quite easy to happen int he real world especially with a friend that's going on being 12 years old (not a twelve year old friend, that would be creepy (you know what i mean DAMMIT))


Based on what you've written in this thread, I'm inclined to think he's just avoiding you. :up:

JLBats said:
Thank God I wasn't the only one who thought so. Honestly, who thinks "Oh my God, my friend might be dead, and because of that text message, I will look like an *******!"

dude, we're all gonna bite the dust someday, all i can hope for is to be there at his funeral buffet so all that lovely mauritian food doesn't go to waste...

it's what he would have wanted

but that won't happen if they crack his phone

jaguarr said:
Based on what you've written in this thread, I'm inclined to think he's just avoiding you. :up:


alright i think i may text him again, waht do you think of this one i've managed to fit into a single text

if ur dead & u kno it clap ur hands
if ur dead & u kno it clap ur hands
if ur dead & u kno it & u really wanna show it
if ur dead & u kno it clap ur hands ;->

do you think it might just stir the **** pot?
I think if he really is dead, that would make you a suspect.
I think that your a horrible friend. If I thought my friend in trouble I would do something. Get off your lazy ass and call him!

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